Chapter 399 Penglai Fairy Island【seeking subscription】

Han Dulong is holding a blood-changing sword. If he obtains the most precious treasure, this baby does not recognize the owner. The main thing is who is the one who makes the sword? His heart is sinister, and that is a life and charcoal. Although Han Dulong could not be called such a person, he was extremely vengeful. He put away the Qinghong sword and killed him like Nezha.

Nezha, an Innate Magical Item, was superior to him whether it was on the ground or in the use of Magical Item. Soon, Han Dulong was defeated.

“The blood-transforming sword is nothing more than that in your hand. A good baby must have a real master.” Nezha can be said to be such a full force in order to minimize the loss of this battle.

Afterwards, Hot Wheels turned into Jinluan Huofeng, hoping that Han Dulong would fight it. Nezha’s Hot Wheels is known for its speed. Not only is it amazingly powerful, it also has a unique offensive ability. After all, it is the Phoenix of Fire.

Han Dulong, facing the attack on both sides, there was Nezha in the middle, using a deadly rocket gun, nowhere to dodge, in desperation, Hun Yuan Jin Dou was thrown into the air again by him.

“Nezha, you are really good, but you are no match for my baby.

The golden light appeared again, the upside-down bronze cauldron, like a huge mouth in the abyss, sucking the treasures of all things in the world. For a while, except for the chaotic silk on his body, none of the Magical Items on his body were spared, and all were collected 900 in.

Suddenly, Magic Treasures let go, Nezha’s power was reduced a lot, Han Dulong saw the opportunity, immediately jumped, the blood transforming sword slashed at Nezha’s right shoulder.

“Shameless.” Nezha knows how powerful this blood-transforming sword is, and it hurts the soul. If there is no antidote, it will destroy the soul and turn it into dust.

Yang Jian, without a weapon in his hand, could not face Han Dulong face-to-face, but fortunately he had eight or nine profound arts guards, so he just carried it down and brought Nezha back.

At the same time, Jiang Ziya sat down on the sacred beast and rushed out, carrying Yang Piao Nezha and quickly retreating, but unexpectedly, Zhang Kui was captured alive for fear of leaving his grandson in China.

“Brother, why are you opposing us everywhere?” Jiang Ziya, who was late in writing, didn’t give him a good look this time.

However, fearing to stay with their grandchildren, after capturing the two alive, they did not show up again. Instead, they shrank behind and retreated early.

“If you want to save the two of them, exchange the antidote.” Han Dulong won a big victory this time, but his purpose was only to save Senior Brother Own.

I left such a sentence, and received a lot of treasures, and then left quietly. Where to find the antidote? This has become a big problem.

After learning about the causes and consequences, Jiang Ziya understood Han Dulong’s intentions, and also understood the reason why he was afraid of leaving his grandchildren here. Someone must be behind him to help and move him, and Zhang Kui’s appearance made it even more unbearable.

The golden bucket of mixed yuan, the rope tied with immortals, and the two great Divine Armament weapons are placed in front of everyone, and they are undoubtedly an insurmountable gap.

Now that Nezha is seriously injured, Yang Jian and others have lost their weapons again. This time Jiang Ziya has missed the opportunity, but he is also non-stop, but it is a pity that Zhang Kuiyuhua’s life is a disaster.

The two people who were arrested believed that the other party would not dare to do anything with him. After all, this is a condition for exchange later, but Nezha’s situation is not optimistic. It was exactly the same as Xue Ehu before.

“What can I do? I don’t know if my son is still saved?” Li Jing looked at Own’s youngest son, and at this time she didn’t know what to do. She could only watch, but couldn’t solve the pain in front of her.

Jiang Ziya, with a beard in his hand, pinched his fingers and settled, then he turned his eyes and fell on Li Jing’s body.

“There is only one person who can resolve the blood-transforming sword, that is Yu Hua’s master Yu Yuan. It seems that he is going to Penglai Xiandao once. Ask him to come out of the mountain to deal with this fear of leaving his grandchildren.” Jiang Ziya has already had a solution in his mind. And there is already a candidate, this person is himself.

“If things are delayed urgently, I will go over here first. Before I come back (bafa), I’m afraid to keep my grandchildren and come back to make a call. Don’t worry about it, wait until I come back to discuss the long-term plan.”

It is not the best choice to continue to raise troops to fight. What can be done is to avoid fighting, find a way to deal with it, ask Yu Yuan to go down the mountain, and ask him to go down the mountain on the grounds of saving his own apprentice.

Jiang Ziya sat down with a beast, traversing the mountain, not to mention, in just one day, he came to Penglai Fairy Island, but there was no one on the island, and there was no fairy boy. Except for this fairyland-like Penglai, there were no traces of other relatives, except Apart from the hot stove, there seemed to be refining, nothing else.

Jiang Ziya took a closer look, and the raging fire in the pill furnace was exactly the three real fires, but there was a Gold Core inside, as if it had reached the final juncture. However, the owner is not there, and at a critical juncture, if there is a crack in the Gold Core, all previous efforts will be lost.

As a fellow practitioner, although they are not a teacher, they are all the same in the refining of Medicine Pill. Jiang Ziya is even more asking for help, donating and helping to increase his strength.

Jiang Ziya mobilized True Qi all over his body to form a circular container. True Qi transformed into a cover on the periphery of the Gold Core, and the Gold Core inside began to slowly rotate.

Pill refining is about fire. At this time, Yu Yuan is careless. When he comes back, the Gold Core has been broken. By that time, it is not only time, but all wasted, and even the rare Spiritual herbs contained in the world have all changed. Become a waste product.

But it is not always true. If the fortune is good, the Gold Core that is trained will almost have the original three-point effect.

For a time, two forces confronted each other, a pair of invisible hands, and a real fire of shamisen, to reconcile. The sweat of the boss on Jiang Ziya’s forehead was already showing up. It was obviously very laborious, but in the end, both of them were very satisfied.

“Dan Cheng.”

“Not bad, high-grade Gold Core.” There was a sound from behind.

This person is Yu Yuan, and I saw him in a light blue Taoist robe. If you don’t know his age, he is more like a middle-aged man in his forties, with black temples and gleaming eyes.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ziya turned around, and immediately recognized this person.

“It’s just a small bug. At that time, there was no one everywhere. Gold Core has reached a critical period again, and it has taken a shot to maintain it first.” Jiang Ziya explained modestly.

But Yu Yuan didn’t think so. What is the origin of the white-haired old man in front of him? He naturally knew very well, why he came this time, he knew even better. What’s the current situation of own apprentice? As a master, he will naturally leave behind. But now that Yu Hua, the light of life has not gone out, it means that he is not in danger of life at this time, but the candlelight is slightly fluctuating.

That’s it.

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