Chapter 326 The actions of King Zhou [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao explained to Nezha:

“That was the candle dragon just now!”

Nezha had the common sense that Ling Bao gave to Nezha in his mind, but Nezha had never seen the candle dragon, so Nezha asked in shock:

“It’s the candle dragon of the dragon tribe, the overlord of the ancient tribes?”

Ling Bao heard Nezha’s words and said to Nezha:

“It seems you still know!”

Nezha said very proudly:

“Of course, I have read all the basics of passing you Master to me!”

Ling Bao was afraid that he would teach Nezha martial arts directly, and if he didn’t teach Nezha common sense, then Nezha would become the same as the “eight-six-seven” Kong of Sun Wu of later generations. I don’t know, then I will be made a joke.

So Ling Bao is very conscientious to be a real Master, and Nezha is also very convinced of his own Master.

Ling Bao said to Nezha:

“Since you know it, then I can rest assured. Although you only have Cultivation Base of Celestial Immortals, there are not a few people who killed you in an instant. It’s high, but it will be different next time.

So in the future, don’t be so reckless and impulsive. It’s better to meet someone worse than you, but if you meet someone better than you, you may not end up like this today.

I killed you who killed your person and avenged you, but what’s the use? So if something like this happens in the future, please find out the details of the other party first.

If the opponent is better than you, don’t be so impulsive, just find a chance to escape, wait until your Cultivation Base is higher, or find a teacher to help you out.

You haven’t learned your magical powers well. If you study the magical powers I taught you, these four silly dragons can still threaten you with the people of Chentangguan.

If I don’t show up, would you commit suicide in exchange for the survival of the people of Chentangguan?”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nezha was very embarrassed, because Ling Bao had said all his thoughts just now.

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nezha knew that there were still many differences. Ling Bao did not continue to speak deeply, but said to Nezha:

“Okay, go and cultivate, if you don’t understand anything, just come over and ask me!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nezha nodded and said:

“Yes, Master!

After Ling Bao sent Nezha away, Li Jing brought Yin Shiniang over and said to Ling Bao:

“Master Patriarch, thank you for Nezha’s affairs today!”

Ling Bao lifted up the luggage of the two people, and said:

“You two, don’t be polite, this is what I should do. After this killing, the road of Nezha cultivation will go smoothly. No one is contaminating Karma with Nezha!”

Just when Ling Bao and Li Jing explained Nezha, the original Tianzun of Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace opened his eyes.

You need to know Nezha, when the spirit bead lower realm killed the robbery, the Primordial Tianzun knew it in Heavenly Dao, this spirit bead was the best substitute for Taiyi, so Primordial Tianzun asked Taiyi to accept his disciples in the lower realm.

And in order to prevent Lingzhuzi from retaliating against Da Yi Taiyi in the future, Primordial Tianzun even planned the way behind.

But I didn’t expect that Ling Bao’s popularity in Nuwa Heaven would make Ling Bao’s clone personally collect disciples from the lower realms and help them survive the killing.

This is what the original Tianzun didn’t expect at all.

At this time, the Dragon Clan, under the education of the Dragon Clan, finally knew the situation of the Dragon Clan, and also knew that countless people in this predecessor were the Dragon Clan can not provoke.

Therefore, the dragon clan is very low-key, even low-key terrible, and later on, Wei Zheng cuts the dragon and white Dragon Horse.

But this is something later, but it is also because Ling Bao is too strong, so the Dragon Race sometimes conflicts with the Human Race, and they dare not expand the conflict.

Just when Ling Bao taught Nezha, Feng Wang also started to attack the other princes.

During the early dynasty, King Zhou said to the ministers under him:

“Everyone, since the widow became the king, the widow has been conscientious in governing the business, and has never slackened. After years of governance, the business has finally recovered a bit of popularity.

Therefore, I plan to invite all the princes to come to the song to celebrate. By the way, I would like to listen to the princes governing the country. I don’t know how good it is.

Bigan stood up and said to King Zhou:

“My lord, this is a good suggestion. The princes are far away, and it takes time from the notification to the arrival of Chaoge.

In addition, next year is the birth of the mother of Nuwa, which is once in the millennium. It happens that the king will bring his officials to the worship to show the king’s respect for the queen and the mother, and bless my business style 5.0 to adjust rain smoothly!

How do you think the king?”

King Zhou didn’t know Nuwa Madonna, Hou Tu Zhi Sheng Niang and Ling Bao Holy Father.

So King Zhou nodded and said:

“Goodness, what Afather said is extremely true, this matter will be handled by Afather!”

In order to win the hearts of the people, King Zhou recognized Bigan as his father, who was the brother of Emperor Yi and the prime minister, so he recognized Bigan as his father.

King Zhou swept all the hearts of merchants and civil servants all at once. In addition, King Zhou also gained a large number of military commanders’ hearts through Wucheng King Huang Feihu.

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