Chapter 310 Acting by Ji Chang【seeking subscription】

Ji Chang knew that he was a mortal. Although he was a bit Cultivation Base, he was far from Immortal Ascension. However, if the “Book of Changes” he inherited was not powerful, he would count it out a little bit.

He was seriously injured, so it must be because of Da Neng’s intervention. Thinking of Da Neng, Ji Chang thought that Sage had come to Xiqi.

So Ji Chang knew that Sage would definitely say to Xiqi, otherwise, he would not get hurt by calculating the whole area of ​​Xiqi by himself.

That is, the own calculus has affected Sage. Since it has affected Sage, then it means that Sage has reached Xiqi.

But which Sage is, Ji Chang doesn’t know, although Ji Chang doesn’t know, but as Xibohou of Xiqi, Ji Chang naturally knows what to do?

Ji Chang started to treat the old, weak, sick and disabled in Xiqi, and these old, weak, sick and disabled all knew that it was Ji Chang who had to use himself to gain prestige again.

Although they knew, these people didn’t say it, because they knew that if they didn’t say it, they could still get a lot of life materials, and they could still live very well.

But if it is said, then own must end up very miserably, and it is not that no one said it, but those who said it have disappeared, and there is no news until now.

All those who inquired about these people’s news disappeared.

So these people are very clever knowing that if they want to live well, they will passively accept it. They even have to cooperate with Ji Chang to be grateful.

Ji Chang brought officials and supplies to the gathering place of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and began to give these people “warmth”. While sending the warmth, Ji Chang also let own take care of things:

“Let’s take a look, if there is a stranger in Xiqi recently, if there is a stranger, don’t act rashly, just tell me, don’t monitor, don’t be impulsive!”

As for using the “Book of Changes” to calculate, Ji Chang would definitely not dare.

When Ling Bao was in Xiqi, he also saw Xiqi’s ever-changing plans. Xiqi, a huge government agency, was operating very quickly.

Ling Bao felt that someone took a look at himself, and then disappeared. Ling Bao knew that this was Ji Chang’s person, but Ling Bao didn’t care. You must know that own Cultivation Base is the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and wait for the deity to break through Hunyuan Taiji. Realm of Jinxian, when he becomes Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian, he can break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although he is the Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his understanding of Tao is not something other people can look back on.

Let alone these mortals, Ling Bao could tell at a glance whether it was in the past or in the past life.

Ling Bao naturally knew what Ji Chang did, and the things Ji Chang did made Ling Bao feel the same as what a child did.

Ling Bao hated Ji Chang even more, but Ling Bao did not show it. Ji Chang also knew that Ling Bao was an outsider.

But Ji Chang didn’t know if Ling Bao was Sage, but many strangers Ji Chang found did not look like Sage.

Ji Chang has seen Sanqing and Zhunti’s portraits, and found that these people are not up to Ling Bao, and because Sacred Land was not born, most of the Humans don’t know what Ling Bao looks like, but he knows that Daoist has a holy father. Virgin.

Although Ling Bao is a bit similar to the deity Ling Bao, the human race basically doesn’t know what Ling Bao looks like after tens of thousands of years.

In addition, there is no one in Ling Bao to set up a statue for the human race, so the people of the human race don’t know Ling Bao at all.

However, there are many statues of Nuwa in the human race, but there are all kinds of statues, all of which are conceived by the human race.

After all, when Nuwa and Ling Bao manifested the saints, the human race did not know about sacrifices. Only when the cultivation of the human race became fewer and fewer, ordinary people began to make sacrifices.

But at this time Ling Bao and Nuwa both started Closed Door Training, so few people in the human race knew what they looked like.

Most of the human races don’t know, let alone Ji Chang. Ji Chang’s hair is pale and sad, and they didn’t even think of which Sage had arrived.


What Ji Chang didn’t know, Ji Chang was right, but the hexagram Sage in the “Book of Changes” is the most noble, and there is no such thing as Sage.

Although Ling Bao is Ling Bao’s three corpses, Ling Bao’s status is above Sage.

Ji Chang kept looking at these strangers here, wondering which one was Sage, but these people, including Ling Bao himself, had no place to show their saints.

Even Ji Chang sent a lot of patients and wounded to appear in front of these strangers, even Ling Bao did not use any Magic power, but used ordinary people’s medical skills and herbs to treat these people.

And many of the remaining strangers don’t care at all. It’s not that they don’t want to care, but they can’t care about it at all.

Soon Ji Chang excluded Ling Bao as Sage. Why, because Ji Chang knows that Sage is all ants. Sage will not think that ordinary people live and die, but if Ling Bao shot it, Ling Bao shot it. The difficulty is absolutely. Not Sage.

What Ji Chang didn’t know was that because of Ji Chang’s self-righteousness, perfect and Ling Bao passed by. and.

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