Chapter 301 Tongtian’s Big Articles【Subscribe】

When everyone heard Tongtian’s words, they rolled their eyes. This Master is really unreliable. As a big brother, Duobao naturally stands up and speaks. Duobao asked Tongtian:

“Master! What are we going to do when we intercept the teachings this time?”

Tongtian heard Duobao’s question and turned to Duobaodao:

“We have a large number of people who teach, and many of them have Karma. Of course, there are teachers and cannot guarantee your safety.

Because this amount of robbery is all on your own, we Sage don’t plan to take action, so I want you all to quietly sing Huang Ting at home, don’t go out and get Karma, as long as you quietly sing Huang Ting at home, you can naturally avoid this time. Catastrophe.

However, I suggest that those of you who have Karma karma on your body should take the initiative to go out Transcends Tribulation, because our doctrine of interception is to intercept the first line of life. Although avoidance is also one of the methods, it is also the worst one!

The best way for you is to really fight for it.Of course, Dubao does not have much Karma karma in your body, so at least don’t participate. People who don’t have Karma karma, honestly meditate in the own dojo!

It’s much easier to do just the same amount of robbing!”

After hearing Tongtian’s words, everyone knew what they should do, and the Wudang Virgin asked Tongtian:

“Master, if that’s the case, then the amount of calamity this time is not too big!

Through Heavenly Dao:

“There are only so many disciples of the Three Religions. This time the Tribulation is dominated by the Human Race, and the Human Race is the protagonist. You are just supporting actors!

But if you have too much Karma karma, you will be dragged down!”

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit asked:

“Master, what’s going on this time?”

Tongtian explained to everyone:

“This time it is the enshrined gods and the calamity, which is divided into three types. The first one is those with deep roots. Because of their great merits and great opportunities, this type of people can escape this calamity and become the true immortal of Xiaoyao!

The second is those with shallow roots. Because of their shallow roots, this type of people has not passed the tribulation. When the true spirit enters the list of conferred gods, after the equivalent tribulation is over, they become the gods of the Heaven Court. Under the control of the Heaven Court, the Cultivation Base cannot enter, but there is no Heavenly. With the Emperor’s permission, there will naturally be immortal existence, but there is no freedom.

The last type is those with deep karma. This type of people should be turned into ashes and no longer exist. It is better to enshrine gods than Samsara!”

Hearing what Tongtian said, everyone knew how serious this Conferred God’s Measure Tribulation was. Everyone fell into silence. When Tongtian saw everyone fell into silence, he said to them:

“Look at what you have become. You enter my teaching and enjoy my blessing. Naturally, it will not be the third kind.

Two types are left for a long time. The true spirit has entered the list of conferred gods, immortal and immortal. When the calamity is complete, you will naturally get out.

Besides, entering the Cultivation Base cannot make progress, but Realm can make progress. When the catastrophe is complete, it will naturally skyrocket.

If you can survive the catastrophe, you can naturally enjoy the purity of the calamity.

In the prehistoric times, this kind of thing is so common, what are you afraid of? Since you are afraid, why do you want to embark on this path of cultivation?”

Hearing Tongtian’s reprimand, everyone lowered their heads, and Tongtian waved:

“Okay, let’s all go, go back and cultivate, I will naturally notify you when the calamity is equal, and it is your own choice as to whether you are in the robbery or can’t escape the world!”

Hearing Tongtian’s reprimand, everyone saluted and returned to the own dojo.

When Tongtian saw that these people had gone, he closed his eyes and merged into Heavenly Dao, and began to figure out the future, looking for people who looked like flying bears.

At this time, Ling Bao in Sanxian Island was chatting with Nuwa:

“Husband, what about the seven little Calabash babies? They are still out there!”

Ling Bao naturally knows what the seven little guys are doing, Ling Bao Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry said:

“It’s okay, they are playing very happily now. Besides our daughter, no one dares to calculate it. Okay, madam, don’t worry, it is a calamity, but I will reduce the influence of calamity!

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nuwa nodded, and then asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, since you said that, then I can rest assured, as long as the human race doesn’t lose too much!

Ling Bao said:

“Huh, when the list of conferred gods is full, it will be the end of the calamity!”

Houtu asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, I just found out through the tunnel, cut off the teaching.”

Ling Bao interrupted Houtu’s words, because if Houtu said it, the matter would be settled, so Ling Bao did not let Houtu say it, but said to Houtu:

“Madam, you have also seen the future of the Wu Clan!”

It was just a short sentence that let Houtu understand what Ling Bao means. You must know that when you self-modified Samsara in 5.0, you saw the future of the Wu clan.

But the current witch clan is different from the witch clan I will see in the future. My eleven Big Brother Big sis are now alive and well, and the current Cultivation Base is not much lower than Sage.

Hou Tu nodded:

“Well, um, do you have any plans, husband, I and Nuwa Big sis can help you!”

Ling Bao mysterious smiled and said to the two of them:

“I have completed the plan, and I will wait for the time. Now it’s time for our Insight Avenue..

After speaking, the three of them once again entered the Insight Yin & Yang good fortune avenue

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