Chapter 361 Boyi asks to see you [seeking subscription]

Song Yiren’s wife smiled:

“No trouble, no trouble!”

Jiang Ziya didn’t take Song Yiren’s wife’s words to heart at all.He was an old man in his seventies who wanted nothing, so how could anyone be willing to marry him!

But Song Yiren’s wife did not forget this incident, but took it to heart, and planned to find Jiang Ziya’s wife today.

Jiang Ziya started to live in Song Yiren’s mansion in this way. Every day he went out to set up a fortune-telling stall. You must know that although Jiang Ziya is not a great power, he is also the Realm of Xuanxian.

Using the arithmetic method taught by the original Tianzun, how could the “eight-eight-three” of these mortals be concealed by Jiang Ziya? Although it can not be calculated for how long, it can still be calculated for the past three or five days and a week.

Soon Jiang Ziya gained a lot of fame in Chaoge.

King Zhou also knew that he was deceived. Although King Zhou could only be sober for a short time every day, King Zhou didn’t want to give up like this. He worked hard every day and constantly competed with Zhunti for his own control.

Although Zhunti’s mind-deterring technique is very powerful and is of the Sage level, the King Zhou at this time is not the crowned king of Ling Bao’s previous life. The King Zhou in this life is the Human King of the Human Race. Absolutely eternal protagonist, and humane.

Therefore, King Zhou slowly regained the control of a little nodding with the help of the emperor’s air, so every time Daji felt that he was going to succeed, he would confuse King Zhou.

King Zhou is not lukewarm towards Daji, which makes my sister feel very defeated. You must know that Daji is a Nine tailed Fox, with a natural charm full of value, and there is a quasi-promotional puzzle. It shows how determined the mind is. The emperor of people.

Without Sage’s intervention, King Zhou would have been successful, but because of Sage’s intervention, King Zhou worked hard to suppress his seven passions and desires every day.

Do not allow desire to interfere with the judgment of own.Although there was resistance from King Zhou’s own will, under the interference of Mind-Making, the King still gave many mediocre orders, which made Bi Gan very unbelievable. Wang also uses villains.

But he had never given such a mediocre order, which made Bi Gan very puzzled, but King Zhou’s previous sages made Bi Gan believe in King Zhou very much, and Bi Gan thought it was King Zhou’s method.

On this day, a minister said to the king of the upper dynasty:

“Majesty, Xibohou’s eldest son, Bo Yi, has passed the examination of the court song, and I want to see the king!”

King Zhou was slightly taken aback:

“Bo Yi Kao, Xi Bohou’s eldest son? What did he see the lonely?”

The minister quickly responded:

“Return to the king, Xibo Hou Jichang is still in prison!”

King Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and then asked:

“Is it the one who interceded for the rebel Yuan Futong?”

Everyone was stunned for a moment. King Zhou didn’t tell Ji Chang To put in one’s eyes. If it weren’t for the minister today, it is estimated that Ji Chang had been locked up to death, and the king wouldn’t remember it!

The spies of Ji Chang in the court felt very worthless for Ji Chang. The minister who had just played was obviously a gift from Boyi Kao. Hearing King Zhou said this, he could only answer his head, because other people didn’t want to say at all. the meaning of:

“Yes, the king, this is the person!

How could King Zhou not know Xibohou Jichang, but King Zhou didn’t want Xibohou to go back, King Zhou was very impatient and turned the matter over:

“Does anyone else have anything else to say?”

Everyone didn’t speak, and there were things about Chaoge recently, but they were all trivial things, and they weren’t worth reporting to King Zhou. 0

Therefore, every one of them was silent, King Zhou waved his hands at the ministers:

“Since there is nothing more to do, then this is the end of today’s affairs, let’s go back!”

The official who received the gift from Boyi Kao saw Wang Yue like this, and was also anxious. He couldn’t accept the things and do nothing, so the minister stood up:

“The King!”

King Zhou waved his hand very bored:

“No, no, no, no, leave it if nothing happens, the lonely beauty is going to find it!”

After speaking, he ignored the ministers and left. Bigan knew that King Zhou would not let Ji Chang go, so he secretly praised King Zhou for his good acting skills.

When the minister who received the gift heard King Zhou’s words, his eyes lit up, but he was not stupid, and showed helpless clothes.

Soon, at the minister’s residence, after the minister arrived home, Bo Yikao greeted him, and then asked very excitedly:

“My lord, how is it? What did the king say?”

The minister shook his head and sighed:

“Hey! See you in 5.0, the king!”

Hearing what the minister said, Bo Yikao was also very disappointed, but he still thanked the minister:

“Thank you for your kind words, even though the king is missing, he did it too!”

When the minister heard what Bo Yikao said, he was also very guilty. He looked at Bo Yikao and said:

“Master Xiaohou, I have a personal choice. If this person can help Master Xiaohou, then this thing must be done, even this person I can’t help!”

After hearing the test, Boyi was very excited, and then asked:

“My lord, as long as it works, I will do it well, my lord, who is this person?”.

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