Chapter 285 Yao Ji’s lower realm chases and kills three dragons [seeking subscription]

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Nuwa and Houtu thought of the grand aspiration they made when Zhunti became a holy. If it is not fulfilled, Zhunti is probably more miserable than anyone else’s death.

Thinking of this, Nuwa asked:

“Then Zhunti is so sad?”

Ling Bao nodded, then said:

“That’s deceiving Heavenly Dao. You must know that Heavenly Dao can’t be deceived, so Zhunti must run for his own Da Hongyuan!”

When the two girls heard Ling Bao’s explanation, they all paid attention to Zhun Ti.

At Heaven Court at this time, Yao Ji woke up from Closed Door Training. You must know that Yao Ji is a mortal, but Zhang Bairen dotes on herself as Little Sister very much.

After passing through the countless resources of Heaven Court, Yao Ji’s Cultivation Base Ascension was almost the golden fairy.

As soon as Yao Ji came out of Closed Door Training, she planned to find Zhang Bairen. At this time, Zhang Bairen was discussing matters in the Lingxiao Palace.

Yao Ji thought that Zhang Bairen was in her own bedroom, so she flew towards the place where Zhang Bairen was resting. When Yao Ji arrived at Qianyuan Palace, she saw that the pillars of Qianyuan Palace were different from before. It seemed that something was carved.

When Yao Ji saw that Big Brother Zhang Bairen was not there, she was very curious about the carvings on the pillars, and then began to study-the carvings on the pillars.

Seeing that there was an extra bead on the pillar, which I had never seen before, Yao Ji was curious to take the bead down!



A loud noise and roar shocked Yao Ji. A three-headed dragon appeared, then instantly created the Nantian Gate and disappeared.

When Yao Ji reacted, the three dragons had already run away.

The loud noise and roar shocked Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen stopped discussing the matter. He quickly came to Qianyuan Palace and looked at Yao Ji who was frightened. Zhang Bairen asked very nervously:

“Yao Ji, how is it?”

Yao Ji was in shock, pointing to the pillar just now and asking:

“Your Majesty, what was that just now?”

Hearing what Yao Ji said, Zhang Bairen saw that the three god mosquitoes on the pillar were gone, and then asked Yao Ji:

“Yao Ji, have you moved Qian Yuanzhu!”

Yao Ji took out a bead and asked:

“is it this one?”

Zhang Bairen said:

“You, you got into a big disaster!”

Yao Ji asked:

“Big Brother, what’s the matter?”

Zhang Bairen explained:

“The three gods are the next fierce beasts. I found someone to catch them. I originally planned to deal with him. But when something happened just now, I sealed him on the pillar and planned to wait and deal with it!

But now hey!

Yao Ji asked:

“Those three Jiao are also Xuanxian Realm, I’ll catch them back, okay!”

Zhang Bairen saw that Yao Ji’s Cultivation Base was already the Cultivation Base of Xuanxian Peak, and he took all the weapons of those three Jiaoji, which just gave Little Sister a chance to practice.

Zhang Bairen thought for a while and said:

“Okay, you go down and arrest the three dragons, if he doesn’t come back, or if he shoots you, you can just kill him!”

Yao Ji nodded:

“Yes, Your Majesty, don’t worry, I will definitely catch him back!”

Zhang Bairen said to Yao Ji:

“Go to your sister-in-law and ask for some Magic Treasures, go to the lower bound!”

Yao Ji nodded. Except for Qianyuan Palace, Yao Ji knew that she was in trouble. She was embarrassed to ask for Magic Treasures with Yaochi and went straight into the prehistoric land.

The three dragons got off the Heaven Court and fled all the way, but Qian Yuanzhu suppressed the three dragons, and Yao Ji quickly found the position of the three dragons.

Yao Ji directly found the three dragons. The three dragons saw that she was the woman who let her out. The three dragons faced Yao Ji and said:

“I think it’s because you let me out. I won’t bother you. Let’s go!

-0 Seeking flowers…0

Yao Ji Jiao yelled:

“Three dragons, you do a lot of evil, I accidentally let it out for you, if you catch it with your hands, you can still avoid the suffering of flesh and blood!”

The three dragons are also Realm of Xuanxian, but they belong to the middle stage of Xuanxian. Otherwise, Zhang Bairen won’t let Yao Ji come over, and after talking about the three dragons, he will fight Yao Ji.

At the beginning, Yao Ji, who was beating the three dragons, was in a hurry. Seeing this, the three dragons laughed wildly:

“Hahaha, it turned out to be a rubbish, just grabbed it back to be the wife of the village, don’t resist, go back with me obediently, and be my wife of the village!”

Yao Ji’s Cultivation Base is much higher than the three dragons. With the passage of time, Yao Ji’s progress is very fast, and she quickly tied the three dragons.

Even the three dragons are sometimes embarrassed, Yao Ji is very kind, and said to the three dragons:

“Three Jiao, go back with me now, I will definitely be online, I will not pursue your insult just now, if you are stubborn again, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

The three Jiao arrogantly said:

“Let me go back, you dream!”

When Yao Ji saw that the three gods were stubborn, she used a magical power to injure the three dragons. Thinking of her Big Brother, Yao Ji wanted to kill the three dragons. The three dragons saw Yao Ji’s With her expression, she knew that Yao Ji had been murderous.

The three Jiao immediately stopped attacking and shouted:

“Stop, stop, I’ll go back with you!”

Hearing the screams of the three dragons, Yao Ji let go of the idea of ​​killing the three dragons, and then said:

“Hmph, it would be nice if you were so aware of current affairs just now!”

After talking about the simple Yao Ji, she didn’t think too much, she was going to seal the three dragons.

At this time, the three dragons suddenly violent.

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