Chapter 403 Ling Bao avatar【seeking subscription】

The soldiers were divided into three groups, dealing with each other, Jiang Ziya secretly sent someone to add Zhang Kui quietly, and Yang Jian brought it back. Ji Chang’s general situation is gone, and now there is only one who is defeated and flees, but at this moment, some people can’t bear it. If Ji Chang dies here, all the layout will be in vain.

Suddenly the sky appeared, and a purple gold Bo Meng Bo Meng shone on the sky. Suddenly, a violent wind rose suddenly. Below Bo Meng, a whirlwind was set off. Even people with Magic Treasures could hardly stand firm for a while.

“Burning the lamp.” Ling Bao stood by, waiting for his appearance.

At the same time, seven rainbows appeared between Ling Bao’s fingertips, and one bet gathered and overturned the purple golden bowl. Everyone immediately became prepared and retreated on both sides.

“Who is it? Can you show up?” There was an echo, except for the dark night.

“Ling Bao.” Ling Bao appeared suddenly, not dodge, but faced each other.

“Lan Deng, tell your master not to fall into other people’s conspiracies.” Ling Bao warned, but didn’t speak directly, it can only be regarded as a hint.

“I wrote down your words.”

Immediately, Burning Lantern flipped backhand and brought Zijin Bo Meng Ze over and fell in the middle of the battle between the two armies, allowing the battlefield to be divided. .

“Uncle Master, will you catch up?” Jiang Ziya asked.

“Randeng has its own plan, and we are not in a hurry at this time, as long as someone brings it back.”

Ling Bao left a sentence, and then chased after him. It was not Ji Chang that he was chasing, but Randeng. This matter can be big or small, and if you don’t understand it, it will be another bloody storm.

Ling Bao, who originally stood in the human position, is naturally impossible to let someone succeed in his calculations, but the situation is getting worse and the degree of deterioration is also extremely tricky. Of course, if it can turn fighting into jade, it will definitely be a better ending.

“Everyone listens to the orders and strengthen their guard.” Jiang Ziya grabbed a lot of supplies at this station. Ji Chang was too late to end, but Jiang Ziya picked up a big deal. Although there were no large casualties in this battle, there were no large casualties. The expected effect has been achieved.

“It’s a pity, let that old guy run away.” Yu Yuan didn’t leave his fear of leaving his grandson, but he could only blame him for choosing the wrong time. He didn’t hold his breath like he was afraid of leaving his grandson.

“Yeah, if it weren’t for the light to get people to intervene, Yun Zhongzi would definitely leave him behind.” Nezha flew back on the wind fire wheel.

“It’s already a big victory, even if it can’t be killed alive, it doesn’t matter.” Jiang Ziya touched his beard, of course only his calculations, and Ling Bao knows why.

At the other end, Ling Bao quickly chased up and stopped in the way of Randeng.

“Don’t leave in such a hurry, I haven’t finished my words yet.”

Ran Deng Daoist found that Ling Bao was not hostile and did not flee again.

“If you have anything, just say it all at once, and I have to return to Master.”

“The two teachings of the colon are in conflict. The people who have already managed to make a living are not living, and the lives are overwhelmed. Now King Zhou is the destiny, why insist on fighting with Heavenly Dao.” Ling Bao understood what he said very clearly. He is a real truth. , Before I said it, even if I said it at this time, it would be of no avail.

Nowadays, the disciples of the two major sects have been plundered one after another. This is not what Ling Bao wants to see. Naturally, he cannot tell Landeng the truth of the Conferred God. After all, this is a secret.

“Master’s order is hard to violate, let alone man will conquer the sky. Now that Master Ling Bao is standing by Dashang’s side, he has nothing to say.” Ran Deng Daoist, did not understand Ling Bao’s words, naturally did not stay with him anymore, after all. This Karma is grudges, and they have to solve it by themselves.

But for the sake of the human race, it can only be blended in to reduce casualties as much as possible.

“Forget it, I believe your master will understand.” Ling Bao shook his head helplessly, turned into a rainbow, and disappeared into the sky.

In Ji Chang’s fiasco this time, Han Dulong was delayed, Yun Zhongzi had no choice, and Shen Gongbao disappeared without a trace. He was even afraid of leaving his grandchildren, and Yu Yuan was seriously injured.

“Who is that person? Why is Daoist so afraid of burning the lantern and fleeing without a fight.” Ji Chang asked puzzledly. Now that the Zen disciples are standing behind Own, it means that Yuanshi Tianzun has long acquiesced.

“You don’t know, that person is Ling Bao Tianzun, who is in line with Sanqing. What we saw today is just a clone of him. However, only one clone has made Ranlan helpless. You said we are Run or fight?”

Yun Zhongzi said in a word, and said that it was the most powerful one. After Ji Chang heard it, he was even more overshadowed, and he couldn’t speak for a while.

“Don’t worry, he is just helping now. His real body is on Insight Avenue. It is not unreasonable to fight against it. It’s just that things happen suddenly, and you have to plan for a long time.” Yun Zhongzi did not give up, but also believed in Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian. The leader did not really come forward, Ling Bao Tianzun’s real body, it is impossible to come from interference.

But it still doesn’t help. If you lose, you lose.

Jiang Ziya was cleaning the battlefield, while Ji Chang was counting the number of people. How many people were available? But at this moment, a star in the sky, one old and one young, appeared above the night sky.

*. Moral Xingzun, why did you come here?” Fearing his grandson raised his head, this person is exactly Han Dulong, his apprentice Moral Xingzun said.

“Hurt my apprentice and lie to me Magic Treasures, Hunyuan Jindou, do you think I should come?” At this time, the morality respected, his nose was already crooked.

“How is it possible? We are fighting in the dark, Jiang Ziya still has manpower deployment, go to your place to make trouble.” Fearing his grandson looked surprised and couldn’t believe it. Could it be Ling Bao who took the shot and snatched his treasure.

“Huh, Yu Yuan, intercept my apprentice halfway, change to my appearance, cheat Hun Yuan’s tendons away, when I learned, it was too late (promise), and this rushed over overnight. “But the morality is still a step too late, otherwise the four people will join forces, and maybe they will really have the power to fight.

Randeng Daoist, moral honor, fear of staying with grandchildren, plus a Yunzhongzi, 4 people teamed up, with the Ding Haizhu in the hands of Randeng Daoist, this power is not the Ling Bao at this stage, and it can be done by oneself. Those who are confronted will definitely suffer from a big loss.

“When I wait for a long-term plan, I will cut off the Yu Yuan, his head, and break his indestructible body, to avenge my disciples and deceive me of Magic Treasures.” Moral Xing Zun said viciously, obviously Is already angry, and has committed a murderous heart.

“Don’t worry, even if we can’t fight, we can still ask other senior brothers for help. Even if Ling Bao comes in person, we still have the master to support us, don’t be afraid of him.” Fear of leaving the grandson, also gritted his teeth. But in this matter, the fear of leaving the grandson was abruptly blended in.

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