Chapter 322 Dragon King seeks justice [seeking subscription]

After Nezha finished speaking, he put away Ao Bing’s body, and then disappeared after stepping on the hot wheel.

Just after Nezha left, the shrimp soldiers and crabs came to the Dragon Palace and found Ao Guang. A crab would cry to Ao Guang and said:

“Lord Dragon King, Third Prince, Third Prince!”

General Xie didn’t know how to talk to Ao Guang. Ao Guang heard General Xie’s words and said to General Xie:

“What happened to the third prince?”

The Crab General said tremblingly:

“Third prince, third prince, dead, dead!”

Ao Guang was very angry when he heard it, and said harshly to the crab general:

“What did you say? Say it again, who is dead?”

The crab saw that Ao Guang was so severe and terrified, and then said with a trembling:

“My lord, yes, yes, three, three, third prince, third prince is dead!”

Dragon King asked in surprise:

“Ao Bing?

The crab nodded, and the Dragon King grabbed the crab and asked in disbelief:

“How did Ao Bing die?”

Crab 10 will face the Dragon King and say:

“The third prince was killed by a human named Nezha!”

Dragon King muttered to himself:


Then the Dragon King began to calculate, and Ling Bao did not cover up the secrets at all. Soon the Dragon King figured out the identity of Ne Zha, and Ao Guang shouted very angrily:

“Li Jing, your son dared to kill my son, I will definitely let your son pay for my son!”

After talking about it, Ao Guang got up and went out. At this time Nezha had already returned home, and Nezha only knew that he had killed someone at this time.

And Nezha didn’t dare to talk to Li Jing at all. You must know that Li Jing often taught Nezha not to bully the weak. This time Nezha didn’t know what happened, and directly killed the third prince.

Ling Bao looked at Nezha’s anxious look and felt very funny. Just when Nezha was tangled, Ao Guang drove the clouds to Chentangguan, above Li Jing’s mansion, and then shouted very angrily:

“Li Jing, come out for me!”

Li Jing heard Ao Guang’s words, walked out of Li Mansion, saw Ao Guang, smiled and said to Ao Guang:

“It turned out to be the Donghai Dragon King. I don’t know what is the point of the Dragon King coming to my mansion this time?”

Ao Guang was even more angry when he saw Li Jing smile, and then shouted at Li Jing:

“Li Jing, your son killed my son, you must give me an explanation!”

Li Jing asked very puzzled:

“My son? Which son of mine?”

Li Jing never thought that Nezha made it. He thought it was made by Jinzha or Muzha, who was teaching cultivation. That’s why Li Jing asked!

Ao Guang saw Li Jing’s appearance, and then asked Li Jing:

“Li Jing, I ask you, do you have a son named Nezha!”

Li Jing nodded:

“Yes, Nezha is a child!”

Donghai Dragon King Ao Guang said at this time:

“Hmph, it was my son that Nezha killed, and he was very fiercely cramped and skinned. You must give me an explanation today, or don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Nezha, who watched the incident from the side, was very angry, stepped on the hot wheel and stood up, and then said to the Dragon King of the East China Sea:

“Hmph, you old thing, dare to be so unreasonable to my father, you are looking for death! Watch the circle!”

After speaking, I took out the own universe circle and threw it in front of Ao Guang. You must know that this is not the universe circle that the real Taiyi gave to Nezha, but the treasure of Innate refined by Ling Bao, although now it can only play the best Innate The power of Ling Bao.

But it is not something Ao Guang can resist!


Ao Guang let out a painful scream. Ao Guang knew that he was here now, and he was not the opponent of Li Jing at all. Using the magical powers of the dragon clan, Ao Guang quickly left here. When he left, Ao Guang let go Then, facing Li Jingdao:

“Li Jing, very good, I know, you just wait for my revenge!”

After speaking, Ao Guang left Chentang Pass and flew towards the East China Sea Dragon Palace. When he arrived at the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Guang directly rang the dragon-calling bell in the Dragon Palace.

The voice of the dragon bell quickly spread all over the world.

The three of Xihai Dragon King Ao Wen, Nanhai Dragon King Ao Qin, and Beihai Dragon King Ao Shun arrived soon.

Xihai Dragon King Ao Wen faced Ao Guangdao:

“I don’t know what Dage told us to do here?’

Ao Guang heard what Ao Wen said, and then said to the three:

850″ Three virtuous brothers, my son Ao Bing was killed by the son of Li Jing, the general soldier of Chen Tangguan. His son relied on the power of Magic Treasures. I am not an opponent, so I asked three virtuous brothers to come over and help me get it back. justice!”

Ao Shun heard Ao Guang’s words and said angrily:

“It’s not bad, the tribes dare to kill my dragon, how can this be, Dage, don’t worry, we will definitely help Dage get justice!”

Ao Run also nodded:


Ao Qin:

“Yes, I can’t just forget it 1”

Ao Guangdao:

“Nezha, don’t look at your young age, but there is also Celestial Immortals’ Cultivation Base, and Magic Treasures are very powerful, the three virtuous brothers must be careful!”

Hearing what Ao Guang said, the three nodded, and Ao Qin said:

“Dage, don’t worry, no matter how powerful his Magic Treasures are, it is only a Celestial Immortals. The four of us are still afraid that he and a Celestial Immortals will fail!”

Ao Run also nodded:

“Yes, let’s go, let’s get justice to Ao Bing!”.

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