Chapter 392 Yunzhongzi【Subscribe】

Jiang Ziya was also worried about Zhang Kui’s accidental killing of Tu Xing’s grandson. Although Zhang Kui was only a small guard, he knew that this person’s skills were even as good as Nezha who had just returned from his practice, Yang Jianer people.

Tied immortal rope is one of the killer coppers who are afraid of leaving their grandchildren. The Magical Item of the same level, in terms of the degree of use, there is nothing comparable to it. Jiang Ziya understands better that the unidentified grandson of Tu Xing is dead in vain, as a master. Naturally, I will not stand idly by and ask for an explanation.

Just as the hand was raised and dropped, when the head fell to the ground, something suddenly appeared and knocked down the steel knife.

“A loud bang of gold and iron shook the valley.

I saw that Jiang Ziya brought Yang Jian and others to come to help out. The first was to be like Zhang Kui, and the second was for the grain and grass. The two can be said to be indispensable. Now the war is critical. The consequences are known.

Yang Jian, throwing his hand, Divine Armament sharp blade, hit the steel knife to the ground.

“Jiang Ziya, didn’t you expect you to come fast enough?” I was afraid to stay with my grandson. Seeing Zhang Kui’s helper came, I naturally stopped. Just one person.

“I don’t know why the brother hurt the killer. Fortunately, I rushed in time, or I would die by the knife.” Jiang Ziya touched Li Bai’s beard, understood in his pocket, pretending to be confused.

“To avenge my disciple’s unjust death, that’s all.” Fear Liusun snorted, because he couldn’t do anything with Jiang Ziya. If he tried to kill Jiang Ziya, he could not afford to kill him. He couldn’t bear the blame.

“If there is a cause, there will be an effect, brother, you don’t know it, let alone the black smoke unicorn has been killed by the brother, even if it is over, the black smoke unicorn is a divine beast, it is enough.”

Jiang Ziya also knew that he was wrong, but he was helpless and unreasonable to distinguish three points.

“This person teaches me how to deal with it, so it’s fine. If it doesn’t, don’t blame me for being in the same family.” Fear staying with grandchildren is one of the twelve golden immortals. The Magic Treasures rope in his hand, the person who is bound by him, undoubtedly can Escape, naturally have this self-confidence, but Jiang Ziya and others, inspiring the teacher to move the crowd, fighting with the power of one person, it is definitely a loss.

“Zhang Kui, he is the general of the Yuan Dynasty under the emperor King Zhou. Now that I have committed this mistake, I will tell the king about this matter. I believe I will give my senior brother a fair.” “Jiang Ziya, gave Fear the grandson a step down. I also told him euphemistically that I must take Zhang Kui away today, otherwise we’ll take a look at it by two tricks.

After listening to the fear of leaving his grandson, what he hates is that the roots of his teeth are itchy. He was originally upright, proud and reasonable, but now because of the death of his apprentice, he turned his face. It is indeed that he was afraid of leaving his grandson and did not expect or expect it. .

“Well, since Junior Brother has said so, then I will wait for you to explain.” After saying that, fearing that his grandson received the immortal rope, stepped on the blue clouds, turned into a blue smoke, and left angrily.

But although Zhang Kui was rescued, this person already had the heart to die, and his own mount was killed by his grandson, which can be said to have cut half of Zhang Kui’s wings.

“Yang Jian, you will escort the grain and grass.” Jiang Ziya ordered, but looking at Zhang Kui, who had already made a mistake, he didn’t know where to start.

“Zhang Kui, the pain of flesh and blood is inevitable, even if it’s just a prevarication.” Jiang Ziya sighed secretly, Zhang Kui knew it well. This result is already the best result.

“Zhang Kui understands.


The other Shen Gongbao, who had been watching the excitement, was in the dark, and he saw the matter very thoroughly. Even if you count it, Jiang Ziya would have the opportunity to come and save him.

“It’s really maddening to me. This is to make it clear that I won’t give me Face, and give me such a step, and I can’t think about it.” He was afraid of leaving his grandchildren, cursing and arrogant, and he was in the middle of Shen Gong at this time. The leopard got into his arms and dragged him into the water. The time was just right.

“Did he let him run away? It’s impossible with your Cultivation Base.” Shen Gongbao, seeing him furiously, had a sense of sarcasm, and poured the oil on the fire even more violently.

“Okay, Jiang Ziya, for the sake of an unknown person, he actually “feared to keep his grandchildren, and he was so angry that he couldn’t speak, because he understood that this follow-up will definitely not stop, so he can just make up an excuse for this matter. Even if it is suppressed.

However, Shen Gongbao said: “There are many opportunities behind, and I am not in a hurry at this time. As far as I know, the Da Shang Qi has been exhausted. Even if Dashang’s Jiangshan Motor Transport has been cut in half.”

Wen Zhong, sent troops to the east, divided into one of three groups, prepared to destroy the other lords and kings headed by Dongbo Hou Jiang Huanchu, in order to revive the army, cut off one of the left and right wings of Xibo Hou Jichang, which is a three-pronged approach. Fast speed will quell the war.

However, most of the three generations and four generations of disciples were reduced to cannon fodder, either without progress or to kill Ma Xia. Yun Zhongzi’s apprentice Lei Zhenzi is now trapped in Xiqi. In addition to his eldest son, Dongbo Hou Jiang Huanchu has other He didn’t do much, but when he learned that Wen Zhong had led the army to the east, Yun Zhongzi saw the opportunity and set up the killing formation, preparing to trap him to death.

“What? He actually did it too. I didn’t expect that he also committed a murder. It’s really not as good as the sky.” After Fear Liusun learned about it, he sighed. Yun Zhongzi also intervened in this matter, it seems that this situation is not as simple as 900.

“Now that the princes have risen up to fight against Shang Dynasty, the general trend has been formed. If you can get the help of the seniors, not only can you avenge the hatred of Tuxing Sun, but you can also follow the general trend. Maybe you can still experience Insight.”

The twelve golden immortals have reached the bottleneck of the current stage of cultivation, and there is no hope of breakthrough. Now, the world is in chaos. Maybe it is a good fortune bestowed by God. Not to mention that not only Zen disciples have entered the knot, even The disciples who have been taught are not reconciled to others.

Fear of staying with grandchildren, after listening to Shen Gongbao’s words, he thought about it, but he still made a conservative decision. “Well, if there is a chance, I will help, but now is not the time, so you should withdraw first.

The fear of staying in his grandson was obviously persuaded by Shen Gongbao.

“Then don’t bother brother, I will retreat first.” Shen Gongbao did not continue to press on, but gave him a space to think. He also knew that fear of retaining his grandchildren is not only cautious, but also very conservative. He likes to stop by quietly. , Observing in secret, it is not easy to make a move when it is not necessary.

But now that the words are opened, then it will be just an opportunity. I believe this opportunity will come soon. After all, he is afraid of retaining his grandchildren, and his heart has already been shaken. Yun Zhongzi’s secret help did give him a little heart. Moving content.

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