Chapter 264 Greet the guests【Subscribe】

Yaochi nodded when he heard Wu Tian’s words, while Li Changgeng was receiving guests from various forces at Nantianmen.

Li Changgeng slowly murmured:

“Oh, Barefoot Immortal, you are here, hurry up, please come inside!”

The Barefoot Immortals is a Loose Immortals, and he also has the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm. Hearing Li Changgeng’s words, he said very low-key:

“Taibai Jinxing, this is your fault, you said you are a great red man of your Jade Emperor, and you asked you to come and receive it in person!”

Li Changgeng has a better relationship with the Barefoot Great Immortal, facing the Barefoot Great Immortal Dao:

“Fellow daoist, there are many great abilities who came today, all of them are invitations sent by me personally, and my Majesty has to come to greet him personally!”

The Barefoot Immortal asked very curiously:

“Your Majesty is here to greet you, who is this time?”

Li Changgeng said to the barefoot fairy mysteriously:

“You’ll know later!” 820

Although the Barefoot Immortals is also Loose Immortals, he also knows what happened in the prehistoric times.Since Wu Tian took over, this Heaven Court is far from the previous demon Heaven Court!

It’s not a grade at all. If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t dare to compete with people in the predicament for supplies, I would not join this Heaven Court. Fortunately, after I entered the Heaven Court, Heaven Court gave myself a lot of resources, and There is a dojo above Heaven Court.

This can make oneself safe to cultivate, so on the face, the barefoot fairy is still very Giving face.

Barefoot Daxian Road:

“Okay, then I will go in first!”

Li Changgeng said:

“Well, go in!”

With the arrival of Heaven Court Jinxian Realm masters, slowly Da Luo Jinxian Realm masters also began to come.

Then came Realm’s master, Li Changgeng shouted loudly:

“Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang Guan Yuanzi Daxian, the ancestor of Earth Immortals (bafa) town! Ten ginseng fruits!”

This can be regarded as a great gift. Everyone knows that this ginseng fruit and flat peach are the top ten Innate Spiritual Roots, and this ginseng fruit blooms once in three thousand years, and bears once in three thousand years. It will be mature after three thousand years, and only 30 in these nine thousand years. Ginseng fruit.

This flat peach is different. There are three, six or nine grades of flat peach trees. There are three thousand and six hundred flat peach trees.

And each tree will produce three hundred and sixty-five flat peaches. Although the best in time is about the same as the ginseng fruit, the number is much more than that of the ginseng fruit.

So this effect is not as good as this ginseng fruit, although not as good as ginseng fruit, but this flat peach is also one of the top ten Spiritual Roots, the effect is much better than those of other Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Otherwise, there won’t be so many people coming to participate in this flat peach conference.

When everyone was surprised how Yuanzi from this town would come, Li Changgeng continued to shout:

“The ancestor of the blood sea and the river is here! Thirty blood raisins in gift money!”

After speaking, Li Changgeng faced Styx Dao:

“Ancestor Styx, please inside!”

Styx asked:

“Taobai, will Sage come today?”

Li Changgeng thought for a while and said:

“I don’t know this, but I invited all Sages, and they all agreed!”

After the Styx entered, many more hidden quasi-sage masters also arrived one after another, and soon Li Changgeng shouted:

“Western religion, Sumeru Mountain, Pure Land of Bliss, Zhun mention that Sage will bring his disciples here! Gift money, three jade Bodhi, and a low-grade Innate Ling Bao!”

You must know that this quasi mention is very poor, and being able to take out these things is considered to be bleeding, if it is not for Hongjun’s face, quasi mention will not be given!

At this time, Wu Tian also heard Li Changgeng’s words, and hurriedly appeared at Nantianmen, and said to Zhun:

“Senior brother can come, so that the younger brother is really shining, brother, please come inside!

After speaking, Wu Tian saw the guide, Wu Tian saluted the guide, and said:

“Brother Jiuying is also here, I’m sorry, my subordinate doesn’t know you, senior brother, don’t be offended!”

Leading to Wu Heavenly Dao:

“It’s okay, I’m not Sage either, you don’t need to be like this, Junior Brother Wu Tian!

If Wu Tian borrowed the donkey from the slope, Wu Tian would definitely offend Zhunti. Although Zhunti is the weakest among Sage, it is also Sage, isn’t it?

For himself, Sage’s worst is invincible, so Wu Tian approached and said:

“Senior brother was quoted and laughed!”

Then Wu Tian said to Taibai Jinxing:

“Li Changgeng, remember, this is Daoist’s registered disciple who introduced Daoist. Although it is not Sage, it is the master of Western religion, and it is the Cultivation Base of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

When Li Changgeng heard this, he immediately saluted the lead:

“I’m really sorry to lead the leader, I am young and I don’t know Mount Tai, I’m sorry, I really didn’t recognize it, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault!

Quoting Daoist:

“It’s okay, it has nothing to do with you. With so many people in Honghuang, it’s normal to have people who don’t know me!”

Wu Tian also didn’t want to struggle with this matter, and said to the lead and Zhun:

“Take the brother, Zhun mention brother, let’s go in first, I’m waiting for others!”

Then Wu Tian said to Li Changgeng:

“Li Changgeng, take Brother Zhunti and Brother Zhunti into the seat!”

Li Changgeng quickly found someone, ordered to go down, and let Xian’e enter the venue with the lead and Zhunti!

And Wu Tian said to Li Changgeng:

“Next time brighten your eyes, I will spare you this time!”.

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