Chapter 305 Di Cintogu [seeking subscription]

Emperor Yi faced Wen Zhongdao:

“Teacher, I know the situation of the Human Race. Now the Sacred Land and Xuegong of the Human Race are closed. I believe that your ability to intercept teaching will not be born!”

Hearing what Emperor Yi said, Wen Zhong was silent. Yes, what Emperor Yi said was correct. The own Master told himself that many core disciple and Outer Sect disciples could not escape the world.

If I didn’t want to repay the kindness of Emperor Yi, I would cultivate with the Master.

Seeing Wen Zhong not speaking, Emperor Yi smiled bitterly at Wen Zhongdao:

“Teacher, you don’t have to worry about it, your commander is the military power of Dashang, I want to make the third prince Di Xin as the great king, so I also ask the master to help me!”

Wen Zhong asked very surprised:

“What? Di Xin?”

Emperor B nodded:

“I released the news from the outside. I just wanted Wei Ziqi and Wei Zhongyan to fight. As for my dislike of Di Xin’s appearance, I did it deliberately.

If I directly say let Di Xin take over, it will definitely be a minor branch. I tell you this, I will tell you the next thing.

Because as long as the army is not chaotic, the country cannot be chaotic!”

Wen Zhong was very excited when he heard the words of Emperor Yi. You must know that this is not a trivial matter, but a major matter related to the fortune of the country.

Emperor Yi believed in himself so much, Wen Zhong was very moved, and bowed to Emperor Yi:

“Your Majesty, the veteran will go through fire and water, and don’t hesitate, the king, don’t worry, I am here, the big business is in chaos!”

Emperor Yi knew Wen Zhong very well, so after Wen Zhong came back, Emperor Yi told Wen Zhong the matter as soon as possible.

As an emperor, Emperor Yi is very competent and grasps people’s hearts to death. Emperor Yi is also very happy when he sees this situation.

Wen Zhong asked Emperor Yi:

“The prince and the second prince?”

Emperor Yi revealed the cruelty of the emperor:

“If they are interested, I believe Di Xin will not move them. If they are not interested, don’t blame Di Xin for not talking about brotherhood. For the inheritance of the big business, if the two of them do not understand the overall situation.

There is no need to exist anymore!”

Hearing the words of Emperor Yi, Wen Zhong thought about it, also, if it is nothing to lose two princes for the inheritance of the big business, Wen Zhong asked very curiously:

“Great King, why did that Di Xin become the heir of the Great King!”

Di Yi said very proudly:

“My three sons, Wei Ziqi and Wei Zhongyan, are all idiots, short-sighted, self-directed, and have no opinion at all.

But Di Xin is different. He is very smart and has a big picture. The most important thing is to stick to the own principle.

I believe that Dashang will definitely become more prosperous and powerful under his leadership!

Wen Zhong believed Di Yi’s words very much, and then nodded:

“Since the great king has decided, then the Weichen will do his best to support the third prince after all!”

Emperor Yi nodded, then said:

“Tomorrow you come to the government affairs hall, I have something to announce!”

Wen Zhong didn’t know anything, but he still replied:

“Yes! King!”

The next day, Emperor Yi went to court. Since he was injured, he rarely went to court. But this time, many people didn’t know why.

Soon Emperor Yi sat on the throne, and all the officials saluted Emperor Yi:

“Let’s see the king!

Emperor Yi waved his hand:

“All the Qings are flat!

Everyone straightened up, waiting for Emperor Yi to speak, and Emperor Yi faced the humanity around him:

“The emperor’s edict: the prime ministers compare the work, the hard work is high, the veterans of the two dynasties, the special gift is exempted from the dead iron scroll, the prime ministers are not treasonous, as long as they are not treason, any crime is forgiven!

-0 Seeking flowers…0

The Taishi Wenzhong had outstanding military exploits, outstanding meritorious service, and loyalty. No one can be deprived! The Three Armies of Yongzhen!”

Hearing the king’s order, everyone was very surprised, but thinking that it was the king’s order, no one opposed it at all.

This is the shortcoming of the slave dynasty. Some people have opinions, but since it is an order, no one dares to object.

Because here, all the people who opposed the king’s order are dead, the kind with no bones left.


Everyone knows that in the future, Bi Gan and Wen Zhong will not be able to provoke them at all. Bi Gan is better, just a civil servant.

But Wen Zhong is different, but he is the commander of the whole army, he is also the Taishi, and he also fights the king’s golden whip. You must know that even the king can beat the king’s golden whip, let alone the people below.

Everyone knew that in the future, he had to go around Wen Zhong. If Wen Zhong used Wang Jin to beat himself to death, Wen Zhong would not have any responsibility.

What a new appointment this is, that is, Wei Zi Qi and Wei Zhongyan look at Wen Zhong, and both reveal their jealousy and fear.

Only Di Xin stood there blankly, no one knew what Di Xin was thinking?

Emperor Yi saw this and said to the minister below:

“The widow is a bit tired now. In the future, the loud government affairs will be left to the prime minister. As for the military affairs, I will directly contact the Taishi Wenzhong.

I believe them, so don’t report to me!”

Hearing the words of Emperor Yi, Weizi Qi and Wei Zhongyan knew that this court was above the court. From now on, it was Bigan and Wen Zhong who said that, so if you want to become a great king, you must get the support of these two people! and,

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