Chapter 208 Jin Dao Great Master 【Subscribe】

“This method is to cultivate a non-attribute Cultivation Technique to replace one’s original Cultivation Technique, change the Cultivation Technique, and then slowly replace the attributes of oneself with the non-attributed cultivation Cultivation Technique, and then slowly use the non-attribute Spiritual Qi. The attribute of Spiritual Qi is replaced.

Attributeless Spiritual Qi and other attributes Spiritual Qi will not have much conflict, so it can be replaced quickly, and all attributes are replaced with non-attribute Cultivation Technique.

Then, after cultivating the Cultivation Technique of the fellow daoist of the Qizong, there will be no problems!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, everyone suddenly realized that it was so simple!

Everyone saluted Ling Bao one after another:

“Thanks fellow daoist!”

“Thanks fellow daoist!”

Qi Zongcai said:

“That’s it, I haven’t found out for so many years, fellow daoist is really big!”

Ling Bao knows that this is the difference between the two worlds. In his previous life, he was in the modern age. Although there are few people who cultivate, there are many people who write books. Countless people have written many illusions about cultivation.

Ling Bao has read countless articles in his previous life, so these things can be understood with a little thought.

Qi Zong asked Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist, I don’t know how you made the 10 explanations afterwards?”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“Didn’t fellow daoist talk about it? Firstly complex, then simplified, and then from simple to complex, fellow daoist is now full of chaos, then fellow daoist will cultivation each position of owner out of chaos attributes, for Hong Huang, chaos It has no attributes, but in the chaos, it also has attributes.

The fire of chaos, the water of chaos, the wind of chaos, etc., also have countless attributes, but these attributes belong to the chaos, and can be regarded as the mother of the primordial attributes.

The fellow daoist will definitely convert the own organ from the chaos with no attributes to the chaotic attributes, and over and over again, the potential and strength of the fellow daoist’s body will continue to increase!

I don’t know, right!”

When Qi Zong heard Ling Bao’s words, he laughed and said:

“Those who know me, fellow daoist, too, yes, I think so, I don’t know if this path is right?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“There is definitely no problem in theory, but I don’t know whether it can be achieved or not. I also thought of it after hearing fellow daoist preaching.

I haven’t cultivated according to this Cultivation Technique, so I really don’t know!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Qi Zong nodded and said:

“A fellow daoist can know so much without cultivation, it’s amazing!”

Others are also very excited. The Ling Bao fellow daoist brought by Bai Yunzi is so powerful. After so many years of trying for millions of years, no solution has been found.

Ling Bao came up to solve this matter, which is simply too powerful.


“Fellow daoist is really amazing, listen to my way of formation, don’t know if you can?”

Ling Bao answered:

“my pleasure!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Zhen Zong also began to preach:

“The way of the formation, the heart, where the heart is, where the formation is, the essence of the formation, the movement, the stillness, the opportunity of movement, the standing defense, the attacking of the attack, the turning of the illusion, the reversal of the gathering , Round and round

After the Array Zong explained the general outline of the Tao of the Array, he began to explain the Tao of the Own Array. The cultivation method of the Array Sect is to say that the whole body including the hair is refined into an array. These arrays are universal, and any part of the body can be combined into a formation. .

Whether it is a defense formation, an attack formation, a phantom formation, a sleepy formation, or an auxiliary formation, when the whole formation is moving at will.

There is no need for any attack technique at all, the formation is in the heart, there is formation in the heart, and the power of formation will launch a powerful attack based on the strength of its formation.

When the whole body is continuously formed, through formation defense, the laws of Heavenly Dao that can be understood at any time are not afraid of Heavenly Dao assimilation.

Because such a person is a world in itself, and as the understanding of the law deepens, the formation of oneself will become more powerful.

Complementing each other, it is also the way of proving the truth by law.

Ling Bao sighed after hearing Zhenzong’s words:

“Fellow daoist is a great talent, fellow daoist must be the Great Master of the formation, all formation fellow daoist can perform it, instead of using the current formation!”

Zhen Zong nodded proudly, Ling Bao said:

“This is also the reason why other fellow daoist people cannot cultivate, unless the other person is also the Great Master of the formation, otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate your inheritance.

I also know that the inheritance of the fellow daoist of the Zhenzong is very strong, and some people have successfully cultivated, but I want to use this method to prove the Realm of the Hunyuan Daluojinxian.

It must be the same as fellow daoist, to become the Great Master of the Array Dao, otherwise, there is no way to cultivate the cultivation behind!”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Zhen Zong was very embarrassed:

“If you want to become the Great Master of the Array Dao, it is really too difficult. It is no less difficult than the proof of the Dao. You must know that the Great Master is a sect leader.”

What is the creation of a school is to create a Great Master Formation that has never belonged to an own formation. Countless people can’t even understand the existing formation, let alone create an own formation.

Ling Bao also nodded and said:

“The fellow daoist has to teach fellow daoist who likes formation, and see if there is any fellow daoist with formation talent, maybe you will get something!”

Zhenzong nodded and said:

“Yes, this method is good!”

Dan Zong glanced at Ling Bao, then asked after 790:

“I think the Cultivation Base of fellow daoist is also Realm of Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian, right?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Yes, I also preached!”

The specific Cultivation Base Ling Bao did not say, Dan Zong heard Ling Bao’s affirmation, and then said to Ling Bao:

“Can fellow daoist tell us the way of fellow daoist!”

Ling Bao said:

“I am proficient in the way of the three corpses, the way of the law, the way of refining the body, the way of alchemy, the way of formation, the way of implements, the way of talisman, the way of luck, the way of merit!

There are two fellow daoist pearls and jade in front of this pill formation, I won’t talk about it. The way of the three corpses, the way of air luck, and the way of merit are not developed here, unless you want to prove the way in the great land.

But merit and luck accompany Karma, so I won’t explain it to you anymore.

The last remaining law and the way of refining the body, I will briefly talk about it, just came here, after the preaching, I have a good stroll, and then I will go to the extreme west to collect Innate Yunxia.

So there is less explanation, please don’t blame it!”

Qi Zong listens to the Dao, Ling Bao is proficient in so many Dao, he must be very powerful, otherwise, he would not tell the core of the three Dao in a word.

The three of Dan Zong, Zhen Zong, and Qi Zong saluted Ling Bao:

“Please also fellow daoist for advice!””.

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