Chapter 299 Three Discuss on Fengshen [seeking subscription]

Soon the three of them arrived at the Purple Heaven Palace. When the three of them arrived at the Purple Heaven Palace, Sanqing, the lead and Zhunti arrived. Soon, Hongjun appeared on the cloud bed, took out the list of conferred gods, and handed it to Daddy, and then said to a few people:

“Have you all considered it?”

Yuan Yuan stood up and said to Hongjun:

“Teacher, we think that no one will sign this list of gods. It depends on fate. Whoever is on the list is free!

Hongjun was silent, and then asked Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist, I don’t know if this is feasible!”

Sanqing, Zhunti and Jiyin were all taken aback. I didn’t expect Ling Bao to weigh so much in Hongjun’s body, and Ling Bao should even be asked about this matter.

Sanqing and others don’t know, but Hongjun knows that Ling Bao’s Cultivation Base surpasses him. If Ling Bao is willing, he can easily be stripped of himself from Heavenly Dao. Originally, this list of gods was just smoothly. Things.

It is impossible for Wu Tian, ​​that is, Zhang Bairen’s future, to be hostile to such a master!

Ling Bao didn’t expect that the correction of this history was so powerful that he would completely change this predicament, and such things would happen again.

However, Ling Bao also knew that the 850 things that the original said was also because own calculated too much, and these Sages did not give him a chance.

If he is willing to let this list of gods sign according to own meaning, Hongjun will also agree to own, but Ling Bao still asks Hongjun:

“Fellow daoist, will the positions in Heaven Court now change after the gods are conferred?”

Hongjun shook his head:

“No, the current position of Heaven Court will not change, but the gods who do not have positions need to be added!”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Well, in that case, listen to the original!”

Seeing Ling Bao agreed, Hongjun nodded:


After finishing talking, Hongjun put away the Conferred God List, and said to several Sages:

“This list of gods and the whip of the gods will be placed with me. Whenever the person of the gods will appear, whoever will be in charge of the list of the gods and the whip of the gods!”

After hearing it, he rolled his eyes, and then asked Hongjun:

“Teacher, I don’t know who this is the person who is enshrined in the gods! Who can accept him as a disciple?”


“I don’t know who is the man of the Conferred God, but I know that the man of the Conferred God has the power of a flying bear, and anyone can accept him as a disciple!

Whoever accepts him as a disciple will be able to control the list and whip of the gods when he is ennouncing the gods. When the person who has the gods comes out of the mountain, the person who has the gods shall be in charge of this thing!

After everyone heard it, they all glanced at each other. Everyone knew that the person in charge of the Conferred God must have the upper hand. After all, whoever is on the list and who is not on the list must be determined by the person of the Conferred God.

Ling Bao suddenly thought of something, then leaked a smile, and then disappeared quickly.

Except for Nuwa, no one saw Ling Bao’s smile.

Hongjun Road:

“In that case, the matter of conferring the gods is decided here!”

Everyone nodded, and Tongtian looked at Ling Bao suspiciously. Tongtian did not expect Ling Bao to agree so easily. This is not Ling Bao’s style.

But Ling Bao agreed, indicating that Ling Bao really had no calculations, and it was really the same as Ling Bao said.

Ling Bao ignored Sage’s thoughts and said to everyone:

“Okay, we will go back if nothing happens!”

Hongjun said to Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist has time to come to the Bafa Palace to sit more. I thought I didn’t have fellow daoist anymore. I didn’t expect fellow daoist to come in. The current Cultivation Base is more than the old one, and I need to communicate more in the future!”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Don’t worry, fellow daoist, I’ll be more troublesome if I’m fine!”

A smile leaked from Hongjun’s unchanged face for thousands of years, and said to Ling Bao:

“Well, the old way will welcome you by sweeping the couch!’

Ling Bao faces Hongjun:

“Then the three of us will leave!”

And what Hongjun said was obviously addressed to Sage. Tell Sage: Don’t go too far. This Ling Bao Cultivation Base is stronger than me. You are in my eyes. Ants are also ants in the eyes of others!

These Sages are not stupid either. Hearing Hongjun’s words, all of them were very shocked. Unexpectedly, Ling Bao Cultivation Base surpassed Hongjun.

When Tongtian saw Ling Bao, Nuwa and Houtu leave, he was very curious and asked Hongjun:

“Teacher, is the Cultivation Base of Ling Bao fellow daoist really so high?”

Hongjun nodded:


All Sages were very puzzled, Zhunti asked Hongjun:

“Then why didn’t he insist on letting the people fill the Conferred God List just now, but agreed to this request!”

Hongjun explained:

“This list of gods is just an addition, not the real calamity, the real calamity is very big, specific, when you get to my Realm, you will know it!”

The sages heard Hongjun’s explanation. Although they don’t know how powerful this amount of calamity is, this Conferred God is not a real amount of calamity. What is going on?

The original asked Hongjun:

“Teacher, what do you mean by this? What is not a real calamity?”

Hongjun sighed and said:

“You take good control of your own heart, don’t be angered easily, maybe you can help Honghuang survive this catastrophe!”

Everyone didn’t understand what Hongjun meant. Honggou looked at everyone and said to them:

“Well, since it’s all set, then wait for the Conferred God to appear!”.

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