Chapter 307 Encounter Shen Gongbao by chance [seeking subscription]

Jiang Shang was very scared when he saw a piebald leopard, but he was very excited when he heard the leopard talk.

Jiang Shang changed from fear to very excited, making the leopard very surprised.Jiang Shang immediately fell to his knees and said to the leopard:

“The fairy is here, Jiang Shang is polite, and he asked the fairy to accept me as a disciple. Jiang Shangding is grateful!”

The leopard shook his head and said:

“I’m not a fairy, I’m just a leopard with a bright mind. My name is Shen Gongbao, and your name is Jiang Shang!”

When Jiang Shang heard Shen Gongbao’s words, he was very disappointed and nodded:

“My name is Jiang Shang with the word Ziya, you can call me Jiang Shang or Jiang Ziya!”

Shen Gongbao heard Jiang Shang’s words and said to Jiang Shang:

“I’ll call you Jiang Ziya, what are you mortals doing in this deep mountain and old forest, here are all poisonous insects and beasts!”

Jiang Ziya said disappointedly:

“I have been admiring the Immortal Dao since I was young, but now there are no immortals in the Human Race. I believe that there must be immortals in this world. I bid farewell to my relatives and friends, and walked into this deep mountain and old forest, looking for immortals and accepting me as a disciple, so I can pursue that immortal Dao!”

When Shen Gongbao heard Jiang Ziya’s words, he admired Jiang Ziya very much, and said to Jiang Ziya:

“You really have great perseverance. By the way, do you want to worship someone as your teacher?”

Jiang Ziya shook his head:

“I don’t know, as long as it is a fairy, I don’t know any fairy!”

Shen Gongbao was shocked and said:

“What, you came out to apprentice without knowing anything!”

Jiang Ziya saluted Shen Gongbao:

“Brother Leopard, what else is there to talk about?”

Shen Gongbao explained:

“In this wild land, there are five major forces, Sacred Land, Western Religion, Human Religion, Explaining Religion, and Intercepting Religion. Among them, the Human Race Sacred Land is the strongest, but it is also the only place that takes the initiative to accept disciples. To accept a disciple is to kneel to death, and the other party will not accept you.

The Western religion is in the wild and far west, and the distance is very long. You, a mortal, can’t go there even if you walk to death.

Renjiao is a sect established by the daddy, one of the three Qing Dynasties. As far as I know, Renjiao does not have any apprentices except for a Master Xuandu.

Chanjiao is one of the sects established by the Primitive Heavenly Sovereign of the Three Qings. In Kunlun Mountain, it is not very far from this.

Jiejiao is not bad. According to legend, it was from the dynasty of thousands of immortals that there were no kind of teachings, but I don’t know the exact location on Jinzheng Island in the East China Sea.

I turned on the spiritual wisdom, and originally planned to try my luck with the teaching. If the teaching does not accept me, I will stop the teaching!”

Hearing Shen Gongbao’s explanation, Jiang Ziya was very yearning and said to Shen Gongbao:

“Brother Leopard, can you take me with you!”

Shen Gongbao looked at Jiang Ziya and a group of mortals. They were so persevering and persevering. They also admired Jiang Ziya very much. Hearing Jiang Ziya’s request, Shen Gongbao nodded without thinking:

“Okay, come on and on my back, at your speed, thinking of Kunlun Mountain, I don’t know how long it will take!’

Just when Shen Gongbao explained to Jiang Ziya, he knew it all three times. Several Sages pinched and found that Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao both looked like flying bears behind them.

Although I don’t know why, all the saints know that this is the person who has the title of gods, and the original Tianzun is very happy, but this is the condition of the geographical advantage.

The first stop for the two is the own Kunlun Mountain. Other Sage also wants to bring the two to the door, but the qualifications of the two are really not very good.

No Sage is willing to put down Face to take the initiative to accept the two as apprentices.

On Sanxian Island in the void, Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, are you not going to accept disciples? Isn’t this your character?”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“No, let’s go with the fate, besides, appointing gods is just a small purpose. As for who to appoint, who is in the position of Heaven Court, then it has nothing to do with me, can it affect me?”

Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words and thought about it, too, let alone the people in the Fengshen, that is, the Jade Emperor did not have much attention to everyone.

Nuwa curled her lips and asked:

“Then what else is there to pay attention to?”

Ling Bao said:

“You haven’t come back to look at all the sentient beings, calculating and struggling for detachment, isn’t 850 also interesting?”

Nuwa Road:

“Anyway, there is nothing wrong, so I will accompany you to see!”

At this time, Jiang Ziya thanked Shen Gongbao with great gratitude, and then when Shen Gongbao was impatient, Jiang Ziya got on Shen Gongbao’s back.

Shen Gongbao ran towards Kunlun Mountain with Jiang Ziya, and Tongtian saw this situation, but said sourly:

“Huh, shit luck!”

Then I ignored him, and continued to close his eyes Insight Heavenly Dao, while the original Tianzun was very happy, and said to the Baihe boy beside him:

“Tong’er, there are some people who come to apprentice at the foot of the mountain to learn art, you go down the mountain and bring them up!”

Baihe Boy salutes the original:

“Yes, sir!”

Then Tengyun flew down the mountain in the mist.

Jiang Ziya hugged Shen Gongbao and screamed. Shen Gongbao saw Jiang Ziya like this, his childlike innocence grew, and he laughed faster.

Soon the two came to the foot of Kunlun Mountain. Just as they were sighing the majestic and magnificent Kunlun Mountain, a child sounded:

“You two came to apprentice to learn art?”,

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