Chapter 210 Pangu Mixin【Subscription】

“What kind of power is the fellow daoist just now? Can you tell me that that power seems to be specially designed to restrain the illusion!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“I call that the power of the soul, don’t you know if you have heard of it?”

Before the King of Illusion could speak, a shocked voice asked:

“What, the power of the soul, how did you awaken? Do you have a cultivation Cultivation Technique? I am willing to trade the Innate treasure for you!”

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man with a golden Taoist robe appeared in front of Ling Bao. Ling Bao frowned and said:

“Is this fellow daoist?”

Daoist of Jin Taoist Robe said:

“Sorry, I’m really sorry, I am the ancestor of the emperor, I just heard the fellow daoist say that the fellow daoist has awakened the power of the soul, is it true?”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Yes, what’s the matter?”

Huangtian ancestor said:

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I was so excited just now. Although I am the ancestor of Emperor Tian, ​​but Luohou, Hongjun, Yangmei, Qiankun, Yin & Yang, Qingtian, and Qiongtian are all Chaos Demon Gods, why did we fight? But Pangu, because Pangu also awakened the power of the mind.

Insight Avenue is the same as playing. We don’t have the power to awaken our minds. Although we were born a dozen or so Chaos Era earlier than Pangu, we still let Pangu catch up and surpass it.

Later, I learned from Pangu that if you want to break through the chaotic Realm and enter the Supreme Realm, you must have the power of the soul. This word was still heard at that time. We didn’t know it before Pangu said it.

Otherwise, our three thousand demon gods, who mastered the three thousand avenues, would have been beaten by the rising star Pangu with no power to fight back.

This is also the thought of destroying the prehistoric even though we were broken into the chaotic demon god by Pangu and entered the prehistoric land.

Even Luohou didn’t have it, but wanted to unify the wilderness, refine the wilderness, and see if there is a way to awaken the power of the soul in this wilderness.

It’s not that we don’t hate it, it’s that we feel too embarrassed. In the chaos, Pangu was born last. After Pangu was born, we are all chaos Realm.

When Pangu reaches the supreme peak, we are still Chaos Realm, but many people are Chaos Peak Realm. In fact, we are all blessed with our own hand, but Pangu has no way. He will wait for us to the way of three thousand demon gods. Learn all (bafa) once.

And it is integrated, extracting the strongest attack power of all avenues, and condensing a new avenue, the avenue of power.

And all the way to cultivation Dao Supreme Peak Realm, we must know that our Chaos Demon God, everyone has a great purple energy, that is the foundation of the avenue, but the foundation of the avenue is the foundation of the avenue, and the failure is the foundation of the avenue. Pangu has the power to break the avenue. , We are controlled by the Dadao.

He launched a suicidal attack on Pangu. Pangu was grateful for us to teach him so much. Instead of killing us, we broke the real body of the Chaos Demon God, extracted the foundation of our great road, and condensed the way. His good fortune is in the jade disc.

This prehistoric was originally an eternal universe, but Pangu’s last axe did not open up the prehistoric, but instead attacked the good fortune jade disc, which is afraid that the great road will control the good fortune jade disc and let us go into prison again!

After the foundation of the avenue is deprived, we all need to re-cultivation, but we are all wondering how to awaken the power of the soul, because only the power of the power of the soul can keep countless avenues together without conflict.

With Pangu, if you want to break the avenue, you must first understand the avenue. If you don’t even understand the avenue, how can you break the avenue!

So please fellow daoist to show me how to master the power of the soul!”

Ling Bao heard Huang Tian’s words and realized that the chaos stories he knew were different from the ones in his inheritance. Thinking that these inheritances were all given by the Dao, he explained it clearly.Everyone who passes the Dao will cause a heavy blow to the Dao. of.

So Dadao also concealed the power of the soul and Pangu’s life, so Ling Bao said to Huangtian ancestors:

“The power of my mind was only realized by chance and coincidence. I was not Hunyuan Realm at that time. To help people resist Heavenly Tribulation, I turned to Karma, and finally Heavenly Tribulation became a natural punishment.

It’s best to use a natural punishment as a catastrophe technique. When I am dying, I will awaken the power of the soul, comprehend the catastrophe technique, and then spend it.

As for how this happened, I don’t know!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, the ancestor Huangtian sighed:

“It seems that this power of the mind was also awakened by Pangu unintentionally. According to Pangu’s kindhearted character, if he knows how to awaken, he will definitely tell us.

Forget it, let’s have a good Insight, maybe sometime we will be able to awaken this spiritual power!”

Ling Bao thought for a while, and also said something:

“Huangtian fellow daoist, with this power of mind, I was plunged into a great horror, a great death. I knew that if I didn’t calm down, I would definitely die.

Therefore, I constantly shielded the punishment from the outside in the catastrophe technique, and finally awakened the special power, and then realized the catastrophe technique.

I don’t know exactly how I got it, sorry!”

Ling Bao also has selfishness. Ling Bao knows how to inspire this spiritual power, but Ling Bao doesn’t know if what the ancestor said is true. If it is not true, then it will be a big trouble.

Since the power of the heart will be exchanged by the Emperor Huangtian with the Innate treasure, it can be seen how rare it is that the foundation of the road is placed in front of the Huangtian ancestor. It is estimated that the Huangtian ancestor will not be tempted.

The ancestor Huangtian sighed:

“It’s okay, I know, this spiritual power must be a coincidence. I hope you can make good use of this spiritual power. If one day Fellow Daoist can fully understand the spiritual power and can awaken the spiritual power through any power, I am willing to try it. try.

But God’s Punishment? Catastrophe technique, let’s forget it!”

We must know that this disaster demon god’s catastrophe technique is famous in Chaos, and even the space demon god is not willing to try this catastrophe technique!

Ling Bao asked:


The ancestor Huangtian just shook his head in fear, and said:

“It’s nothing, I’m waiting for fellow daoist. Anyway, there is a lot of time. By the way, I heard the three voices of Gang オ say you know what’s going on in the prehistoric?

Can I ask you a few people?”

Ling Bao said:

“Fellow daoist, please say, I must know that I know everything!”

Emperor Huangtian asked:

“Then do you know the information of the ancestor Qingtian, the ancestor of the sky, the ancestor of the sky?”

Ling Bao thought for a while, then

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