Chapter 303 Emperor Yi Wenzi【seeking subscription】

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“Of course it has changed!”

When Ling Bao, Nuwa and Houtu were talking, Tongtian sat in the Biyou Palace and opened his eyes:

“Fortunately, I have enough apprentices, and I have a good luck bonus, and finally I have cultivated to Sage to be ten first stage days. If you are the second brother, I don’t know when I will be able to Ascension Realm!

After talking about Tongtian, I continued to cultivate, Insight Heavenly Dao went.

But the dynasty at this time has almost passed to the hands of Emperor Yi, and Emperor Yi called Bi Gan to his side and said to Bi Gan:

“The prime minister, haven’t you found it yet?”

Bigan shook his head:

“Great King, Human Race Sacred Land and Xuegong have no way to find it, and they don’t know how or where?”

Emperor Yi asked Bigan:

“Has the inspector of the Academy found it?”

Bigan nodded:

“I found it, but they didn’t take the ministers to the academy!’

Emperor Yi sighed and said:

“Hey, it’s all fate!”

Bigan Road:

“The king, don’t feel inferior. Grandmaster Wen Zhong went to find the elixir. When the emperor retrieves the elixir, the king’s injury is healed, and he will definitely be able to make a breakthrough!”

Emperor Yi sighed and said:

“Hey, my human race won’t just decline like this? Human race Sacred Land doesn’t care about human race anymore, it’s really troublesome!”

Bigan comforted:

“My lord, I believe that Grandmaster Wen Zhong will find the elixir to cure the lord’s injury!”

Emperor Yi shook his head:

“Don’t talk about the hope of the emptiness of the Kaijian, Prime Minister, I have three sons, which son do you think can inherit the throne w^!”

Bigan Road:

“This is the matter of the great king, and the ministers don’t know. The three sons of the great king are all dragons and phoenixes. Anyone can inherit the general rule!

As long as it is the heir selected by the king, the minister will fully assist!”

Di Yi looked at Bigan, then shook his head, and said to Bigan:

“Well, I will test my three sons next to see who can inherit Datong, I feel that my injury really can’t be suppressed!”

Bigan Road:

“My lord, take a good rest, Weichen has retired!”

Di Yi nodded tiredly, seeing that Bi Gan went on, Di Yi began to suppress his injuries.

And Di Yi has three sons, namely Wei Zi Qi, Wei Zhong Yan and Di Xin.

The three sons are both civil and military, but this country is suffering from internal and external troubles, so Emperor Yi wants to find a heir to let the Own Dashang Dynasty continue and continue its glory!

On this day, Emperor Yi called the three to his side and asked the three sons:

“My son, my father’s injury is very serious now. I don’t know if Taishi Wenzhong can find the holy medicine for healing this time. If I can’t find it, my father’s life will not be many.

It doesn’t matter if we die for the father, but the father can’t let us have a big business without a big king. I will only be your three sons. If you inherit the Datong after I die, how will you govern?”

The three sons all faced Emperor Yidao one after another:

“Father, you must not say that, father, you auspicious people have their own natural phenomena, I believe Taishi will find the holy medicine for healing!”

Emperor Yi waved his hand:

“Okay, you don’t need to talk about these imaginary words, you guys tell me, if you inherit the throne, what do you do, the boss will talk about it first!”

The three of them were shocked, knowing that if they were right, the throne would be own. To become the king of the human race, everyone wanted this glory.

Weizi thought for a while and said:

“Father, if I inherit the throne, I will comfort the princes from all walks of life, and then let the princes guard the frontier.

Marry with the princes, stabilize the princes, appoint the virtuous, vigorously develop the power of the big business, and finally defeat the dog velvet and unify the human race!’

Emperor Yi asked his second son Wei Zhongyan:

“Yan’er, what about you? What do you think?”

Wei Zhongyan thought for a while and said:

“. My idea is similar to that of Dage. Stabilize the surrounding vassal kingdoms, and then restart the Academy to let people learn all kinds of knowledge. Now the inheritance of the human race is cut off, I want to collect all the books.

He also encouraged the princes to squat their soldiers, then lead them to destroy the dog velvet, and then develop the people’s livelihood!

Di Yi nodded with a smile, but the disappointment in his eyes flashed, and Di Yi asked Di Xin:

“Di Xin, what about you? What do you think?”

Di Xin stood up and said:

“Father, my brother Dage and I have the opposite idea. I think that the malignant tumor of our Dashang is the vassal country. Dog cashmere is just a disease of ringworm and scabies. It is harmless and does not pose a big threat to my Dashang.

But the greatest threat to my business is indeed the princes’ country. The most powerful princes (Qianli’s) country now listens to my business and does not listen to the announcements, or even the decree of my business. If I succeed to the throne, I Can”

Before Di Xin finished speaking, Di Yi roared very angrily:

“Niezi, shut up! You are presumptuous, the princes have made great contributions to the establishment of my big business. How did you treat the heroes when you became the king?”

Weizi Qi and Wei Zhongyan saw that Di Xin was angry. They gloated at Di Xin, knowing that this arrogant third brother was completely missed from the throne.

Emperor Yi yelled at the three:

“Get out of here, I don’t want to see you, Di Xin, you kneel outside the ancestral hall for me, and you are not allowed to get up without my order!”

Di Xin saluted slightly:

“Yes, Father!”,

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