Chapter 233 Jiuli, Tiger Soul Knife【seeking subscription】

Seeing Chi You’s obsessive expression, Qiu Mei was very happy. To know this, Qiu Mei has been planning for millions of years, with the goal of subverting the human race.

Qiu Mei said to Chi You:

“Chi You, you should now govern your tribe, and you have to let Shennong see your efforts!”

Chi You nodded, confidently managing his own tribe.

Sister Qiu watched Chi You leave, then looked at the sun in the sky, muttering to herself:

“Your Majesty, don’t worry, I won’t let you die in vain, huh, didn’t Ling Bao let the Lich race out of the prehistoric race for the Human Race? I won’t just give up like this. I want these people to know that we Monster Race It’s not so easy to calculate, as long as you hold it, you can control the human race.

I will get married with Zhuo, then I will let Chi You take the human race down the abyss!”

After talking about it, Qiu Mei leaked a crazy smile, of course no one knew about this.

At this time, Xuanyuan returned to the tribe with Cangjie. Xuanyuan helped own father, Shaodian, continue to govern the tribe. The current human tribe does not lack food, but is in the mountains with precious animal skins and materials.

However, the deep mountains are very dangerous. After Xuanyuan knew about it, he began to organize young and middle-aged training troops to conduct military formation exercises. Ascension weapon power, and even formed a lot of cavalry. Of course, unlike the cavalry of later generations, the cavalry mounts of Xuanyuan components are all Various Demonic Beasts.

The speed and combat power are not comparable to the cavalry of later generations, and the knights are also very powerful.

Xuanyuan took his own troops to collect various resources in various poor mountains and bad waters, and then brought them back to develop the Chinese tribe, which quickly emerged from the billions of tribes.

And Cang Yan just came out of cultivation, which is to observe everything. You add Ling Bao to own Ling Bao, and every time you insight into a word, you ask everyone what to say.

Only when most of them can be recognized at a glance, Cangjie will finalize the word. If no one can recognize it, Cangyan will think why he doesn’t recognize it, and then overthrow the word and recreate it.

Three years later, Shaodian passed his position as the patriarch to Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan became the patriarch of the China tribe and began to fight the surroundings.

Of course, it is not to attack humans, but to go to some dangerous places to collect various resources.

Of course, when people from other tribes are in danger, Xuanyuan will ask his subordinates to help. As the people who are rescued extol Xuanyuan’s deeds, many people know what Xuanyuan did.

Although it is effective, it is not as good as Xuanyuan. After all, Xuanyuan has the method of battle formation taught by Ling Bao, the method of training the army, and the method of commanding the army.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of Xuanyuan’s troops is very strong, and Xuanyuan also distinguishes rewards and punishments, especially following the troops that need to leave the station, and get the most spoils.

Many people are willing to marry soldiers from the Xuanyuan army to be their wives. As a result, the tribes around the China tribe have joined the Xuanyuan China tribe.

The China tribe expanded again and again, and soon became the second largest capital except Chendu.

In the China tribe, there are countless things that Chen can’t change.

Shennong has also heard of Xuanyuan’s deeds and knows that Xuanyuan is his junior, but as the co-leader of the human race, Shennong considers the future of the human race, which is Ling Bao’s choice. If it is not suitable for the future human race, Shennong will not associate it with the human race. For him.

With the continuous improvement of Shennong’s Cultivation Base, Shennong knows that his future achievement level is also related to this final election of the human race co-owner.

In addition to the China tribe, in the Western Wilderness, the Jiuli tribe and Chi You’s name are also widely circulated among the human races.

Chi You hugged sister Qiu and asked:

“Chou Mei, why is it called Jiuli Tribe/!”

Qiu Mei smiled sweetly, broke free of Chi You, and said to Chi You:

“Huh, Chi You, I know you like me, and I have a good impression of you, but the looks and talents of my enemy sister, I will only marry the most powerful man, unless you become the co-master of the human race, if you can’t become the co-host of the human race Lord, then I will marry the co-leader of the human race.

I won’t be a wife who won’t be the leader in my life, I want to be the wife of the co-lord of the human race!”

Chi You looked at Qiu Mei’s distance from own, and then said:

“Well, if you say that, then this human co-master, I will fight for you!”

After talking, Chi You left in a big stride, Chi You looked at Own’s eighty-one brothers, and said:

“Brothers, come with me and go hunting!”

Eighty brothers all shouted:

“Yes, Dage!”

After speaking, everyone rode black Demonic Beasts and followed Chi You into the vast mountains.

Qiu Mei saw Chi You leave, and then whispered quietly:

Jiuli is Jiuli, my poor nine children have all left me, it is meaningless, just to commemorate my nine children!”

After talking about the face of Qiu Mei’s change, she looked like a fox, and then changed to the appearance of Qiu Mei.

Qiu Mei coldly said:

“Hou Mei, you are dead, so don’t come out and do evil. I know how to do it. It’s really a shame to us Qingqiu. You think you are who you are and want to avenge yourself. You don’t know what to say.

I tell you, if you reappear, don’t blame me for letting you die completely with the help of human luck, humph! You see how I help you fulfill your wish.

An idiot is mentally weak, a person’s strength is strong, and he is pale and weak in front of wisdom. I will let you see how powerful the power of wisdom is!”

There was only the voice of Qiu Mei, no other voices at all, and Shennong stopped reporting, while Chi You was fighting a Ten Thousand Years Black Flood at this time.


The battle axe in Chi You’s (Qian’s good) hand was broken. Hei Jiao saw that Chi You’s axe was broken, and he also knew that Chi You had no fighting power, and that Chi You’s own brothers were not his opponents at all.

The White Tiger under Chi You’s seat dodges left and right, Chi You said to own’s hand:

“Brothers, go back quickly, go back and tell sister Qiu, and say I can’t promise him!”

After talking about White Tiger, he said to the White Tiger who was sitting down:

“Brother, hurry up, too!”

Hei Jiao uttered:

“Hmph, you people of Damn it, don’t even want to leave today, I will eat you guys today!”

White Tiger looked at Chi You who was bare-handed, looked at Chi You very reluctantly, and then said to Chi You:

“Master, trust me!”

Then White Tiger screamed in the sky, then chanted a spell, and finally shouted:

“White Tiger transforms soldiers! Transforms!”.

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