Chapter 289 Yang Jian apprentices [seeking subscription]

As soon as Yao Ji finished speaking, she heard the Taibai Golden Star Li Changgeng coming over, and Li Changgeng said to the giant spirit god:

“Giant spirit god, Yao Ji violated the rules of the sky and quickly imprisoned Yao Ji below Taoshan. Without the Heavenly Emperor command, I can’t get it!”

The giant spirit god is facing Taibai Jinxing a cupped hands:


After saying that he was about to leave with Yao Ji, Yang Tianyou’s unwillingness seemed to break through something. Yang Tianyou let out an angry roar, and then his whole body was filled with golden light.

Yang Tianyou was extremely unwilling to awaken the memory of his previous life.

After Yang Tianyou knew the origin of own, Yang Tianyou knew that he was a registered disciple of Western religion in his previous life. Because he damaged the origin, he continued to Samsara to make up for the origin.

But I didn’t expect that this life unexpectedly awakened the memories of my previous life because of my love with Yaomji, and all my previous Samsara was wasted.

And I also know that I can’t fix the origin at all, because the love with Yao Ji is the calculation of Teacher Own from the beginning to the end.

Everyone saw the breath of Yang Tianyou, and everyone knew that Yang Tianyou unexpectedly awakened the memory of his previous life, and that Yang Tianyou’s previous life turned out to be a disciple of the Western religion.

837 Yao Ji, who was about to leave, saw Yang Tianyou’s changes, and Yao Ji was shocked, and then asked Yang Tianyou painfully:

“Husband, are you a Western disciple?”

Yang Tianyou roared in pain:


Everyone looked at Yang Tianyou, Yang Tianyou:

“Why, why? Why is this happening!”

Everyone didn’t understand that Yang Tianyou would roar like this, but Zhunti knew, because when Yang Tianyou was reincarnated, he was sure to mention the Restrictions that Yang Tianyou had made, and now Yang Tianyou is all about provoke conflicts between the human race and Heaven Court.

It’s a pity that people are inferior to the calculation of heaven. Although the deceptive methods taught in the West are very powerful, the power of love is indeed underestimated.

In front of the power of love, Yang Tianyou finally drove out the words of Sage in his mind, and then Yang Tianyou said to Yao Ji:

“I’m sorry, Yao Ji, I don’t know, and I don’t even know that this is Sage’s plan, I’m sorry!

Suddenly, strong golden light burst out from Yang Tianyou’s body, and then Yang Tianyou roared:

“Heavenly Dao Cangcang, the realm is vast, the humanity is glorious, I, Yang Tianyou, is a human race for a day, and a human race for life, and everything in the previous life is a passing smoke!


It is true that Yang Tianyou blew himself up and became a real mortal. At least Yang Tianyou’s Samsara will not embark on the path of spiritual practice.

Unless Yang Tianyou has some heaven-defying chance, of course, this kind of chance is impossible without strong luck.

After Yang Tianyou blew himself up to the source, Zhun Ti at Sumeru Mountain was very angry:

“Damn, how dare he, how dare he do this!”

Zhunti doesn’t know why Yang Tianyou blew himself up. Although he calculated it by himself, after such a long time of Samsara, Yang Tianyou’s origin is almost restored. Although he can’t prove the mixed element, he has become a big Luo Jinxian. It is also possible.

Even the quasi-sages have a chance. You must know that in this world, except for the fact that Ling Bao is so abnormal, the quasi-sages of other forces are masters.

So I don’t understand it very much.

And Yang Tianyou said to Yao Ji:

“Madam, rest assured, (bafa) I used to be a Western disciple, but now I am not anymore. Now I am Yang Tianyou, Human Yang Tianyou!”

Yao Ji was very heartbroken when she saw Yang Tianyou’s appearance, and her previous resentment disappeared instantly.

Yao Ji said to Yang Tianyou:

“Husband, Jiao’er, Erlang, and Chan’er will be handed over to you, I hope you can lead them to grow!

At this time, the original Tianzun counted in the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain, and then faced the own apprentice Yuding Zhenren Dao:

“Yuding, that Yang Zheng has a relationship with you as a master and apprentice, so go and get him.”

Before Primordial Tianzun finished speaking, Primordial saw a person from the Human Race and said to Yang Tianyou:

“Yang Tianyou! I am Wang Wu, the leader of the Human Race Sacred Land God of War team. Today, I am here to accept Yang Jian as a disciple. You think it’s good!”

Yang Tianyou naturally knows the Daoist Sacred Land. Although it is a legend, everyone in the prehistoric knows the Daoist Sacred Land. Yang Tianyou was very excited and said:

“Good good!”

Then Yang Tianyou faced Yang Jian:

“Erlang, don’t you hurry up to see your master?”

Yang Jian was not anxious to apprentice, but asked Wang Wu:

“If you worship you as a teacher, you might save my mother!”

Wang Wu smiled slightly:


Hearing what Wang Wu said, Yang Jian knelt on the ground:

“Yang Jian pays homage to the master!”

Wang Wu laughed loudly:

“The aptitude is still reluctant, although I can’t pass on my legacy, but I won’t lose my Face! Get up! Let’s go as the teacher!”

Yang Jian looked at own Big Brother Little Sister and his father very worriedly, and then faced Wang Martial Dao:

“Master, what will my father do?”

Wang Wu mysteriously said:

“They have a chance, don’t worry! It’s okay!”

After Wang Wu left with Yang Jian, Yang Tianyou was a little relieved looking at Yang Jian who was leaving, but there were still the boss and the third.

Just when Yang Tianyou was worried about his child, a female voice rang:

“Yang Tianyou

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