Chapter 313 Taiyi real person [seeking subscription]

The voice of Master Taiyi came over:

“Who is such a bold person, dare to explain to me to grab apprentices!”

Ling Bao heard the sound, frowned slightly, waved his hand to protect Nezha, and then walked out:

“What? Your interpretation and calculation have come to the head of the human race. I believe you will not understand the origin of this Nezha!”

Although Majestic Taiyi was the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, it was nothing compared to Ling Bao. Majestic Taiyi saw Ling Bao and was very surprised. I did not expect that Ling Bao Venerable’s clone could come in person.

Master Taiyi thought of Guang Chengzi’s fate, and immediately said:

“Participating in Patriarch Ling Bao, my master was afraid that this spiritual pearl would be secretly cast, so he asked me to come in person. Since Venerable has come in person, I am relieved!”

Hearing Madam Taiyi’s words, Li Jing was very helpless. What about your temper just now, what about the device just now?

But Li Jing just thought about this, but he didn’t dare to say it. Although he looked down on Taiyi at this time, his two sons were still explaining the art of teaching, so Li Jing didn’t say it at all.

Li Jing faced Taiyi’s true humanity:

“Since a real person knows the patriarch of the human race, it is easy to handle. The child has just been born, and the patriarch came to accept the child. I am not good to refuse, so

True person Taiyi knows that Li Jing’s Master Du’er is the quasi-sage Realm’s great ability, and has a very good relationship with interpretation. It is not surprising that Li Jing knows the existence of Ling Bao.

After all, Ling Bao ruled from the birth of the Human Race to hundreds of thousands of years ago. Although Ling Bao was trying to measure the robbery, the Human Race Sacred Land and the Xuegong were closed, but everyone knew that as long as the amount of the robbery ended, the Human Race would definitely re-emerge. of.

So no one, Sage, did it too terribly, Ling Bao said to Taiyi truly humane:

“In that case, go back and thank the original Sage for me. I will teach this Nezha, the reincarnated spirit ball!”

Madam Taiyi was very embarrassed. I saw Nezha just now. This Nezha’s aptitude is better than his own. If such an apprentice earns himself under the sect, he will definitely be able to pass on his own legacy. Madam Taiyi wants to discuss with Ling Bao.

But seeing Ling Bao’s murderous eyes, thinking of Guang Chengzi’s end, Majestic Taiyi immediately woke up and said to Ling Bao:

“Master Patriarch, I’m sorry, Nezha’s aptitude is too good, I’m a bit gaffe. Now that the patriarch here has accepted Nezha, I am relieved. I will go back and return to my teacher and leave!”

Li Jing quickly said:

“Leader, walk slowly, I’ll give it to you!”

Madam Taiyi is busy running for his life, how could it be delayed, so Madam Taiyi said:

“Stay and leave!”

After talking about using magical powers to disappear, Li Jing stared blankly at the real Taiyi who was running away, and then said to Ling Bao:

“Master Patriarch, I don’t know this thing either!”

Ling Baodao:

“It’s okay, I didn’t blame you, but it will take a while for Nezha to be born, so don’t bother Nezha!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Li Jing nodded, and then Li Jing came to Yin Shiniang’s side and asked Yin Shiniang very gently:

“Lady, are you okay?”

Yin Shiniang shook his head:

“Msang-gong, I’m fine!”

Ling Bao realized that there was also Yin Shiniang. Ling Bao waved his hand, and a few drops of the three-light divine water fell on Yin Shiniang’s body. The birth of a child was a matter of exhausting vitality.

But after consumption, a drop of Sanguang Divine Water can completely restore Yin Shiniang and increase, let alone a few drops of Sanguang Divine Water.

Yin Shiniang received Ling Bao’s gift, and she felt very comfortable all over her body. Yin Shiniang got out of bed and bowed to Ling Bao slightly:

“. Thank you sir!”

Ling Bao faced Yin Shi Niangdu:

“I think you are also a cultivator. Go back and practice!”

Yin Shiniang just got the Sanguang Divine Water, so now practice is the best choice, and Ling Bao doesn’t want to lose his own gift, so that’s why.

Although Li Jing envied him, Yin Shiniang was also his own wife no matter what, so Li Jing said to Yin Shiniang:

“Lady, hurry up and rest, I can accompany the patriarch here!”

Yin Shiniang saluted Ling Bao:

“Then I will retire!”

After talking about Yin Shiniang, she went down to cultivation, and Li Jing watched her leave after she left, and then went down to humanity:

“Go, get the tea I collected!”

The next person faced Li Jingdao:

(Qian Li’s) “Yes, my lord!”

Then Li Jing said to Ling Bao:

“Master Patriarch, please sit down!”

After Ling Bao sat down, Li Jing wanted to say something but stopped, Ling Bao asked:

“If you have anything you want to ask, just say it!”

Li Jing said to Ling Bao:

“Master Patriarch, do you want to follow the Patriarch to return to Sacred Land after growing up?”

Ling Bao Yao headed away:

“You worry too much. If it’s to bring him to Sacred Land, I won’t let him reincarnate. Nezha commits a murder and a catastrophe. The catastrophe can only be achieved.

I’m afraid that someone will break Nezha’s roots, so I came to teach it myself. Don’t worry, I will stay in your house temporarily while teaching Nezha!”.

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