Chapter 342 Return to the original [seeking subscription]


Jiang Ziya didn’t know what Shen Gongbao wanted to do, and looked at Shen Gongbao suspiciously.

To be honest, Jiang Ziya felt a little guilty towards Shen Gongbao in his heart, but Yuanshi Tianzun had confessed all these things. If something goes wrong, it won’t work.

“Brother Leopard, Master had already ordered me to hurry down the mountain. I couldn’t look back. As for the betting, let’s forget it.”

Jiang Ziya didn’t want to have extra branches. Although the 36 princes were all mortals, there were not a few capable men and strangers under him. His current strength was not even a golden immortal. Even with Innate’s best Ling Bao in his hand, he would be beaten.


Shen Gongbao smiled coldly.

“You don’t even dare to bet against me. Since the master gave you such a good thing, it will naturally be counted as today’s 10 cuts. I will take you up the mountain. There has been Karma between the two of us. .”

Having said that, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to listen to what Shen Gongbao wanted to do.

Shen Gongbao’s gaze fell on the Xuantian Righteous Qi flag above Jiang Ziya’s head. This Xuantian Righteous Qi flag exuded mysterious rules, thick and solid, and he could detect the extraordinary at a glance.

“We have done a game, and it is considered a Karma between the two. If Junior Brother Ziya you win, I will teach you the magical powers that Xuanxian Realm can use, and at this moment, I will distinguish the Karma between the two. , If you lose, tell me what the remaining two treasures are.”

Shen Gongbao really couldn’t understand that he could only be better than Jiang Ziya, why Yuanshi Tianzun was so eccentric, Jiang Ziya could do it, but he might not be unable to do it.


Originally, he said that he could not tell others about this matter, but this sacred list and the scourge of the gods

Shen Gongbao and he are both disciples of interpretation, so it doesn’t matter if you want to say it.

If you can do things with this Karma, it couldn’t be better!

“Since this is the case, Brother Leopard, what do you want to bet on with me?”

Shen Gongbao glanced around, then touched his own beard.

“You and I are both members of the Yuxu Palace. Why don’t you just take a gamble on this technique. I can take off my head, throw it into the air, travel through the mountains and rivers, and finally return to the original and the original without any influence!”

Shen Gongbao squinted and said.

Jiang Ziya had never heard of such mysterious Taoism, and his suspicion immediately fell on Shen Gongbao’s body.

“I have been in Yuxu Palace for so long, and I have never heard of such Taoism. Brother Leopard, don’t tease me with this kind of thing.”

“You do not believe?”

Shen Gongbao raised his eyebrows and offered the conditions on his own initiative.

“If you agree to this bet regardless of whether I can make it, then the Karma between the two of us ends here. If I make it, you have to show me what you have in your hand!”

He tried so many times back and forth, Jiang Ziya did not let go. It seems that there is no way to cheat such a good thing as Fengshen Bang.

But it’s not bad to be able to take a look, maybe through this thing, you can also know what the original Tianzun asked Jiang Ziya to do.

Jiang Ziya nodded, no matter what, he didn’t believe that the people in Yuxu Palace would still learn such Taoism.

“I agree to your terms. If that’s the case, Brother Leopard will show me the Taoism you are talking about!”

Jiang Ziya took the initiative to retreated and gave up more than half of his position, allowing Shen Gongbao to show his own Taoism.

Anyway, he doesn’t believe that there is such a magical Taoist technique in this world, and the human head is the most important thing. How can it be safe to go back after it is cut off?

Not to mention that it has not been affected in any way!

Such a thing is simply unheard of before!

This condition really made Jiang Ziya tempted, which made Karma, and it was not so simple if he wanted something.

If Karma between the two can take this opportunity, it would be a happy event.

“In that case, I will show it to Senior Brother Ziya!”

Shen Gongbao laughed, touched his neck, and quickly carried a magic trick in his hand. In an instant, Shen Gongbao’s head flew up.

Sure enough, as Shen Gongbao said, after his head flew up, he could still say that he could laugh, as if he was not affected at all.

“Hahaha, this is the technique of returning to the original, how about it?”

Shen Gongbao laughed loudly, controlling his own head, and inviting to swim in the sky. 867

“I am willing to bet and lose, Brother Leopard’s Taoism is really superb.”

Jiang Ziya felt a little bitter in her heart.

After demonstrating his own Taoism, Shen Gongbao smiled triumphantly.

What if Jiang Ziya has the meticulous teachings of the original Tianzun?

Isn’t it the same as him in the end?

However, looking at Jiang Ziya’s unwilling look on his face, Shen Gongbao felt that he should express it first.

“I, Shen Gongbao, take Dao heart as my oath. After today, I will have a relationship with Jiang Ziya’s Karma. There is only the friendship of the same family, and the grace of no support.”

After Shen Gongbao finished saying this, Jiang Ziyazi felt light all over, as if some shackles fell off again.

The Karma between the two is gone, and no longer owes each other.

Seeing that Shen Gongbao was so refreshed, Jiang Ziya turned both hands at the same time, and two Magic Treasures with mysterious aura appeared in his hands.

Shen Gongbao took a breath of air-conditioning and looked at the two Magic Treasures in front of him seriously. .

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