Chapter 389 Zhang Kui catches his grandson [seeking subscription]

Tuxing grandson, good at walking underground, travel thousands of miles a day, as long as you land, you will become slippery and unable to catch it. This is also the way Tuxing grandson survives, but this spell is not impossible to contain, Dashang There is a fierce general named Zhang Kui, the art of earth escape, who travels 1,500 miles a day, as long as he comes, he will be able to catch the grandson of the earth.

Ling Bao, told Jiang Ziya about this method. As the saying goes, he will treat his body according to the way of the human. The grandson of the earth who is proficient in the art of the earth shield will definitely not think of it. He will definitely be captured and his master will be able to take action at that time. Maybe there will be a new change.

“Thank you for your help, I will arrange it now.”

Ling Bao nodded in satisfaction, knowing in his heart that since the apprentice has gone down the mountain, the things that follow will more or less involve fear of staying with grandchildren.

Soon Jiang Ziya gave Zhang Kui a task and went to the front line, ready to intercept the grandson of the earth.

On the other side, Yang Jian did not find his grandson, but he met Jiang Ziya on the way and told them one by one. With this method of coping, but when he was leaving, he deliberately explained that when he caught the grandson of Tuxing, don’t pay attention. Feelings, fast after killing, so as not to cause trouble again, but there is another purpose in this.

For a native grandson, 900 is already a huge trouble. The army camp is turbulent inside and outside. Killing him is for nothing else, just to calm the army, but killing him will offend people.

Soon, Zhang Kui rode his mount, the unicorn smoke beast, and brought a pair of people and horses to help out.

At this time, Li Jing, sitting in the camp, did not dare to take a step, because it was too losing face, and being tied by this rope for a few days, it was already inconvenient to move. The opinions of others.

Yang Jian and Zhang Kui arrived almost at the same time and told them all about the news and methods. Li Jing learned of Daxi, the technique of own rope restraint, and finally got the way to get rid of it.

“General, I have spoken out, saying that I have obtained a treasure that can be used to solve the rope, and spread the news. I believe that after the gopher learns, he will definitely come to steal Magic Treasures, and then General Zhang will intercept and kill him halfway. , They will definitely be captured.” Yang Jian, almost verbatim, put Jiang Ziya’s words into practice one by one.

Tu Xing Sun didn’t have the ability to reach the sky, but he came into the sky without a trace, and went in and out of the camp dozens of times. The mess had been mixed up, and people had no other way. He tried a variety of methods. Nor can it be captured alive, or killed.

“Just do what you said.” Hope was ignited in Li Jing’s eyes. After all, they were singing all the way before, but now they are being swept around by a three-foot-tall grandson. The situation is going to be shameful and he can’t explain it to the king. .

Li Jing then prepared and prepared a jade box and placed it in the coach’s hall. Li Jing himself deliberately left, creating the illusion of an empty camp. In the past few days, the two sides have had countless dealings, knowing that the natives and grandsons are naturally curious and will definitely come.

However, just as Jiang Ziya expected, Tu Xingsun sneaked in in the middle of the night and saw that the coach’s barracks were empty, and sneaked into the main camp quietly, preparing to steal the treasures.

Entering the main camp, Tu Xingsun saw that there was no one on the left and right, and then became proud. During this period, Li Jing’s camp came and stopped like his home, with no one to stop and no one to stop.

Tu Xingsun searched for a long time, and finally found this thing. He saw the treasure box emitting from the immortal energy. Without thinking, he stretched out his hand to steal the treasure.

“Baby, I have never heard of it. There are such babies, I want to see what it is.”

Tu Xingsun was curious, but he wanted Jiang Ziya to use his psychology. When he opened the treasure box, he found that there was nothing inside, and he was shocked to think.

“It’s hit.

As soon as Tuxingsun’s voice fell, countless soldiers surrounded the country, holding iron nets in their hands, preparing to capture Tuxingsun. The iron net is made of fine iron. Once the net is in it, there is almost no possibility of escape.

“It’s ridiculously ridiculous that I still want to catch me.”

Tuxing Sun, when he left, he still didn’t forget to ridicule him, because this is not the first time that he has been caught with iron nets, and he is already familiar with the routines in this barracks.

I saw the ground surging and came out of the camp. At the other end, Zhang Kui had already intercepted halfway and set up a net of heaven and earth. At a faster speed, the two moved towards each other.

Tu Xing-sun, holding an empty box, walked swiftly underground. However, his own skills made Tu Xing-sun extremely confident. However, when he was happy, suddenly, someone in front of him was sprinting towards him, very fast. It really frightened him, and immediately escaped from the ground.

But Zhang Kui didn’t intend to give him a chance. He drew his long sword and hit him with a single blow. Tu Xing Sun, of course, is not the master of domination, although the speed is not as fast as Zhang Kui, but the dodge is fairly timely and broke through the ground.

“Who are you? Why are you blocking my way here.”

After listening to Zhang Kui laughed and said, “I am the one who came to take your life, so let’s die.

Tu Xingsun, seeing that the situation is not good, he was calculated by others, and he immediately sent the Magic Treasures, but helplessly, an ambush was set up nearby and surrounded him, unable to get out. It can be said that there are chasing soldiers. There is Zhang Kui underground so that he has nowhere to hide.

In an instant, the sky and earth net that had been prepared long ago was bound and wrapped in it, just like fishing in a river, locking it into the net.

“Let go of me.” Tu Xingsun was arrested and still refused.

But Yang Jian who arrived later, according to Jiang Ziya’s words, dispose of him on the spot after catching him, without any delay.

Immediately, without saying anything, he picked up three-pointed two-knife knives, attacked Tu Xingsun, and assassinated him. When Tu Xingsun saw the other party’s assassin, he had nowhere to escape, so he closed his eyes and prepared to lead him to death.

“Retain people under the knife, quick assistant.” There was a voice in the night sky.

In an instant, a cloud of Tengyun appeared, with a person standing on it. As expected, this person was his master who was afraid to stay with his grandchildren.

“Master, you are here.” Tu Xingsun promised to open his eyes to see Master Own coming. He was sure to come to save Own, and immediately started to move.

“Hey, you gangster, you don’t know how high the world is, you have committed such a big mistake, you know.” Fear of staying with his grandchildren, first taught him and said countless no, scolded all that should be scolded, and said all that should be said. I have said it, but in the final analysis, it is only a purpose, and that is to save the own apprentice.

Fear of leaving his grandson is just this baby apprentice. He is naughty by nature, but his heart is good. When he appears here at this time, he must be bewitched by others, but although he is afraid of leaving his grandson, he has doubts in his heart. So far, we can only solve this urgent need first. .

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