Chapter 291 Shang Tang on behalf of Xia [seeking subscription]

At this time, Zhang Bairen in the Lingxiao Palace was very angry. Yaochi looked at Zhang Bairen who was angry, and said with comfort beside Zhang Bairen:

“Your Majesty, this is actually quite good. I also saw that Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, and Yang Chan are all excellent in terms of aptitude, temperament and luck.

Besides, Your Majesty, haven’t you killed Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou?

For the sake of love, Yang Tianyou gave up his own origin and severed the relationship with Western religion. After a hundred years, his natural life span was cut off and he re-entered Samsara, but Yao Ji’s children were different.

You are their uncle, Yao Ji is here, and there will be three more geniuses in Heaven Court by that time, and the “eight thirty seven” and these three geniuses represent the three forces of Nuwa Empress, Human Race Sacred Land, and Chanjiao. Woolen cloth!”

Hearing Yaochi’s analysis, Zhang Bairen was not angry now, but nodded happily, and then Zhang Bairen said to Yaochi with a sad face:

“Yaochi, do you think I am a little hastily established this Tiantiao!”

Yaochi rolled his eyes, then said to Zhang Bairen:

“Your Majesty knew that the current Heaven Court is majestic, but it is too deserted. The tens of millions of immortals give the impression that Heaven Court is the same as two people! Are you in a hurry?’

Zhang Bairen is very good Face said:

“But it can’t be changed!

Yaochi was very smart and didn’t let Zhang Bairen change it. Yaochi also knew that this matter most hates the change of the day and the evening. The emperors of the world are all, not to mention the Heaven Court. It can be regarded as punishment for Zhang Bairen’s impulse.

Yaochi sighed and said:

“This can only be done, there is no opportunity to perfect Tiantiao!”

The two people’s decision caused Heaven Court to suffer another catastrophe in the future.

Of course, the two of them don’t know this, but can Ling Bao not know? Thinking of the catastrophe of the Heaven Court in the future, Ling Bao just said to himself:

“It’s a peck and a drink, it’s a fixed number!”

After speaking, Ling Bao no longer paid attention to the affairs of Heaven Court. Although Zhang Bairen of Heaven Court closed her sister to sacrifice to the sky, the majesty of Heaven Court still came out.

Yao Ji is Zhang Bairen’s relative, Little Sister, who can kill her, not to mention other people. Everyone on Heaven Court is very low-key, and no one wants to get involved with mortals.

After all, the life of a mortal is there. In Heaven Court, if it is not for death by oneself, the life span is basically unlimited, but if the life of a mortal cannot be Immortal Ascension, most of it has a life span, it is Immortal Ascension. Realm.

There is also a life span. Although it is very long, most of the immortals are cultivation, and their only purpose is not to die.

This is also the main melody of the prehistoric, under the influence of this main melody, the prestigious Spiritual Qi is consumed very seriously.

The human world is getting more and more chaotic. Countless people don’t listen to the imperial court’s orders, and all of them are in violation of the law, and even many orders can’t get out of Chendu.

The Daxia Dynasty changed several emperors, and they couldn’t change this situation. When Jie succeeded, Jie was very cruel, drafted troops, began to attack disobedient tribes, and wanted to strengthen the centralization of power.

Because Jie believes that the human emperor should look like a human emperor, but the current human race is not the previous human race at all, and each prince has its own power.

No one wants to listen to Xia Guo’s dispatch, but Xia Guo still has a deep foundation. With Jie’s continuous expeditions, hundreds of tribes have been wiped out.

And Jie found the “Emperor’s Internal Classic” from the palace, and the dual cultivation method inside can make the Ascension power continuous, and after the discovery, it will be like a treasure.

After conquering a tribe, I look for beautiful girls with good aptitude to rush into the harem, but no matter how good they are, they can’t match the time of the Emperor Huangdi.

And Jie wanted to use quantity to assess the quality of Ascension, but after this matter was known to the various tribes and forces, they exaggerated it, saying that they were irritable, ignored the government, and were faint and lustful.

Jie thought that as long as his own strength was strong enough, he ignored these gossips at all. Other princes used this excuse to support themselves, but when a prince became independent, Jie would attack.

Hundreds of years later, everyone knew that the power of their own tribe was not an opponent of Jie at all. In the end they found Tang, the leader of Shangqiu, and were willing to obey Tang’s command.

The remaining nine hundred princes were willing to let Tang be the leader, and Tang knew that if he did not stand up, he would be wiped out sooner or later.

Tang signed an agreement with all the princes. If Xia Guo was overthrown, he would not trouble other princes. All the princes handed over their own weapons to Tang.

After Tang mastered the military power, he began to fight against Xia Guo in 5.0. Although Xia Guo was strong, the combination of more than nine hundred princes was not something Xia Guo could resist.

After tens of thousands of years of fighting, Tang finally defeated Xia Guo’s army in Mingtiao. Xia Guo’s was completely injured by the battle of Mingtiao, while Tang was chasing after victory.

It took just a few decades to annihilate Xia’s regime. After that, Tang established the Shang Kingdom. After several oaths, he finally set the country in Chaoge!

Dashang officially embarked on the stage of history and began to rule the human race. After this battle, the human race has once again entered the road of rapid development!

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