Chapter 370 Ji Chang’s entrustment [seeking subscription]

Fei Zhong nodded to Boyi very satisfied:

“The old man is interested!”

Bo Yikao knew that the Chaoge hurdle had passed by himself, and he could only wait for the expiration of his father’s prison period.

Knowing the news of his father, Boyikao planned to go back and prepare gifts according to his father’s words, and come back in three years.

Boyi Kao faced Fei Zhongdao:

“My ambassador, I can’t see the king. I also asked the ambassador to see the king. Thank you, the king and the empress, for me. I won’t go over and delay the matter of the king and the empress. I will clean up and go back to Xiqi early tomorrow morning. Now that I know that my father is okay, I feel relieved. I also want to tell my mother about this happy event as soon as possible, so that my mother can rest assured.

My father is in Chaoge, and my mother is thinking about it day and night. I am very worried. I don’t want my mother to be so worried, so I will return early tomorrow morning!”

Fei Zhong didn’t receive the order of the king, and he didn’t dare to take Bo Yi to see the king on the test, so Fei Zhong had to cupped hands:

“Then I wish the eldest son a smooth journey, I have an early morning tomorrow morning, and I can’t send the eldest son personally, and please forgive me!”

Bo Yikao quickly declined and said to Fei Zhong:

“The ambassador is serious, Boyi will leave the exam!

After talking about the Boyi test, he left. Looking at the leaving Boyi test, Fei Zhong also went back happily, thinking that this Boyi test was really too generous!

As soon as Boyikao entered the own inn, he saw the butler greeted him:

“My son, that Fei Zhong is too”

Bo Yi Kao naturally knew what his butler was going to say. Bo Yi Kao didn’t want to be out of line, and immediately interrupted the butler’s words:

“Well, don’t say what shouldn’t be said!”

Hearing what Bo Yi said, the housekeeper knew that he was too reckless and was very upset:

“Yes, son!

Boyikao said to the butler:

“You pack up your things, we will return to Xiqi tomorrow!”

The butler asked excitedly:

“My son, did you see Lord Hou?”

Boyi nodded and said:

“Well, what my father ordered, we can only ruin the big things of my father here, we still listen to my father, and go back first!”

The housekeeper naturally knew Ji Chang’s ability, nodded, and then said to Boyikao:

“En, I’ll go to clean up now, son go and rest!”

Boyikao shook his head:

“You clean up first, and you are leaving tomorrow. We should also thank the people who helped us before!”

The butler is very reluctant:

“My son, they didn’t help, what are you going to do?”

Boyi Kao said meaningfully:

“If you can’t help now, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to help in the future. Don’t wait until the time is the same as now. Okay, you go and clean up. You don’t care about this matter!”

After talking about Boyi, I went out, and King Zhou also knew what happened today in Boyi. After thinking about it, he didn’t figure out why, and then he didn’t think about it.

In Fengwang’s heart, as long as Ji Chang was detained, Xiqi would not be in chaos.

Chaoge fell into the silence of the past, and at this time, Shen Gongbao was very disappointed with the interpretation of education because of Jiang Ziya’s affairs. He left Kunlun and met a few people who had learned education.

I started to make friends with the people of Jiejiao, and then met countless people of Jiejiao. The Primitive Tianzun saw Shen Gongbao’s movements, smiled slightly, and said:

“Third brother, your teachings are mixed, since you are reluctant to bear it, then second brother will help you, hope you can understand the painstaking efforts of second brother!”

Thinking of this reason, Primordial Tianzun was even more happy, while Ling Bao watched the people below play various chess pieces. The female snail was very curious and asked Ling Bao:

.0 Seeking flowers……0

“Husband, Sages are all settled. If you don’t arrange it, you will stay here all day. It’s not the husband we know!”

Ling Bao explained with a smile:

“I just remembered to start the layout now? That’s too late, we just watch the play. Of course, we have to maintain a certain range, and we can’t let this play out of control!

Hearing what Ling Bao said, both Nuwa and Hou Tu were very curious about what Ling Bao had arranged. Houtu couldn’t hide his thoughts, so he asked directly:

“Husband, what do you want?”

Ling Bao said:

“You’ll know then, now it’s meaningless to say it!”

The second daughter saw that Ling Bao didn’t say or force it, but was very curious, thinking about what Ling Bao had done before, but after thinking about it for a long time, she didn’t even think of how Ling Bao was laid out.

Ling Bao looked at the tangled two girls and felt very funny, but Ling Bao didn’t bother the two girls for her own sake. As three high-ranking Taoists, it would be meaningless to cultivate every day.

However, Ling Bao’s Cultivation Base has not fallen. In this Realm, understanding is the most important thing. For Ling Bao, own understanding is that the three Hongjuns combined are not as good as himself.

In addition to enlightening Tao every day, Ling Bao is to accompany Nuwa and Houtu.

The three of them looked at things in the prehistoric times every day, and Nuwa saw what happened to Chao Ge and said to Ling Bao:

“Husband, look, Jiang Ziya has entered the palace!”

Ling Bao followed Nuwa and Houtu, then looked at the picture in front of her.

Jiang Ziya followed Fei Zhong into the palace, and Fei Zhong said to Jiang Ziya:

“Sir, if you are so prosperous, you must help me!”

Jiang Ziya nodded:

“Definitely, surely!” and,

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