Chapter 380 Su Daji’s calculations [seeking subscription]

The plan is not as fast as the change. It is said that this Boyi had not waited for Xiqi, but he was called back overnight by the envoys sent by King Zhou’s predecessor in order to solve the doubts in his heart.

But all of this is countless, but it turned into a smooth sail. It can only be said that Bo Yi Kao was killed by this.

If it is the Karma cycle, it would be better to say that it was his father who killed his son. Today’s King Zhou can be said to have changed his temperament, but he has become reasonable and reasonable. This is why? Jiang Ziya, why did he come to the court? Song.

Iron prison, at this time, Ji Chang had already been in pain and tears. He thought that he had harmed him. According to his previous instructions, Bo Yi should not come for the test. Because Ji Chang knows that own son is upright and very filial. This cannot be blocked. It is mixed in the political struggle and in this conspiracy.

On~, it will definitely be calculated.

Unexpectedly, there was just room for recovery, and it was already the best result, but the sky is not as good as the people, and soon the tragedy will repeat itself.

Late at night, Jiang Ziya met with King Zhou.

“My lord, why did you suddenly speak out instead?” Jiang Ziya was puzzled, but in fact he knew very well that if the traitorous officials in the court were not removed, in the end it would be a disaster for the country and the people.

“It’s not a widow who spoke out, but the first king entrusted the dream to me. Someone had a rebellious heart and made me suspicious.” King Zhou was very clear in his heart, but in fact he didn’t know exactly why. Someone kindly reminded him, but he didn’t know it, and then said the dream thing without missing a word.

Jiang Ziya, not only has strategy, but also has monstrous ability. Of course, this is only in King Zhou’s cognition. This is why, knowing that Jiang Ziya is here to intercede, but also the reason why he summoned him.

“How can the prince believe that the mere trick of bewitching is true.”

Jiang Ziya didn’t know who did it, but there must be something wrong. This was clearly aimed at.

“I have heard about this a long time ago, but it’s a pity that I wasn’t there at the time, but it’s too late to say it anymore.” Jiang Ziya sighed helplessly, and shook his head again.

Su Daji, there is an Innate Magical Item to cover Monster Qi, Jiang Ziya’s Taoism is not enough to give it to its original form, and as the concubine of the king, even if there is doubt, he must find conclusive evidence. This time, let Jiang Ziya I’m caught in a dilemma, of course I don’t know that this is all in the calculation.

“The king is careful to be calculated by the villain. This is not worth the gain.

Nowadays, the most important thing is to use static braking. The fox will definitely show its tail, but the time is not here, and if you are eager for quick success and quick gain, you will be calculated by the traitor.

“The widow knows how to do it.” King Zhou waved his sleeves and said that he was tired, so he didn’t say much, but Jiang Ziya’s words were under his consideration during these few words, but who is wrong with whom, That can only be verified by waiting time.

“My lord, your health is important, so I will retreat first.”

The huge chessboard has been laid out in a different way. Ling Bao has his own set of numbers, so in terms of details, there are still some changes, but the general layout has not changed.

“Can Jiang Ziya alone turn things around?” Nuwa asked, standing behind Ling Bao.

“Don’t worry, we don’t need to worry about this matter. If someone intervenes, let’s just watch it change for the better. Too much participation will change the outcome of the matter.” Ling Bao looked at the sentient beings under her feet, but stood on this high platform. Above. However, the so-called calamity is to experience the so-called Transcends Tribulation, which is a kind of experience.

“Not only with experience, how can you truly get the Conferred God?” Houtu walked over slowly, guessing what Ling Bao was thinking at this time.

Standing above the overall situation is actually a kind of enlightenment. If you follow the Cultivation Base, several people have reached a peak at this time. As for the prehistoric universe, sooner or later it will break through.

A few days later, King Zhou escalated the situation again due to slander.

“My lord, I heard that Ji Chang is proficient in divination and the foreseeable future, but I don’t know whether it is true or false.” Su Daji, a pink light in his eyes, reflected in the eyes of the king.

At this time, King Zhou’s disposition changed drastically, but he suddenly frowned, and then he said, “Widows have also heard of it, but it is only a rumor. If it is true, then Ji Chang will not leave Xiqi. Now, I have been locked in jail, and I believe that his little son would not dare to do anything out of the ordinary.” Feng Wang spoke to Sister Su, but his heart was very clear.

Bai, this thing is not that simple.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

“It’s true or false, as long as you try it, you can know.” Su Daji, once again used the charm technique, his magic power greatly increased, and he was able to control the minds of others.

“The beauty, what do you want to do next?” King Zhou’s expression suddenly changed, with a trace of gadgets on his face.

“It’s better to take his son”

King Zhou, laughed out loud, and then he turned his eyes, and he simply came to the plan to see what the next show will be? Jiang Ziya, although he can’t ascertain the truth of this, he has already left a heart and made a move. Double insurance, coupled with King Zhou is the lord of the world, naturally has the body of the true dragon, and Su Daji’s fox charm technique is counterproductive.

King Zhou sounded a wake-up call.


The next day, Su Da had changed her appearance and came to the place where Boyikao was under house arrest.


“What are you doing?” Boyi took a test and saw that it was Su Daji, and he realized that it was not good.

“I heard that the son has a superb piano skill. I came here this time to listen to the son playing a piece.” Su Daji suddenly came to the side of Bo Yikao.

“Niang Niang” Bo Yi saw a bad test, and immediately got up and dodged, causing Su Da to jump into the air and almost fell.

“I learned the rhythm when I was young, and I have to ask the son to teach me well.” Su Daji sat in front of the piano, plucked the strings, and turned his head back, using the charm of charm to lure Bo Yi to take the test.

With such a beauty in front, how can we not be moved? Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty. But if you are upright, and if you have the intention of offending, this is a serious crime of beheading. I dare not careless and refuse to say, “Please respect yourself.”

Su Daji, who was rejected repeatedly twice, immediately changed his face and threatened, “As long as you, if I wish, the answer of our country can ask the king to release you, maybe, you can also release your father at the same time. ”

As soon as these words came out, the eager Bo Yi to save his father knew that he was hard to escape, but it was indeed an opportunity at this time. Let’s not say whether this matter was true or false, but Su Daji did have this ability to make King Zhou change his mind. .

“Well, I will sing a song for the empress.”

In the so-called planting and arguing, Boyi passed the test of Sister Su’s scheming, but Boyi had no choice but to die, so he had to give it a try.

With the sound of the strings, Su Daji twisted her charming body and slowly leaned in. and.

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