Chapter 353 Come forward【Subscribe for subscription】


Nezha was a little surprised. Before they came, Ling Bao told him that he was not allowed to participate in these things.

But I didn’t expect Ling Bao to make an exception at this time.

“Wait any longer, the yellow flowers are all thankful, this time the calamity is inevitable, why bother to wait?”

Ling Bao shook his head, Nezha on one side used the invisibility technique without letting others see him. After hearing what Ling Bao said, he nodded ignorantly.

“What Master said is correct, so what shall we do next?”

Of course I am waiting!

Ling Bao took the list, and soon someone went to notify Su Hu.

“Mr. Righteousness! I don’t know what the name of your husband is? Where do you practice on the top of the mountain?”

Su Hu looked at Ling Bao, who was tall, and acted in the manner of Lixian. He was very humble when speaking.

“I always come out, go everywhere, I come to relieve Jizhou Hou’s worries, why bother to ask about these outside matters?”

Ling Bao brought out the appearance of an expert outside the world, which made Su Hu’s heart more admired, and his attitude towards him became more humble.

“Yes, yes, my husband is naturally disdainful of these, because he is unreasonable, and I would like to ask my husband for advice. What should I do next?”

His son was still in Chongbeihou’s hands, and had been kneeling in front of the formation for several days.

He has been anxious these few days, he has already planned to surrender to Chongbeihou, but he never expected that Ling Bao would come at this time.

“What else should I do? Naturally go out of the city to surrender that demon!”

Ling Bao flicked his sleeves and made a gesture of a worldly expert, and pointed directly at the outside of the city.

“You just have to find someone to call the battle. After the person opposite comes over, naturally I will deal with it /

Su Hu couldn’t help but settle down looking at Ling Bao’s well-established appearance.

“Thank you sir, I will find someone to call the battle!”

After hearing Ling Bao’s words, Su Hu almost smiled, quickly found his trusted confidant, and went out of the city to call for battle.

“Why, is it possible that you have become turtles with heads down?”

Heihu laughed outside, and even more arrogantly mocked when he saw people coming out of the city.

“Having been in the city for so many days, I am finally willing to come out? Are you here today to surrender to Grandpa and me?”

When Heihu speaks, he makes Su Hu’s people surrender.

“Naturally not, don’t think that you are the only one who knows those Taoisms, we also have them here!’

Even though the person was nervous, he still bit his neck and scolded the black tiger.

The two went back and forth, but after a quarter of an hour, they had already angered the black tiger.

“Well, you kid, you don’t have any skills, so you dare to be so arrogant!”

The black tiger suddenly yelled, and directly took out the Calabash in his arms. Seeing a burst of black smoke flashed by, the iron-billed condor had already appeared.

The iron-billed condor pecked at the person in front of him, and at this moment, a burst of white smoke suddenly appeared.

Ling Bao slowly picked up his steps from the top of the tower, his robe went without wind, and he carried the bones of the fairy style, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Black Tiger sneered.

“Small bugs!”

His black eagle seemed to feel something. In front of Bai Yan, he paused for a while, tilted his head, and then rushed towards Ling Bao, making a sharp cry.

Ling Bao moved his hands without much effort. A denser white mist appeared, directly trapping the iron-billed condor inside.

Heihu didn’t expect the change to happen so quickly, and he muttered in his mouth, trying to control the iron-billed condor to come out, but the white mist didn’t know what it was.

He actually couldn’t feel the existence of the iron-billed condor!

“Okay, very good! It really is a powerful character!”

Heihu found that the iron-billed condor didn’t work, so he had to do it himself and rushed towards Ling Bao.

Ling Bao wanted to avoid his attack, it couldn’t be simpler, he just shrank to an inch with a single step.

Let the black tiger’s attack missed, no one saw what Ling Bao did, and the black tiger also flew out in embarrassment.

In a short moment, the black tiger had fallen under the city of Jizhou.

*. Come, tie him up!”

With a rare opportunity, Su Hu immediately reacted and immediately let people rush under the city wall to tie up the black tiger.

Before Chongbei Hou could react, he saw his own Little Brother being caught.

Su Hu was a little happy, and when Ling Bao came back, he was even more polite to him.

“The gentleman is really amazing, but it’s just a trick, so he directly subdued this person!”

Now that he is well, he finally has the capital to be able to negotiate with the Chongbeihou, even if it is surrender, it is not called surrender now, it should be called peace talks.

“I’ll go now if there is nothing wrong!”

Ling Bao looked at him very coldly, and disappeared invisible as soon as his sleeves were used.

“Just this guy, I can get it done with one move, what’s the big deal, uncle!

Nezha looked at his master invisible, and saw the grateful look on Su Hu’s face, and couldn’t help but vomit.

“This guy really hasn’t seen the world!”

“Okay, how do you compare with him? How is Su Hu, but he is just a mortal.”

Nezha’s previous life was a spiritual jewel, even among the three religions, it is difficult for anyone to match.

Nezha was reprimanded by Ling Bao, so he obediently lowered his head and followed Ling Bao’s side.

Ling Bao had counted the time, it was all about this time, and it seemed that the person who persuaded him should have arrived.

If Boyi did not show up at this time, it would be too late.

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