Chapter 344 All the way to the east [subscription required]

Just this east side?

If he remembers correctly, this is one of the best dojos in the east, and that is the Biyou Palace of the Master Tongtian.

Is it possible that the original Tianzun meant that his chance was in the Biyou Palace?

The Primitive Tianzun was already sanctified at this time, and it was not guilty to fool a small person like him for a little thing.

The more Shen Gongbao thought about this, the more he thanked the original Tianzun, he hurriedly packed his things and went all the way east.

From then on, interpretation and teaching have been in Wushen Gongbao!


It is true that when the doze comes, someone will give pillows, and you can count on it. The two most important figures of this understanding have already left the interpretation.

Jiang Ziya was already a disciple of Primordial Tianzun, and this Shen Gongbao would naturally fall into his pocket.

Zhunti changed his body and turned into a little bald old man with auspicious clouds under his feet and headed east all the way.

According to what the original Tianzun of Shen Gongbao Ji said, he determined that own opportunity 867 was in Biyou Palace.

He was rushing non-stop, but unexpectedly, he encountered a bald-headed old man on the way. As soon as the bald-headed bird saw Shen Gongbao, he immediately stopped him.

“I think the fellow daoist is destined to me, I wonder if you can tell me a little bit?”

Zhunti showed a kind smile, his current strength is already a quasi-sage, only a chance to enter the ranks of Sage.

Among other things, Cultivation Base was a bluff in that life.

Shen Gongbao was wary, and when he saw this, he immediately stopped on the road and took a few steps to retreated.

“I wonder if Senior has anything to tell Junior at this time?”

Honghuang has always respected the strength, and if the strength is not good, it is the ant.

If you were killed by someone outside, there would be no reason to go.

“Don’t be so nervous, I think you are heading east, but you want to go to Biyou Palace?”

The quasi-sufficient mention pointed out Shen Gongbao’s purpose. Shen Gongbao (bafa) sweated on his head and became more vigilant in his heart.

“Naturally, there are many people at the gate of Biyou Palace, who have no kind of education, and of course they regard Biyou Palace as Sacred Land.”

After hearing this, Zhunti narrowed his eyes with a smile, and immediately began the plan he had recruited.

“What the donor said is wrong. This Biyou Palace is the dojo of the Master Tongtian, one of the three clears. There are many people who cut the door, but there is only one Master Tongtian. If you go, you may not be able to please. .”

The person in front of him, according to the chance of the robbery, he has a lot of things in the West, and he wants this kind of person.

Although it was a calamity this time, it was a real opportunity for them.

Sanqing Taoism has been prosperous for a long time, but this time is their chance for Buddhism.

“Listening to what you mean, is it possible that I have a better place to go?

After hearing this, Shen Gongbao started to inquire as soon as he rolled his eyes.

Seeing the fish get the bait, Zhunti immediately smiled at Mimi’s answer, pretending to be mysterious and pointed to the west.

“Of course it is. If you go all the way to the west, you will be able to get your own chance.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful when he was stopped in the middle of the road and brought people to the West to teach?

All the way west?

Shen Gongbao glanced back, and his heart was full of suspicion. Although the person in front of him had a monstrous deterrent, he was a lot worse than the original Tianzun.

Think with your toes and know that this person can never be Sage.

How can the words of a person like this be more reliable than the words of the original Tianzun?

Shen Gongbao had a decision in his heart and made a long series of the whole in front of him.

“That’s really sorry, I need to go all the way east. After all, Biyou Palace is the Sage dojo. Compared with the mess outside, this is orthodox.”

Zhunti didn’t expect that he had spent a lot of effort, but he didn’t even move Shen Gongbao!

I was about to get angry and was bound to take this man down, but I didn’t expect this kid to be very slippery. After saying this, he fled all the way.

“Haha, this reference is really interesting!”

Although not blended into this matter, Ling Bao has been paying attention to the development of the matter.

This time, the understanding of heaven and earth is not trivial, even Sage is involved.

Although Ling Bao didn’t want to see the ending like that in the previous life, he didn’t intervene too much.

“Stealing chickens can’t eclipse rice, this Shen Gongbaodao is a clever one!’

If you really go back to the Western religion with Zhun, then this time the battle of the gods will have to be engaged.

“Husband, why don’t you give me a good lesson?”

Nuwa followed Ling Bao and watched the incident. Thinking of what Zhunti had done before, she couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed.

Pursed his mouth to express his dissatisfaction.

“It’s just starting now. If it is done early in the morning, then this matter is not so interesting, not to mention that this is Heavenly Dao doing it. If something happens, it will be a little troublesome.

Fengshen Bang is destined, Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya have long been destined to be enemies, Heavenly Dao will not allow him to intervene hastily.

What’s more, the amount of robbery has not yet begun, and the good drama has not yet been staged. If these singers are not there, how can this drama continue?

“It turns out that it is, but this quasi mention is really disgusting!”

Nuwa had long seen this guy not pleasing to the eye, and couldn’t help but spit out a few words.

“The wicked have their own grievances. Although Heavenly Dao said nothing, it is fair at this time. Otherwise, how could I leave this opportunity for Zhun Ti?”

Ling Bao has long been confident.

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