Chapter 212 ーIn the human race, you will be the human race for life [seeking subscription]

But Ling Bao said:

“Huangtian fellow daoist, these three corpse testimonies look simple, but in fact they are also very difficult. After all, in the predicament, good and evil are easy to cut, but this obsession cannot be completed.”

Huangtian thought for a while, nodded and said:

“Yes, most of the people in this predicament are obsessed with proving the Dao. If you don’t cut the three corpses, you can’t prove the Dao, you can’t prove the Dao, and your obsession is hard to cut. This is simply a deadlock.

So this method can still be applied to Daoist whose obsession is not proof, but there are a few people whose obsession is not proof of the Dao!

Ling Bao also nodded and said:


The Buddha said to Ling Bao:

“Buddha of immeasurable life, I am the king of Buddha. I don’t know if fellow daoist understands the way of Buddhism?”

Ling Bao knew that this Buddhism was established after quasi-promotion and introduction. He didn’t expect someone to create Buddhism here. “Seven Nine Zero” Ling Bao asked very curiously:

“Buddha king fellow daoist, I don’t know if there is a descendant of Buddha king fellow daoist?”

The Buddha shook his head and said:

“No, I am a cultivation Cultivation Technique developed by Devil Dao, who was mistakenly hitting it in order to resist Luo Hou. You must know that Sanhua cultivation, in the Western Luo Hou world, is easily assimilated by demonic energy.

So I took a different approach and made Sanhua into three beads. I called him a relic. The three relics are crystal clear, and no different kind of energy can be assimilated.

But he can assimilate other energies. I call this Buddha power. This Buddha power can assimilate demonic energy into Buddha energy. Isn’t it very powerful?”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Yes, it’s really powerful. Does this Buddha power exist in the chaos?”

Emperor Huangtian shook his head and said:

“No, there is no Sanqian Avenue, but there should be at the side gate of One Thousand Nine Thousand!”

Ling Bao was shocked after hearing this, and then asked:

“One hundred twenty thousand side door?”

Huang Tian nodded and said:

‘Yes, it’s exactly the one hundred twenty-nine thousand six hundred side gates! In Honghuang, there are indeed eight hundred side gates. I think there are only eight hundred people who are willing to let Pangu destroy the real body and reincarnate.

Other side sects disagreed. They believed that the foundation of their Dao was not complete and would not affect their future. Originally, their aptitude was not as good as the Chaos Demon God.

So there are only eight hundred side gates in the prehistoric land!”

After listening to Dao Huangtian’s words, Ling Bao nodded, indicating that he knew it!

Ling Bao said:

“It turns out that Honghuang still has this secret!”

Huang Tian nodded and said:

“But I would like to thank fellow daoist for explaining the way of the three corpses, but I just don’t know if the cultivation in the chaos is possible if you cut off the three corpses!”

Ling Bao smiled bitterly and shook his head:

“I don’t know this, fellow daoist can try it!”

Emperor Tian:

“Well, if you meet Qingtian, Cangtian and Qiongtian three fellow daoist, please tell them about me here!”

Ling Bao nodded, then said:

“Okay, no problem, it just so happens that I also look at Life here, and then I will continue to the Far West!”

Emperor Tian:

“Well, since fellow daoist is the Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it doesn’t matter. Although this Jinling Sundan wind is powerful, it still doesn’t have much influence on people of our level.

Although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was the initial Realm in the chaos, it seemed that there was nothing too dangerous in the predicament.

As for the Jin Ling Xun Feng, it is only effective for the talents of Realm under Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian!”

Ling Bao nodded. Under the leadership of Bai Yunzi, Ling Bao browsed the Lower West Antarctic Islands. Although there is no Innate Ling Bao here, there are still a lot of other materials. There are still many kinds of medicinal materials.

Ling Bao didn’t have a lot of medicinal materials. Ling Bao added his own medicine garden, said goodbye to Baiyunzi, and then embarked on a journey to the West Polar Region.

It took Ling Bao hundreds of years to finally reach the Western Polar Region. When Ling Bao arrived, Innate Yunxia did not appear. Ling Bao searched for more than ten years and found nothing good.

Knowing that many people have searched it, Ling Bao saw that there was nothing to search for, so he started to meditate.

Hundreds of years later, Innate Yunxia began to condense. Ling Bao knew that Innate Yunxia would quickly dissipate. Ling Bao began to use a large number of mobile phones and various Innate Yunxia.

With the collection of Ling Bao, it only dissipated a little bit.

Ling Bao knows that there is still a thousand years to go before the next Yunxia will appear. Ling Bao will extract all the Innate white clouds and start refining.

The remaining colored clouds, Ling Bao, began to refine auspicious clouds.

In this way, Ling Bao has refined for ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, Ling Bao has refined 72 colorful auspicious clouds, all of which are Innate treasures.

As for Innate Baiyun, Ling Bao also collected a lot. Except for the two refined wedding dresses, the remaining Ling Bao was put away.

Then Ling Bao planned to go back. This time Ling Bao did not go to the West Polar Islands, but broke through the space and went directly to Daluotian.

When Ling Bao first appeared in Da Luotian, Fu Jiaoyi saw Ling Bao, and Fu Yi asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, you are back, my Little Sister has found you several times!”

Ling Bao asked Fu Yi:

“En, I will inform Nuwa, and Ling Bao will speak to Nuwa!”

Just after Ling Bao’s voice transmission, Nuwa appeared in front of Ling Bao, and then asked Ling Bao:

“What have you been doing during this time, I have searched Honghuang but have not found you!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“I’ll do something, and I will give you a surprise at that time!”

Nuwa asked curiously:

“What surprise?”

Ling Bao sells Guan Zidao:

“You’ll know when the time comes!”

Then Ling Bao asked:

“Listen to Fuxi, were you looking for me just now?”

Nuwa nodded and said:

“Well, look at the current human race!”


Ling Bao closed his eyes and began to perceive the current human race. After thousands of years of development, the human race began to migrate in large numbers to the prehistoric places.

The population of the Terran is increasing, and it occupies more and more places, but the management of the Terran is getting thinner and thinner, and Sacred Land has slowly faded out of people’s vision, so most of the Terran are now independent.

In addition, many people in the human race don’t have a Cultivation Base. In order to survive, you need to kill many beasts and spirited fairies.

It was also severely injured, Ling Bao nodded and said:

“It’s also time for the Emperor to be born!”

Then Ling Bao asked Fu Yi:

“Fu Yi! Are you really ready to prepare? You must know that once you enter the human race, you will be a human race for life!”

Nuwa asked worriedly:

“Ling Bao, what happens if Fu Yi enters the human race?”

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