Chapter 336 Wisdom of the villain [seeking subscription]

Fei Zhong and You Hun are inseparable. After the two went down, they came to You Hun’s residence. Fei Zhong said to You Hun:

“Brother You, what did we do wrong to make the king so angry?”

You Hun heard Fei Zhong’s words and said to Fei Zhong:

“Let’s sort out the things we have done recently!’

Fei Zhong suddenly thought of something and said to Youhun:

“Brother You, did you say that the king knew about our party formation?”

Youhun nodded suddenly:

“Yes, we all underestimate the king. The king uses us not to be how capable we are, but our existence is a weapon to the king!

And it’s a weapon for killing people, but if this martial “Ha Liuqi” weapon is not obedient, what would you say will end?”

Fei Zhong said in shock:


You Hun nodded, and Fei Zhong asked in a panic:

“Then what shall we do?”

Fei Zhong seems to have seen the end of own, and Youhun said:

“It’s okay, since the king hasn’t dealt with us, we will send all the things that the villain gave us to the king.

Just say that this is the private library we raised for the king. Since the king knows, he just wants to see how we do it!”

Fei Zhong said very dissatisfied:

“Then us?”

Seeing Fei Zhong’s appearance, You Hun asked Fei Zhong:

“What? Do you still want to live the old days?”

Fei Zhong thought of the life of the two of them in the past. Although they did not starve to death, they were completely different from the current Life!

Fei Zhong shook his head, and You Hun said:

“That’s not enough, we are all given by the king, and the king can take it back at any time!”

Our current life is based on the trust of the king and the reuse of you and me.

If we upset the king and are dismissed by the king, our lives will be worse than before!”

Hearing Youhun’s words, Fei Zhong thought that the two of them offended these days are all officials in the DPRK.

If the two really don’t have the blessing of King Zhou, then the fate of the two is simply better than life!

Fei Zhong nodded:

“Brother You, you are right. These things are not a temporary thing. When we slowly gain a foothold in Chaotang, that’s when we are developing.

Life is very good now!”

You Hun nodded, and Fei Zhong asked:

“Then when shall we go to the King to admit our mistakes!”

Yuhun said:

“Go early tomorrow morning!”

Fei Zhong:

“Why not go now!”

Yuhun explained:

“If we go now, it means that we know that we are forming a party for private purposes, and the king will not believe us at that time!

Going tomorrow is the last thing we discovered by ourselves, and to be honest with the king!

Fei Zhong was taken aback:

“What? Tell the truth? You are crazy!”

You Hun ignored Fei Zhong’s surprise, but continued:

“I just saw that they gave me money. I was afraid of lack of money since I was a child, and I accepted it subconsciously. I really didn’t think about forming a party for private purposes. Everything I have is given by the king. Give it to the king intact.

Become the king’s private library!”

Hearing Youhun’s words, Fei Zhong’s eyes lit up, and then he said to Youhun:

“Brother You, you are such a genius, why didn’t I expect it!”

You Hun said to Fei Zhong:

“This matter is because you take money too seriously. Only our power is in our hands. We can get these things sooner or later, not now.

Now we are trying our best to kill for the king, only if our weapon is obedient and sharp enough, the king will take good care of it.

If the blade is unfavorable, we will easily be abandoned by the king!”

Fei Zhong nodded:

“Brother You are still thoughtful, you will listen to Brother You for everything in the future!”

Seeing Fei Zhong’s statement, You Hun was also very satisfied. Own did so much, isn’t it to make Fei Zhong obey Own?

Although I can’t form a party with other people, it is still possible to hold a group with Fei Zhong, and this is something that King Zhou can tacitly approve!

You Hun said to Fei Zhong:

“Since the king knows about us, it means that the king has his own intelligence system.

So after you go back, don’t sleep tonight, stay in the study room, and keep the lights in the study room off!”

Fei Zhong was not sure why he asked:

“Brother You, why is this?”

You Hun hates that iron cannot become steel and said:

“Why, don’t you think about it all night? If you don’t feel haggard tomorrow, how can you let the king pity us!”

Fei Zhong suddenly realized:

“High, really high!”

You Hun ignored Fei Zhong’s flattery. After all, he was also a master of this skill.

“Now that you know, you can go back! I don’t sleep at night, 5.0 remember to bring all the gifts I received, we don’t know if the king knows what we have received!

So we must bring them all, if the king doubts us, then we are really not far from death!”

Fei Zhong nodded:

“Yes, Brother You, I know!”

While the two were discussing secretly, King Yue asked the shadow:

“Have you checked it all out?”


“My lord, it’s found out!”

King Zhou said to the shadow:

“Well, now that I have found it out, give me a list. I will see what they will do tomorrow!”.

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