Chapter 324 Flooded Chentangguan [seeking subscription]

Ao Guang’s four people came to the East China Sea. The four people used the Dragon Clan’s natal supernatural powers to control the waters of the East China Sea, and the mighty water rushed to the beach fiercely.

Ao Guang knew that he could not kill directly, so Ao Guang hid in the sea and shouted angrily:

“Li Jing, I know you can hear, your son Nezha kills my son, every time I humiliate my Dragon King, if you don’t give me an explanation today, today I will use the water of the East China Sea to flood your Chentang Pass! ”

Li Jing heard Donghai Dragon King Ao Guang’s words, they were very close, looked at Ling Bao, and said to Ling Bao:

“My patriarch, what can I do? I can’t let the people of Chentangguan be buried because of my son Nezha!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, it’s okay!”

And when Nezha saw that Ao Guang threatened Own’s father with the people of Chentangguan, Nezha came to the sea and yelled at Ao Guang angrily:

“Ao Guang, you don’t wanting face so much, you can’t beat me, and you move 867 innocent people. If you dare to move our human race alone, I will destroy your water race today!”

Hearing what Nezha said, Ao Guang said with disdain:

“Huh, it’s a mere ant from the human race, but you don’t want these mortals to die, you have to kill yourself in my face, otherwise, there is no need for the people of Chentangguan to exist!”

Hearing what Ao Guang said, Nezha became entangled. After all, Nezha is very small, but also very kind. Although he likes to do small pranks in Chentangguan, it is not hurtful, and Nezha is very cute because of his young age. So the people of Chentangguan are very kind to Nezha!

So Nezha didn’t want the people of Chentangguan to have a problem. Nezha saw this and rushed towards the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Sihai Dragon King also knows that he and others are not Nezha’s opponents, so Sihai Dragon King hides in the sea.

Nezha root (bafa) could not attack the Dragon King of the Four Seas, but the Dragon King of the Four Seas saw that Nezha was disregarding the life and death of the people of Chentangguan, so the Dragon King of the Four Seas was hidden in the sea, urging magical powers, the endless sea. The vast water rushed towards Chentangguan.

When Nezha saw this, his eyes were red anxiously, and he quickly released the own universe circle and Huntianling to block the water of the East China Sea. The water of the East China Sea was so huge that there were several threads that did not resist it.

Although it was only a trace, it was also a turbulent flood that fell on the land. Countless floods poured into the inland of the human race, and countless houses were instantly destroyed by the ruthless flood.

Everyone in the human race kept escaping, and Li Jing and Yin Shiniang also sold and rescued the human race.

Nezha saw this and shouted very angrily:

“Stop, I kill myself!”

When Ao Guang heard Ne Zha’s words, he did not urge his supernatural powers again, but he did not take back the water in Chentang Pass again.

Instead, he appeared in the sea, looked at Nezha, and said to Nezha:

“Well, if you commit suicide, I will receive magical powers!”

Holding the path of Javier Khi:

“Hmph, I killed myself, but you must take back the flood in the human race!”

Ao Guang said very arrogantly:

“That’s impossible, it’s impossible, this is just a small lesson, if you still don’t understand, I will pour out the water from all over the world and destroy your human race!”

The other three Dragon Kings also echoed:

“Yes, the mere ants of the day after tomorrow, if you don’t have a backstage, your human race can still become the eternal protagonist, huh, that’s for Nuwa Empress Face, if you don’t understand it anymore, you will be exterminated!”

As soon as the words of the three Dragon Kings fell, the floods on the ground were flying up, and then turned into sharp swords, flying towards the Dragon Kings of the four seas.

When the countless floods receded, the human race uttered endless cheers, and a cold voice came over:

“Oh, I want to see who can blatantly destroy my human race, the patriarch of my human race is not dead yet!”

Ao Guang heard Ling Bao’s words and asked Ling Bao:

“You are the patriarch of the human race? No, as far as I know, the human race is divided, how can there be a patriarch!”

Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“Isolate and ignorant, sit in the well and watch the sky, destroy my human house, and use your Dragon Palace to repay the debt!”

After Ling Bao stretched out his hand, the Four Seas Dragon Palace all rose from the ground and quickly flew up. Ao Guang looked at own Donghai Dragon Palace and said in shock:

“Is that my East China Sea Dragon Palace?”

The other three Dragon Kings, Ao Shun, Ao Run and Ao Ruan were shocked:

“That is my Xihai Dragon Palace!”

“That’s my Beihai Dragon Palace!”

“That’s my South China Sea Dragon Palace!”

Ling Bao waved his hand again, and after countless good fortune powers disintegrated the Sihailong Palace, it fell on the ground and became a beautiful city!

Then Ling Bao faced the four human beings:

“This is your punishment for destroying the Human Race’s house. Although Human Race has the help of Li Jing and others, there is no life threatening. Otherwise, you will be destroyed!”

Ao Guang was very angry and said:

“Who are you? Human Race has no patriarch at all!”

Ling Bao coldly said:

“After seeing the four of you, I really want to die. It seems that for the sake of the four of you who will rain and rain every year, I forgive you, if that is the case.

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