Chapter 340 fellow daoist, please stay [seeking subscription]

Jiang Ziya asked curiously:

“Master, what else do you want?”

Primitive Tianzun said to Jiang Ziya:

“This time going down the mountain, it must be dangerous, so I will give you some magical treasures, let you defend yourself!

Jiang Ziya naturally knew the importance of Magic Treasures, and then quickly thanked him:

“Thank you Master!

The original Tianzun took out a flag and said:

“This is the best Innate Ling Bao Xuantian Righteous Qi Banner, the main defense, your Cultivation Base is insufficient, give me a copy of your Blood Essence and Yuanshen, I will help you refine it!”

Jiang Ziya handed his own Blood Essence and Yuanshen to Primordial Tianzun, who helped Jiang Ziya refine the Xuantian Righteous Qi Banner.

Then the original Tianzun said to Jiang Ziya:

“This Profound Sky Righteous Qi Banner does not have the ability to attack, but it can protect you well!”

Then he took out the Conferred God List and the God Whip, and said to Jiang Ziya:

“This is the list of confiscated gods and the whip of gods, both of which you will use in the future. As for how to use them, I will naturally tell you when the time is up!

You bring it first!”

Jiang Ziya asked very curiously:

“Master, what does this sacred list and scoring whip do?”

The original Tianzun explained:

“This time the amount of calamity is very high, and those who enter the list of gods will be able to divide the gods after the end of the ceremony, and they will be dispatched by the Great Emperor Zhang Bairen.

If someone enters the Conferred God List, does not listen to your arrangements, or makes trouble with the Conferred God List by virtue of their supernatural powers, you can beat them with a whip.

Hearing the words of Primordial Tianzun, Jiang Ziya will take the list of conferred gods and beat the whip, and then put them away.

Then asked the original Tianzun:

“Master, this disciple is going down the mountain, do you have any instructions for Master?”

Primitive Tianzun said to Jiang Ziya:

“Well, this time you go down the mountain, don’t look back when you encounter anything. If you turn back, after you go down the mountain, there will be thirty-six princes coming to attack you, and your future will not be necessarily at that time!”

Jiang Ziya naturally knew that Sage wouldn’t talk about it, so Jiang Ziya nodded:

“Yes, Master!

The original Tianzun waved his hand:

“Go down the mountain, if you need it, I will let your brothers and nephews go down the mountain to help you!”

Jiang Ziya nodded, bid farewell to the original Tianzun, and then went down the mountain.

When the original Tianzun went to find Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao saw it, and when the original Tianzun gave Jiang Ziya Innate Ling Bao, Shen Gongbao also saw the soaring light, which made Shen Gongbao very jealous.

When Jiang Ziya came out, Shen Gongbao also saw it. Shen Gongbao shouted at Jiang Ziya from behind:

“Brother Ziya!”

Jiang Ziya heard the voice of Shen Gongbao. You must know that Jiang Ziya is very grateful to Shen Gongbao, because without Shen Gongbao, he would not have such a chance.

So Jiang Ziya had a slight body shape, and he was about to turn his head to bid farewell to Shen Gongbao, but thinking of what Primordial Tianzun had said to him, he couldn’t look back.

If you look back, then the future will be unpredictable, and there are thirty-six princes attacking yourself.

At that time, I don’t know if I can live or not. For the sake of his future immortal way, Jiang Ziya is cruel, gritted his teeth, and speeds up his downhill.

When Shen Gongbao saw that Jiang Ziya heard the words of own, he ignored him. Shen Gongbao was very angry, chased after him, and shouted while chasing:

“Jiang Shang, stop, how could you be so ungrateful, without me, could you be like this? I probably died a long time ago.

What? You won’t recognize me if you get the appreciation of the master?”

0 Seeking flowers… 0

Although Shen Gongbao’s words were words of anger, every word was cut into Jiang Ziya’s heart like a knife.

But thinking of Primordial Tianzun’s words, Jiang Ziya did not dare to reply, just pretending not to hear, bowed his head and strode down the mountain.

When Shen Gongbao saw Jiang Ziya or pretended not to hear own words, Shen Gongbao shouted angrily:

“Fellow daoist, please stay!

Hearing Shen Gongbao’s words, Jiang Ziya completely forgot the words of Primordial Tianzun, because the word fellow daoist was more heartbreaking than the words just now.


You must know that the two, like their brothers, shared their names with each other.

But Shen Gongbao’s words really gave up on himself, Jiang Ziya is very affectionate and righteous, how can he bear this.

What Shen Gongbao didn’t know was when he stopped Jiang Ziya with five words.

Jiang Ziya stopped, turned his head, looked at Shen Gongbao with tears, and then said to Shen Gongbao very guiltily:

“Brother Leopard, I’m sorry, this is not what I meant, but the master didn’t let me look back!”

Shen Gongbao was very happy after seeing Jiang Ziya turning his head, but when he heard that Jiang Ziya would ignore him and push him onto Primordial Tianzun.

This made Shen Gongbao very angry. Shen Gongbao naturally didn’t believe that the Primitive Tianzun would make Jiang Ziya ignore him, so Shen Gongbao asked Jiang Ziya:

“Did Master give you Ling Bao?”

Jiang Ziya nodded very sincerely, and Shen Gongbao asked jealously:

“Can you show me?”

Jiang Ziya knew that Ling Bao himself had been refined, so he called out the Xuantian Righteous Qi Banner and placed it on Own’s head.

When Shen Gongbao saw this, he became more jealous, and then felt sour.

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