Chapter 280 Negotiate to sign [subscribe]

Daddy took the Fengshen list:

“Apart from me, there is only one apprentice in my teaching, Xuandu. Others are in the human race, and if they are not taught by others, my inheritance must be inherited by my apprentice Xuandu.

So I used my benevolent corpse on the list, and when I finished speaking, I wrote the name of my benevolent corpse on the list of Conferred Gods!”

Hearing what Daddy said, no one refuted it. Daddy pursued the way of doing nothing. Except for Xuandu, none of them had accepted apprentices. If Xuandu were to be on the list, ~ it is estimated that Daddy would go crazy.

So everyone agreed with daddy-‘s words.

Daddy finished speaking and handed the Conferred God List to the original Tianzun.

The original Tianzun looked at it, and then wrote two or three disciples of three generations of interpretation, and then said:

“I explained that golden immortals are people with great merits and outstanding qualifications. They are not on the list. They are the third younger brothers. Most of your teachings are wet eggs. People with hair and horns are unbearable. It is better to fill in. This list of gods can be regarded as a piece of merit!”

Many disciples under Tongtian Sect are indeed misbehaving, but they are also own apprentices, and not everyone can arrange them, so Tongtian confronted the original Tianzun:

“Huh! Brother, your disciple is not much better, if it weren’t for your disciple’s arrogance, it wouldn’t be this way now!”

Primitive Tianzun looked at Zhang Bairen very dissatisfied, but there was no way, who would let Hongjun support Zhang Bairen now!

Tongtian also filled in the names of more than a dozen people, and then handed them to Zhun Ti. Zhun Ti did not answer, but said to everyone:

“Everyone, I teach my disciples from the West not to go out of the West, don’t stick to Karma, and shouldn’t be on the list!”

Everyone looked at Hongjun, and Hongjun thought for a while:

“When the catastrophe comes, close the pavilion door tightly and pass through Huang Ting quietly, so you don’t need to be on the list!”

Hearing Hongjun’s words, Sanqing and Zhunti were very happy, and then they saluted:

“Thank you teacher!”

Then Hongjun said to Ling Bao:

“I don’t know how to look at it?”

Ling Bao said:

“After this list of gods is full, what will happen to those who re-enter the robbery after they should be robbered? What will happen to the person who has the body of the gods if I die in the future?”

Hearing Ling Bao’s question, everyone looked at Hongjun, because they wanted to know too.

Hongjun explained to everyone:

“If the confederate list is full, naturally you can’t enter the confederate list again. If you die, you will join Samsara to rebuild, or you will turn to ashes, and there is no second way.

As for the physical body assembling of the gods, if the assembling of the gods is completed, after Death, the list of the assimilated gods will communicate with Heavenly Dao and recreate the flesh. Although the body is not listened to, it is also controlled by the Heavenly Emperor, and it can still be beaten with the whip!”

Hearing Hongjun’s words, everyone was thinking, if their body becomes holy under their sect, wouldn’t it be great.Although they are controlled by the Heavenly Emperor, they can be immortal, and they can continue to cultivation. Such a future must be very good. Good.

Hearing this, Ling Bao said to Hongjun:

“Fellow daoist, since this is the case, this catastrophe is dominated by the human race, then, as the holy father of the human race, do I have the right to sign the list of the gods!”

Hongjun nodded:


Ling Bao asked Sanqing and Zhun:

“A few fellow daoist really don’t think about it anymore. If you don’t sign, I can sign!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Sanqing and Zhunti were lost in thought. You must know that Ling Bao gave people the impression that they were exhaustive, and each time they were the biggest winners.

You must know that Ling Bao only calculated three times. The first calculation made Hou Tu the lord of Samsara, established the tunnel, became the lord of the tunnel, and was equal to Heavenly Dao.

The second time was the Lich War, which completely retained the witch clan, and even made the Eleventh Ancestral Witch a position comparable to Sage. Although it has withdrawn from the prehistoric famine, it is still worthy of being immortal.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

Thinking of why the dead Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun wanted to unify the predecessor, he didn’t want to prove the Dao, but Ling Bao’s eyes were simply too simple.

The third time was Nuwa’s second proving. Not only did the human race become the eternal protagonist, the human race also became the greatest power in the world.

This high-level combat power, Nuwa, is comparable to Honglingjun, and there are three thousand Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Sanhuang, Cangjie, Dayu, five Sage-like emperors and Wenzu, and four sub-sages. It doesn’t take much time, it’s the Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian again.

Once such great strength is shot at the same time, it means that all Sage here is not an opponent of the human race. So everyone heard Ling Bao’s words, and they all fell into contemplation, thinking about what Ling Bao wants to do, and what do they want to calculate?

Seeing that everyone was lost in thought, Ling Bao didn’t urge, but just watched silently by the side, while Hongjun didn’t speak.As for Nuwa and Hou Tu, they were discussing the topic of beautiful jewelry, and they didn’t care about it at all!

As time passed bit by bit, Tong Tian couldn’t figure it out, so he asked Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist what does this mean? If there is any good thing, take me too!”

Ling Bao said to everyone:

“There is no good thing, you are all Sage, don’t you understand the importance of measuring the robbery? Heavenly Dao pays attention to the result. It is the completion of the measuring robbery. As for the process, it has nothing to do with Heavenly Dao!

As for who is on the list of gods, it’s just a side effect. Neither Heavenly Dao nor Hongjun fellow daoist cares. When the time comes, the list of gods can be filled. It’s as simple as that. Why do you want to be so complicated?” “And.

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