Chapter 274 Ling Bao re-enters the chaos [seeking subscription]

Zhang Bairen saw Yaochi agree, and said to Yaochi:

“This time we will just agree with the symbolic consent, and others will naturally come forward!”

Yao Chi also knows that Zhang Bairen Samsara so many times, he will definitely not be as naive as before.

And Zhang Bairen found Li Changgeng and said to Li Changgeng:

“Too Platinum Star!”

Although Zhang Bairen is a “Golden Immortal” Realm, Li Changgeng still respectfully salutes Zhang Bairen:

“His Majesty!”

Zhang Bairen nodded and said:

“You go to arrange, I will hold another flat peach conference!”

Li Changgeng was slightly taken aback! Is it still open? Last time I held a flat peach meeting, he almost died, and it hurt the foundation. This time it was opened. What did this Bai Ren think?

However, Li Changgeng only froze for a moment, then nodded to Zhang Bairen and said:

“Yes, Your Majesty, I will make arrangements now!”

After speaking, 837 went down to make arrangements.

Taibai was the first to find Daddy. Daddy was taken aback for a while, then shook his head and sighed, and said to Taibai Jinxing:

“You tell Wu Tian, ​​you say that there is an elixir to refine the old way, and you can’t walk away, but I will send my apprentice Xuan Du to take my place!”

You know that daddy is Sage, and Taibaijinxing dare not make trouble, so after Taibaijinxing saluted daddy, he went to Kunlun Mountain.

Primordial Tianzun also knew what Daddy did. Like Daddy, he refused to go by himself, but told Li Changgeng that his own apprentice would do it instead.

In this way, Li Changgeng informed countless great powers. Although Sage refused, other Rogue Cultivators did not have the guts to refuse. First, this flat peach is Innate Spiritual Roots, and eating it is good for own Cultivation Base.

Second, no matter how bad the Heavenly Emperor is, that is also Hongjun’s boy.Countless great abilities are all listening to the aisle in the Zixiao Palace.Although I have heard (bafa) Dao, it has nothing to do with Hongjun, but Wu Tian But Hongjun’s boy.

So the other powers agreed.

On Sanxian Island, Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“Husband, shall we go this time?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“We won’t go this time, but we can watch the excitement!”

Hou Tu asked very curiously:

“Watch the excitement, what’s the fun?”

Ling Bao mysterious said:

“Just look at it!”

Both Nuwa and Houtu were very curious, but they didn’t delve into it, because the second daughter knew that if they knew the result, it would be meaningless to look at it. It would be better to join the road with Ling Bao!

Ling Bao faced Nuwa and Houtu Road:

“Look at it first, I’ll go to Chaos!”

Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“What are you going to do to Chaos?”

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Go to chaos cultivation, my current Cultivation Base, in the great cultivation, consumes too much Spiritual Qi, then Karma is too big, although it has nothing to do with us, but it affects our apprentices and subordinates, and even close people. No, Karma will be passed on to them 1”

Nuwa and Houtu nodded when they heard:

“Nafujun, please come back soon!

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Don’t worry, I will be back soon!”

After speaking, Ling Bao said goodbye to the two daughters, and when he moved his mind, he rushed into the chaos. Ling Bao’s current Cultivation Base is not afraid of the risks in the chaos. You must know that Ling Bao’s body is chaos Ling Bao.

When Ling Bao entered the chaos, Hongjun didn’t even notice that Ling Bao used the Great Move technique all the way, and quickly got out of Heavenly Dao’s surveillance range.

Ling Bao took out the Qiankun Ding and started refining. That’s good! Ling Bao started Ascension own qualification, because Ling Bao knew that if the own qualification didn’t take advantage of the current Ascension, there would be no time for more things in the future.

When Ling Bao was refining Qiankun Ding in the chaos, the news that Zhang Bairen would convene the Pan Peach Conference again was spread in the prehistoric times.

Countless people are ready to watch Heaven Court’s jokes, and at Heaven Court at this time, Taibai Jinxing said to Zhang Bairen:

“Your Majesty, everyone in the predicament is waiting to see your majesty’s joke!”

Zhang Bairen nodded:

“Well, I see, is there anything else? How many gods have come to Heaven Court recently?”

Li Changgeng shook his head:

“Not much, except for a small number of human races who don’t have a Cultivation Base, who have become the lowest level immortals through Huaxianchi, and other Rogue Cultivators who cultivate Immortal Ascension have not come to Heaven Court!

However, on the side of Emperor Ziwei, there are indeed many people who have succeeded in human cultivation. However, Emperor Ziwei is relatively low-key and rarely comes out. In the predecessor, it only spreads within a small area of ​​the human race. Other races and forces do not know at all. !”

Zhang Bairen knew that the Great Emperor Ziwei was arranged by Ling Bao for the human race. Naturally, he was supported by the human race. Since the Great Ziwei Great is very low-key, then he doesn’t have to go to the wicked human race for such a low-key Great Emperor.

So Zhang Bairen said to Li Changgeng:

“Go and talk to Yaochi, give ten Ziwei Great Emperor, no! Thirty nine-thousand-year-old flat peaches, just say what I meant!”

Li Changgeng nodded, then asked:

“Does your majesty have any more instructions?”

Zhang Bairen shook his head:

“No, you can do it first!”

Li Changgeng nodded and went to Yaochi. Hearing Li Changgeng’s explanation, Yaochi didn’t say anything. He directly gave Li Changgeng fifty nine-thousand-year flat peaches, and then said to Li Changgeng:

“The rest is the heart of the palace!”.

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