Chapter 241 Xuanyuan vs. Chi You【Subscription】

Ling Bao said:

“There is a sacred beast in Bibo Mountain in the East China Sea, Kui Niu. This Kui Niu doesn’t know why, but he hasn’t activated his spiritual wisdom and always eats people in Bibo Mountain.

It’s time to return it to Karma. When you go back and find this ox, pull the cowhide off and make it into a war drum. You can recall Chi You’s soul through the war drum. As for Chi You’s choice, it’s up to you!”

Heaven Court

“The boy has seen the emperor father!”

Wu Tian looked at his own daughter, Nine Heavens mysterious girl, and then said to Nine Heavens mysterious girl:

“Xuannv, Human Sovereign is now fighting Chi You, you will go to the next term to help Human Sovereign through this catastrophe, and you can also gain a little merit!”

Nine Heavens Xuan Girl is Wu Tian’s Blood Essence and Nine Heavens Xuan Bing’s great ability. She has practiced for so many years and is also the Cultivation Base of Da Luo Xuanxian. It can be regarded as a general with the resources of Heaven Court, but I don’t know why.” “It just can’t break through Da Luo Jinxian’s Realm.

And Wu Tian also knew that helping the emperor can gain merit. If the Nine Heavens Profound Girl gains merit, she can be promoted to the Realm of Daluo Jinxian.

At that time, Heaven Court will not have a master, Wu Tian also wants to find a few masters for own Heaven Court.

But many great abilities are either self-cultivation, or Sage’s sect, no one can think of Wu Tian at all, and Wu Tian, ​​who is full of ambitions, is hit very hard.

All let own confidant and own daughter Nine Heavens go down the mountain to play the majesty of own Heaven Court, and it is best to add some blood to own Heaven Court.

Nine Heavens mysterious girl facing Wu Heavenly Dao:

“Father, don’t worry, I will definitely help Human Race to complete this thing. There is nothing to do, I will go to the next term!”

Wu Tian nodded, then said:

“Go first, be careful next time!”

Nine Heavens Xuan Nu nodded, and after leaving Hao Tian, ​​she did not go to the Human Race, but called her own good sister to go to the next term together.

At this time, Xuanyuan brought Xuanyuan Jian to Bibo Mountain in the East China Sea. When Xuanyuan felt it, a big one-legged cow came out of the sea and roared at Xuanyuan.

It turned out that this is Kui Niu, I don’t know why, Kui Niu has not been wise, and I saw Xuanyuan. This Kui Niu is just the Cultivation Base of Celestial Immortals of Da Luo, but Xuanyuan of Da Luo Jinxian still launched an attack.

Xuanyuan took out the Xuanyuan sword and faced Kui Niu as a sword. After killing Kui Niu, Xuanyuan peeled off the cow’s skin and made a big bone, put away the big drum, and Xuanyuan rushed towards the battlefield.

When Xuanyuan arrived at the battlefield between Human Race and Chi You, Human Race retreated to the competition under the leadership of Fenghou and Limu.

Xuanyuan lowered his cloud head, and when he drove to the large account of the human race, he heard Fenghou said:

“After the wind, thank you Xuannv and Su Nv!

Vegetarian women:

“My Heaven Court also has a lot of human races. Naturally, we can’t ignore the human race’s difficulties. Chiyou heaven-defying the Dao, it is our duty to help you!”

Xuanyuan walked through the account, and saw two fairies, both of whom were Daluo Xuanxian in strength. Fenghou and Limu saluted:

“I have seen the co-lord, this is the helper who came down from Heaven Court, the mysterious girl and the plain girl!”

Xuanyuan saluted the two women:

“Xuanyuan, thank you two Fairy for helping!”

Xuan Nv Dao:

“The co-host is polite!”

Xuanyuan asked:

“After the wind, Li Mu, how is Chi You doing?”

After the wind shook his head and sighed:

“Common Master, Chi You’s big formation is too powerful. In order to avoid casualties, we just retreated while fighting. Now we have retreated to the deer race. If we retreat, we will enter the main habitat of the human race!

Xuanyuan Road:

“In that case, I can’t retreat anymore!”

Limu asked:

“My Lord Father has anything to say? How to crack this big formation?”

Xuanyuan explained:

“En, I have found a way. Next time we go to war, ring this sky-shaking drum, and then kill any of his 81 brothers when Chi You doesn’t react. This formation will be abolished! ”

After the wind:

“Just in case, we are going to be surprised, these eighty-one people will kill a few more!”

Everyone nodded, Xuanyuan thought for a while, and then said:

“No problem, other people are launching the “Clean Heart Pu Shan Curse” nearby. This Chi You was lost by the monster fox clan, and Chi You must be rescued!”

Hearing Xuanyuan’s words, everyone’s hatred was transferred from Chi You to Yao Clan’s body. You must know that after so many years of war, Human Clan suffered heavy losses.

Vegetarian women:

“Common Lord, count us in tomorrow’s sneak attack!”

A young girl came out and said:

“Father, I want to help you too!”

Xuanyuan looked at the girl, briefly stunned, then said:

“Yunnu, why did you come out!”

Charm Road:

“I know that my father is in trouble with you, so I came to help!”

Xuanyuan looked at Yan Nu’s Cultivation Base, which was also in the Celestial Immortals realm. He didn’t say much, but nodded and said:

“Okay, then you be careful!”

After the wind:

“Common Lord, Ying Long of the Dragon Race is also coming to help us!”

Xuanyuan naturally knew the grievances between the Daoist and the Dragons. It should be known that the prince of the Dragon had killed the daughter of Shennong, and Ling Bao took the initiative to seal the candle dragon and killed the ninth prince of the dragon.

How could Yinglong help the Human Race? Shouldn’t it help Chi You? However, Xuanyuan didn’t get to the bottom, but said:

“Okay, I will personally thank Ying Long later!”

Mei Nu was very happy when she heard Xuanyuan’s words, Ka Limu thought about it, and didn’t say much.

On the second day, Chi You ordered all soldiers and horses, Xuanyuan also ordered all soldiers and horses, and confronted each other, and the enemy sister who was controlling Chi You next to him saw this situation and immediately controlled Chi You and his 81 brothers to form a large formation, and Chi You He rushed towards Xuanyuan.

Seeing Chi You rushing over, Xuanyuan also took out his own Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword to kill Chi You, Xuanyuan relied on Innate Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword to fight Chi You unexpectedly.

5.0 However, Xuanyuan also retreated while fighting. Seeing that everyone else had reached the predetermined position, Xuanyuan shouted loudly:

“Beat the drum!”

The power of the high priest to run the soul beats the drum!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the trembling drum made Chi You have a good meal!

Xuanyuan shouted loudly:

“Do it!

Behind the wind hidden by the eighty-one people, Li Mu, Nine Heavens mysterious girl, plain girl, ghost girl, Ying Long and others launched an attack on the eighty-one people.

Ten people were killed by everyone in an instant. Because of the death of ten people, the formation was self-defeating.

Chi You didn’t have the power of formation to provide a steady stream of demon, and she was a little refreshed, but because of the backlash of formation, Mei Qiu burst into a spit of Blood Essence.

Xuanyuan Road:

“”Clean Heart Pu Shan Mantra”!”.

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