Chapter 206 Dan Zong on Tao [seeking subscription]

“Fellow daoist, the person preaching now is Danzong, and he is now explaining his inner alchemy way!”

Ling Bao heard Danzong on stage constantly telling about own Alchemy:

“I think that the Dan is the world! The world is the rules, the rules and the rules are upgraded and different, what is the upgraded, Five Elements differentiation, and thousands of details

Ling Bao listened carefully to Danzong’s words. The more Ling Bao listened to it, the more interesting he felt. This Danzong actually reasoned out a lot of theories of later generations.

But through the evolution of the body, and then acting on the Dao Nei Dan, the knowledge of individual parts of the body is one-sided, but after various combinations similar to chemical reactions,-will have different abilities.

Attach these abilities to the inner alchemy of the Dao, so that the inner alchemy contains different rules. Countless rules merge the Dao to form a law. The laws merge and permeate, and the inner alchemy is continuously refined, and finally through the fusion of the explosive force, which is the principle of the future singularity, Form a new world.

After the world is formed, the law is the thing in one’s own bag. It is easy to master the law, and control the law to become the Hunyuan Daluojinxian.

But the people in this predicament do not understand permutations and combinations, or even the theory of singularity explosions to form universes, or even chemical reactions.

Although many of the contents of Danzong are explained according to the vocabulary understood in the prehistoric times, the two different theories make it difficult for those who have long accepted the theory of prehistoric practice to accept.

Even if he could understand it, he knew nothing. Bai Yunzi was shocked when he saw Ling Bao’s application. He didn’t expect Ling Bao to have such a strong understanding.

Eleven years later, Dan Zongdao:

“My Alchemy is over, what fellow daoist doesn’t understand?”

The people below couldn’t understand, how could they ask questions? The people below looked at Ling Bao with a dumb face, and Bai Yunzi kindly said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, if you have something you don’t understand, you can ask now. If no one asks, the following is someone else’s sermon!’

Ling Bao said to Bai Yunzi:

“Baiyunzi fellow daoist, don’t worry, I understand everything, no need to ask questions!”

The conversation between the two was very abrupt on this quiet forum. Everyone looked at Ling Bao. Many people here knew Bai Yunzi. One person asked:

“Bai Yunzi fellow daoist, who is this fellow daoist?”

Bai Yunzi explained to everyone:

“This is the Great Master Ling Bao, who came from Honghuang, and I brought him over to see and see!”

Everyone knows what Baiyunzi is. Since he can associate with Baiyunzi, his character will not be bad, so no one asked, one of them saluted Ling Bao:

“Under Youshui Daoist, I just heard that fellow daoist knows Teacher Danzong’s way. I wonder if fellow daoist can share it?”

Ling Bao said to everyone:

“No, Danzong fellow daoist preached, I won’t overtake the group!”

Dan Zongdao:

“It’s okay, I also want to hear your understanding of my Tao!”

Ling Bao had no choice but to say:

“Then I will show my ugliness, I will talk about my understanding, Danzong fellow daoist should have been Godly Dao, and then withdrew from Heavenly Dao.”

Dan Zong nodded in surprise, Ling Bao continued:

“That’s right, Danzong fellow daoist great talent, fusing Alchemy with Heavenly Dao out of a path that neither the chaos nor the current prehistoric people have come out.

I think it is the way of world promotion. A complete world contains complete laws, but if you want to understand the great and complete laws, it is completely impossible without great luck, great merit, great opportunity, and great perseverance.

Even the speed of practice is very slow, even the destruction of the prehistoric will not necessarily be able to comprehend the complete law of the law, and the Danzong Fellow Daoist also knows that if it is integrated into the Heavenly Dao by chance, then the way of comprehending the law is very dangerous, and will even be caused by Heavenly Dao. Assimilate and become a part of Heavenly Dao!”

Dan Zong nodded slightly, acknowledging that Ling Bao was right. Others also understood the truth, Ling Bao continued:

“So the Danzong fellow daoist took a different approach. Heavenly Dao is uncontrollable, so why can’t Heavenly Dao be controlled to a place that can be controlled.”

Then the only way is to recreate a primordial land, a Heavenly Dao, through the primordial evolution and rules, and comprehend the law from this controllable Heavenly Dao.

In addition, the fellow daoist of the Danzong is good at pill refining, and then changed the outer pill to the inner pill, and the process of simulating the Heavenly Dao in the inner pill.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

These rules are the evolution of the law, the law can not be well understood, but the rules are everywhere, imitating the rules into the power of various Medicine Pill.

Using the method of pill refining, the power of these rules is integrated into the Dao Nei Dan, from the qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes, thereby opening up a new new world. Under the Dao rules, this new world will surely produce Heavenly Dao.

But this Heavenly Dao has no way to compare with the great Heavenly Dao, because it is too small.

Therefore, it is easy to insight into the law formed by the Heavenly Dao. As long as the world is formed, there must be a complete law. After refining and comprehending this law, then you will be able to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Way!”

When Dan Zong heard Ling Bao’s words, he stood up excitedly and said to Ling Bao:


“Fellow daoist is not wrong at all, does fellow daoist have any other opinions?”

Dan Zong was very excited. Ling Bao said all the principles of his proving the Dao were right, but he couldn’t explain it so easily.

Ling Bao continued:

“The Dan Zong Fellow Daoist used this principle, and then carefully analyzed the own physical body, and definitely found that the same organ has different performances at different time periods through Innate Spiritual Qi, and then passed Yin & Yang Five Elements Shengke, plus Alchemy Fire, measurement and other methods.

Start combining these different manifestations, and then analyze, the different powers generated are integrated into the inner alchemy, just like pill refining, these things are added to the inner alchemy little by little, and then the inner alchemy is tempered through the fire of life, so that the inner alchemy is tempered. Dan incorporates this different medicinal power, or ability.

Because these different medicinal powers contain different rules, so the own inner alchemy is gradually perfected. When the number of inner alchemy reaches a certain level, it cannot increase.

Then not only compresses all the energy, but compresses the Tao to a certain extent, and the huge power that will be generated will open up the world. When the world is opened up, Yin & Yang, Sancai, Sixiang, Five Elements, Liuhe, Qixing, Eight Trigrams , Nine Palaces, Twelve Yuan Chen, Universe Three Thousand Dao manifests, generating Heavenly Dao.

In this process, the creator can only fully comprehend, so ”

Danzong answered excitedly

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