Chapter 254 Hongjun’s masterpiece【seeking subscription】

Jing Ran is Chaos Ling Bao, Hong Jun said:

“These three pieces are all middle-grade Chaos Ling Bao, and the Chaos Supreme Treasure Lao Dao does not have them, but these three Chaos Ling Baos are also obtained by Lao Dao in his journey in the chaos!”

After talking about Hongjun holding the boat-shaped chaos Ling Bao introduced:

“This is the ship of the other shore, the middle-grade Chaos Ling Bao, it is a Chaos Ling Bao on the road. It is a little overkill in Honghuang. If the fellow daoist wants to travel in the Chaos, this is a good way to see Ling Bao!”

Then Hongjun took out a sword-shaped Ling Bao:

“This is Chaos Sword, it is a very ordinary Chaos Ling Bao, but it is also more powerful than Innate Supreme. I know the fellow daoist has great magical powers, but this Chaos Sword is a good Ling Bao attack!”

The last tower-shaped Ling Bao said to Ling Bao:

“This is the trial tower, the middle-grade Chaos Ling Bao, the space, defense and auxiliary Chaos Ling Bao!

These three Chaos Ling Bao will be given to fellow daoist as wedding gifts! I hope fellow daoist will not dislike it!”

After everyone heard it, they all looked at Hongjun with bright eyes.Everyone thought that Hongjun’s Ling Bao was gone. They didn’t expect to take out three Chaos Ling Bao this time. It seems that the richest person is Hongjun Daoist. .

And Ling Bao naturally, why can Hongjun come up with so many Chaos Ling Bao, because Ling Bao heard Huangtian ancestors talk about things in the Chaos.

In the chaos, the Chaos Treasure is the same as in Honghuang, Innate Ling Bao is very rare, but the Chaos Ling Bao is the same as Innate Ling Bao, everyone has a lot.

It is estimated that it is the best Chaos Ling Bao, Hongjun has a lot, and why Hongjun will divide the treasure, because Hongjun wants to be promoted to Dao Realm, or even Heavenly Dao Realm, and must be reduced with the prehistoric Karma, so Hongjun The Zhibao and Ling Bao in China, can be sent out as soon as possible. As for Ling Bao, which is less than Honghuang Karma, Hongjun also has a lot of them.

These Ling Bao were formed after the Chaos Ling Bao was broken, and there are fewer Karma from the prehistoric ones. Of course, this is the truth that Ling Bao has realized after entering the Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal.

Since Ling Bao entered the Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal, which is also known as Hedao Realm, Ling Bao has rarely used Ling Bao in the prehistoric land to fight.

As for the Innate Ling Bao and Innate treasures in his body, Ling Bao intends to give it to the human or own apprentice at that time, but it is not the time yet, because Ling Bao does not want the human to be the target of the public, and the three thousand mixed yuan of the human is the golden fairy, Ling Bao gives these What people prepare is the Innate treasure that they have refined.

Ling Bao doesn’t want these people to be unable to make progress, because Ling Bao intends to make these people go further, even more than three thousand demon gods.

After all, when this human race just came out, they secretly joined the Three Thousand Dao.

Ling Bao took Hong Jun’s Ling Bao and said to Hong Diao:

“It’s good that fellow daoist is here, there is nothing to dislike, fellow daoist, please come to your seat!”

Hongjun is the first of the guests. No one here dares to complain, and even feels very proud. You must know that this is Hongjun, the big boss in the wild.

Although Hongjun can’t help Houtu and Nuwa, the two of them can’t help Hongjun either. Hong Diao sat down and said to Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist is really good calculation, but it is also a good thing for Hong Huang!”

Ling Bao said:

“Fellow daoist, don’t worry, I will be almost ready after the next tribulation of my Da Luotian matter!”

As the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, Hongjun naturally knew what Ling Bao said about Da Luotian. Hongjun asked in shock:

“Fellow daoist are all ready?”

Ling Bao said:

“Almost, but it’s not much. After the next amount of robbery is completed, it should be almost done. If it weren’t for my two women, it would be done. But I’m just preparing for it. I believe it will be over soon!”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, everyone didn’t know what it meant, and looked reluctant. Only Ling Bao and Hongjun were talking about it. Of course, those who were interested knew that there were still many things they didn’t know in this predicament.

Among them, there are three clears, quasi mention and enticement. Of course, encipherment knows a little bit more, because encipherment got the inheritance of Chaos Demon God. Although there is nothing in the chaos, encipherment still knows the fragments in the chaos.

Hongjun Road:

“In this case, the old way is waiting for good news, fellow daoist, this dojo is a barren land, much better than my Jade Mountain!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“If the fellow daoist likes it, you can come often. My place is enough. It is very simple to give fellow daoist a place to cultivate and enlighten the Dao!”

No matter how good Ling Bao is, it is not as good as being in harmony with Heavenly Dao, so Hongjun refused:

“Hahaha, fellow daoist made a joke, I won’t disturb the fellow daoist dojo at this time!”

Ling Bao knew that Hongjun would definitely not come, so he didn’t bother with this question, but said to Hongjun:

“Fellow daoist is here, then I will start the ceremony!”

Hongjun nodded and said:


After speaking, Fu Yi shouted loudly:

“It’s auspicious time, please three newcomers on stage!”

The people discussing below stopped one after another and looked at this so-called ceremony. Of course, this wedding can’t follow the process of the human race.

Ling Bao did it himself. Ling Bao entered the room and walked out slowly, holding the hands of the two of them.

Countless human musicians played festive music. Accompanied by the music, the three of them stepped onto the stage and said:

“Ling Bao and Nuwa, Hou Tu has met, known, and loved each other for tens of millions of years. Today, they can finally form a relationship and become a dao companion. It is also a great time for us.

Next, we will invite three newcomers to stand in the middle of the stage. Let me ask Ling Bao a few questions. Let’s say okay!”

Tongtian shouted loudly:


Primitive Tianzun reprimanded Tongtian:

“Tongtian, don’t be rude, you are Sage, don’t lose Sage’s face!”

Tongtian retorted:

“Second brother, this is the wedding of Ling Bao fellow daoist. No, there is no Sage here, it’s all guests!”

Fu Yi shouted loudly:

“Yes, today, no matter how big or small, they are all guests. Regardless of Cultivation Base, regardless of status, you have to know these tens of millions of years. You can have this opportunity. After you pass this village, there will be no such shop.

In this question, you can ask anything except cultivation questions, preferably about Ling Bao’s personal matters!”

When everyone heard Fuxi’s words, they were very excited, and Fuxi asked again:

“Next, we have to ask Ling Bao first, everyone say okay!”

Everyone shouted in unison:


Ling Bao said:

“Well, you can ask!”

Fuxi asked with a thief with a smile

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