Chapter 217 Nuwa’s worries [seeking subscription]

When Fu Yi heard Ling Bao’s words, he asked Ling Bao in a panic:

“Master, what did I do badly, make Master upset?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No, you are very good, you are quick to learn things, and very practical, but your tribe needs you now!”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Fuxi remembered his mother’s teachings, and then asked curiously:

“Master, what happened to my tribe?”

Ling Bao sighed:

“Since your tribe hunted last time, many young people were killed and injured. Now it is difficult for your tribe to hunt large prey, but your tribe has more old and weak women and children, so now it is about to starve to death!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Fu Yi was very anxious. Although this undeniable man was ignorant and drove his mother out, Hua Xu never blamed them for “Ha 80 San”. Hua Xu told Fu Xi everything. When I was a child, I was very happy and very happy.

Fu Yi slowly recognized the tribe. Seeing Fu Yi’s appearance, Ling Bao said to Fu Yi:

“Chier, go down the mountain quickly, I’m here, if there is anything that can’t be solved, just come and find me!”

Fu Yi knows that the tribe needs himself now. The current Fu Yi is upright and mature, with a height of 1.8 meters. He thinks that the Cultivation Technique taught by cultivation Ling Bao is very strong. His slashed face is full of fortitude, and a pair of dark eyes are full. Up wisdom.

Fuxi bid farewell to Ling Bao and went down the mountain. As soon as Fuyi came down the mountain, Nuwa appeared in front of Ling Bao. Looking at Fuyi who was coming down the mountain, Nuwa asked Ling Bao:


Ling Bao nodded. Nuwa recently learned Heavenly Dao, knowing that own Big Brother does not need Samsara for eternity and can directly become the emperor. Nuwa does not know why Ling Bao wants to Fuxi Samsara for eternity, so Nuwa asked:

“My Big Brother didn’t need to take off the body of Heavenly Demon first, so why should I let me Big Brother Samsara forever?”

Ling Bao asked Nuwa:

“Do you want your Big Brother to be imprisoned in one place forever?”

Nuwa asked curiously:

“how you said that?”

Ling Bao explained to Nuwa:

“Fuxi has attained the Emperor’s Attainment Status, and his air luck is connected to the human race. If he does not have a human body, how can he be connected to the human air luck? Only through the fire cloud cave can he be connected with the human air luck. The danger of falling, so if you don’t carry on Samsara forever, get the mark of the human race.

Do you want to shut Fu Yi to Huoyun Cave forever and never come out?

When Fuxi proved Taoist Emperor, most of it was human luck. If he was a real human body, these luck was enough for him to prove Tao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

If it is the body of the first Heavenly Demon, it will take countless merits to change the body of Fuyi’s first Heavenly Demon to the body of the adult race, and finally achieve the throne of the emperor, but the strength is only the sub-sage, and the ancestor of the river. Like Zhen Yuanzi, is this what you want to see?”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nuwa hugged Ling Bao and said:

“Ling Bao, people are wrong, don’t be angry!”

Ling Bao looked at Nuwa acting like a baby, then sighed and said:

“Wawa, don’t you know that I am? If it is really possible, I will not let you suffer. Don’t worry, my clone can handle this matter originally, but for Fuyi’s 100% proof, I I came here in person!!

Ling Bao said in his heart:

“Of course, the most important thing is for you!”

However, Ling Bao didn’t say that Ling Bao just made his own plans and didn’t know if he could succeed in the future, but Ling Bao didn’t say anything about it.

Nuwa said to Ling Bao:

“Just let him out, can he do it? Do you want me to unlock his memory!”

Ling Bao blocked Nuwa:

“No, don’t, if you untie her memory, there won’t be so much merit in the future!”

Nuwa had to say:

“Without merit, it is better than preaching, right?”

Ling Bao said:

“No, you are wrong about this, don’t worry, I am here, although I will get merit, but my merit is enough, I won’t want it!”

Nuwa smiled and said:

“Isn’t that what people meant!”

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“I know you didn’t mean that, and I understand, but don’t intervene, otherwise Fuyi’s future road will be over!”

Nuwa originally wanted to help Fuyi, but after hearing Ling Bao’s words, he gave up the idea of ​​helping Fuyi.

But Nuwa was still worried:

“Then this will trouble you!”

Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Okay, Wawa, don’t worry, your Big Brother is my Big Brother, otherwise I wouldn’t be so concerned!”

Nuwa nodded. 0

Shouyang Mountain:

“Brother, do you really let Ling Bao eat alone in this matter?”

Daddy looked at Yuan Yuan. Daddy knew Yuan wanted to make merits for own disciples, but Daddy didn’t want Yuan Yuan to ruin Ling Bao’s plan. Daddy said to Yuan Yuan:

“Second brother, I know what you mean, and I also know that you have become a Sage. You also want to intervene in this human race, but it is really not the time now. The human race is different from what you think. The emperor, you must know that the seal of this man, the emperor’s treasure, is in Ling Bao’s hands.

And when I established a religion, I vowed that I would not mix with the human race and advance and retreat with the human race. This is recognized by Heavenly Dao. If the second brother you and the human race stand on the opposite side, then brother, I will also be with you. Opposite!

Hearing Daddy’s earnest words, Yuan also knew that this matter was impossible, and then said very upset:

“Brother, this Ling Bao is too overbearing, you see, Samsara Samsara won’t let us intervene, Heaven Court Heaven Court is making trouble, now the human race is the protagonist of the future, but he still controls the human race, which obviously does not let us Sage Live?”

daddy said:

“Okay, let’s not talk about it. The relationship between our 5.0 Sanqing and Ling Bao is already very good. Don’t affect our relationship with his disciple because of this incident.

Otherwise, we will make Ling Bao our enemy, I think, you don’t want to be like this!

Primordial naturally knows that Ling Bao’s merits are profound, and even Heavenly Dao can’t seal him or even deal with Ling Bao. Although Primordial Tianzun wants to make merits for his own apprentice, Primordial is not stupid, so Primordial said to daddy:

“Okay, brother, I know, before the three emperors and five emperors are complete, I will restrain my disciples not to make trouble!”

Daddy nodded:

“It’s a good choice for you!

After Ling Bao and Nuwa bid farewell, they stayed in the Taoist temple.On this day, Fu Yi shouted outside:

“Master, disciple see you!

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