Chapter 231 The test of Xuanyuan and Cangjie [seeking subscription]

Fubao was very happy when he heard Ling Bao’s words, for fear that Ling Bao would take Xuanyuan away now, knowing that Xuanyuan was just born.

The attached treasure was very reluctant, and the attached treasure said very happily:

“Thank you, Father!

Ling Bao looked at the weak attached treasure, waved at the attached treasure, and a drop of the three-light divine water fell on the attached treasure. The originally very weak attached treasure became very good, and the cultivation qualification Ascension was much better.

Ling Bao said:

“Don’t be polite, you go back!”

Shao Dian asked Ling Bao:

“Holy Father, you can go to the China tribe. I am the patriarch of this China tribe. If you live in me, my house is big enough. Let us honor you!”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No need, I’ll be here!”

Shao Dian saw Ling Bao’s rejection of “80 Three”, and did not say anything, but said again:

“Then I will go back and inform, let the next person come to build the dojo for the Lord Father!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“No, don’t delay the development of your tribe. You can govern your tribe well, look!”

After Ling Bao pointed, a simple and simple dojo appeared on the hillside of Xuanyuan Hill, Ling Bao said:

“Well, you guys are busy with you!”

When Shao Dian and Fu Bao saw this, they knew Ling Bao didn’t like to be disturbed, so they took everyone back to the China tribe.

When he arrived at the tribe, this Xuanyuan miracle showed up. He could speak in one day, walk in three days, and run in five days, and he was very sensible.

All kinds of truths are clear at one point. Of course, if it is Xuanyuan owns, it will definitely become a conversational resource for people, but there is also a child who is just like Xuanyuan.

But it was the opposite of Xuanyuan. Although this child was also very strange, he was born with four clear eyes, and was very taciturn.

But it was such a person who actually became friends with Xuanyuan, and this person was Cangjie. Because of Cangyan’s weird appearance, no children wanted to play with Cangjie except for Xuanyuan.

This is how Xuanyuan’s childhood passed. Eight years later, when Xuanyuan was nine years old, the major general called Xuanyuan, who had grown up, over, and then said to Xuanyuan:

“Xuanyuan, you have grown up too, so it’s time to learn your skills from your master!”

Gongsun Xuanyuan had also heard that when he was a child, his holy father Ling Bao came to accept him as a disciple. Xuanyuan asked very happily:

“Should I go to the Holy Father Master to study?”

Shao Dian nodded, seeing Xuanyuan’s appearance, Shao Dian pretended:

“What? Xuanyuan? You don’t want to go to your Master to study?”

Xuanyuan quickly retorted:

“How is it possible, I am willing to go to the Master to study, I have long wanted to go, no one in this Chinese tribe can teach me, I heard that the Master is omnipotent and knows everything, and I don’t know if it is true or false!”

What Shao Dian yearns for:

“Of course, our human race was created by the Virgin under the guidance of the Holy Father, and our human race is an acquired race, but now it is the master of the prehistoric. Although the human race is not unified, the human race is the only big race in the prehistoric! !

Xuanyuan also looked at Shaodian expectantly:

“Father, when can I learn my skills!”

Shao Dian said:

“Go and say goodbye to your mother, and I will take you to see the Father tomorrow!

Xuanyuan thought of his own friend Cangjie, and asked Shaodian:

“Father, can I take Cangjie with me?”

Thinking of that child, Shao Dian groaned:

“It’s okay to take it with you. As for whether the Holy Father accepts it, it’s up to the Holy Father. If the Holy Father doesn’t accept it, I will bring him back again!”

Hearing what Shao Dian said, Xuanyuan said excitedly:

“It’s great, I’ll go and notify Cangjie, and then I will find my mother!”

After finishing talking, I went to Cangjie and wanted to tell Cangjie about it.

Cangjie was looking at the distant sun, lost in thought, seeing Dao Xuanyuan coming, nodded to Xuanyuan, did not speak, and then continued to look at the distant sun.

Xuanyuan also knew Cangjie’s temperament, and did not blame Cangjie, but said to Cangjie:

“Cangjie, how about we go to the Holy Father tomorrow?”

Cangjie looked at Xuanyuan with four eyes in doubt, Xuanyuan explained:

“I have worshipped a Master since I was a child. I am the holy father of our human race. I will go to learn art tomorrow. I asked my father. My father promised you to go with me. Then you can learn what you want. Ask Lord Father. 0

Hearing others say that the Holy Father is omniscient and omnipotent, and he can certainly teach us!”

Hearing Xuanyuan’s words, Cangjie leaked a smile, then nodded, but still did not speak, Xuanyuan said to Cangjie:

“I went back and bid farewell to my mother. Tomorrow my father will take me to learn skills. You will come to me tomorrow morning. Now tell your parents that I will study this time and I won’t be back for a long time!”

Cangjie nodded, got up from the stone, and went back.

Looking at the disappearing Cangjie, Xuanyuan also leaked a look of longing. Looking at the sun in the distance, Xuanyuan said to himself:

“I don’t know what’s so good about this sun, so Cangjie can’t see enough every day!”

After speaking, Xuanyuan turned and went back to bid farewell to Fubao.

The next day, Xuanyuan and Cangjie, who had bid farewell to their families, walked towards Ling Bao’s dojo under the leadership of Shao Dian.

Ling Bao knew when Shao Dian set off, Ling Bao smiled and said:

“It seems that this other human race, Sage, has also been born. It just so happens that the human race should also have its own text!”

After speaking with a wave of his hand, a golden light flew out, and when the light reached the sky, it turned into a huge ladder connecting the own dojo and the foothills of Xuanyuan Hill.

When Shao Dian took Xuanyuan and Cangjie to the foot of the mountain, Ling Bao’s voice came from above:

“Xuanyuan, Cangjie, you two come up from this 5.0 ladder. If you two can get up, you are my apprentice. If you can’t get up, then go back and forth wherever you go!

Shaodian looked at the two people in the circle, and explained to them:

“This is the test of the Holy Father for the two of you. You must know that the Holy Father’s Magic power is boundless, and accepting disciples is not so casual!”

The two looked at each other, then lifted their feet and walked up the mountain.

When the two first started walking, they felt very simple, but the more they walked, they felt tired. It seemed that a large mountain was pressing on the two of them. Neither Xuanyuan nor Cang Yan gave up first but just clenched their teeth and persisted.

Three days later, Shao Dian was very distressed. The two of them crawled upward without eating or drinking for three days. The two were exhausted, but neither of them gave up.


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