Chapter 293 Unlucky quasi-promotion [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao explained:

“It’s welfare, you don’t like it, but Human race can take it. If Human race mortals don’t have Immortal Ascension, they will definitely enter Samsara when they reach their lifespan. They will enter Samsara, and they will rest in their previous lives. With Immortal Ascension, they have an endless life span.

You don’t need to enter Samsara again. Even if you haven’t cultivated into a golden immortal, you can have enough time to accumulate merit, and you can cast a good tire in the next life. If you have enough chance, you can enter the practice again, then because you have merit. The reason, whether it is qualifications or chances, is better than reincarnation with nothing.

As the holy father of the human race, isn’t this kind of welfare still enough?”

Hearing Ling Bao’s explanation, everyone was relieved. Nuwa and Hou Tu glanced at Ling Bao unexpectedly, not believing that Ling Bao was fighting for such a trivial matter.

However, the second girl didn’t know, nor did she want to demolish Ling Bao’s station, so she stayed beside her quietly without any explanation.

Because the second daughter knows that Ling Bao will definitely not suffer from the loss. These Sages heard Ling Bao’s words. Although they were a little skeptical, most of the things Ling Bao said were one of their own thoughts, and there was nothing else. Place.

After all, that list of gods is too tasteless, all Sage’s apprenticeship qualifications are easy to cultivate to Da Luo Jinxian Realm, and the benefits of the list of gods are not a good place for Sage disciples.

However, the original Tianzun was still not at ease, and asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, then Yang Jian and I have a predestined relationship with me, why did you intercept Hu Daoist Sacred Land /^!”

Ling Bao jokingly said:

“You said that fate means fate? Everyone is Sage, and this is a great talent, Heavenly Dao is only a part, and humanity is in charge of human race, human race matters, naturally humanity prevails.

Besides, Yang Jian is very lucky. Why didn’t I receive it from Sacred Land. Although the qualification is not top-notch, at this time, it is already good to have this qualification!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, the original Tianzun had nothing to say. If it weren’t for Yang Jian’s best luck, he wouldn’t want to bring Yang Jian into the door.

Although Yang Jiao also has luck, since Yang Tianyou rebelled against the Western religion, his luck has not been much.

After the original said, Zhunti also thought of Yang Tianyou, so Zhunti confronted Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao Venerable, then Yang Tianyou is a person of my Western teaching, and now I betrayed my Western teaching, I hope Ling Bao Venerable can hand over Yang Tianyou!”

Hearing Zhun Ti’s shameless words, Ling Bao’s aura overwhelmed Zhun Ti, and Zhun Ti felt that this momentum was so strong that she could not resist it at all.

Ling Bao’s aura pressed on Zhun Ti, and coldly said to Zhun Ti:

“Huh, please mention the fellow daoist. After Yang Tianyou becomes my human race, he is a member of my human race, and you calculate from the middle, don’t think I don’t know, because Yang Tianyou is still your Western teacher disciple, you can calculate it. , I don’t care about you.

But now that Yang Tianyou is a human being, he no longer has the mark of Western religion. If you make calculations again, don’t blame me for being ruthless!

After speaking, Ling Bao put away his momentum, quasi-mouthed and gasped, looking at Ling Bao with great fear. Although he knew that Ling Bao was very powerful, he didn’t expect it to be so powerful.

Ling Bao ignored Zhun mention, but said to everyone:

“Now the human race is the eternal protagonist. You are all Sages. When you become holy, you will teach sentient beings, so I let you preach at will.

But it is limited to preaching. If anyone wants to use the power of the sect to interfere with the human race, then don’t blame me for ruthlessly destroying your entire orthodoxy.

Don’t say that I am alarmist, I said to do it, the development of the human race depends on the human race itself, the people of the great religion should not think about affecting the power of the human race and the development of the human race. I hope that you will also warn the next owner when you go back. I don’t even care about establishing a sect.

But if it touches the bottom line of the human race, don’t say that I am bullying others at that time!”

Listening to Ling Bao, Sanqing and Zhunti both put their own minds down, because they all know that if they control the emperor, then the development of the own sect will advance by leaps and bounds. The land is such a big place and want more. If you are lucky, then you must own the apprentice to fight for it.

Therefore, everyone has put their minds on the human regime, but now they have heard Ling Bao’s words, everyone has put their minds down.Although Hongjun is here now, no one dares to be in front of Ling Bao and tell Hongjun that Ling Bao is not. .

(Qianhao Zhao) Hongjun said:

“.Okay, fellow daoist, I believe they won’t, now we are discussing the issue of the Conferred God List, don’t waste any more time!”

Daddy opened his eyes and said:

“Teacher, the matter of this list of gods is not a trivial matter, let us discuss it!”

Hongjun thought for a while, then nodded:

“Yes, but this time I won’t give you so much time. Five hundred years later, I will come to the Purple Cloud Palace again to discuss the list of the gods!

After saying that Hongjun stretched out his hand, the Conferred God List in the hands of the original Tianzun fell into Hongjun’s hands, and then Hongjun confronted everyone Dao Miao:

“Five thousand years later, in the Purple Heaven Palace, the last time to discuss the consecration of gods, it should also be three times to discuss the consecration of gods!”.

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