Chapter 204 Transaction 【Subscribe】

In this deep mountain and old forest, Shen Gongbao stayed here alone, it can be said to be isolated and helpless. Due to the particularity of this soul formation, Spirit Power is too strong in ordinary places. Moreover, these two energies are also antagonizing each other. One exists, and the other will be quickly driven away. This is why the Spirit Power in this valley is so thin.

However, Shen Gongbao was born in a decent sect, and the method he cultivated requires a lot of Spirit Power to supplement. Its ability and strength have been reduced invisibly, and the longer it is here, the more likely it is to be corroded by Heart’s Demon, and gradually be transformed by Demon Xie Chong.

The risk is great, but he is willing to take his life here for his own selfish desires.

“No, no, how can ordinary people find here.”

Shen Gongbao suddenly realized that someone had stopped deliberately. Now that he has been commanded by an army, it can be said to be in a dilemma. If you escape from this place now, there are still 10 gleams of life, but if the consultation continues, there will only be a dead end.

This place is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and in a huge basin, everything is silent here. But the wind is rustling, it feels like an excellent burial place. The yin air flows unscrupulously here, and it is impossible to see what it looks like, nor can it distinguish its shape. It gathers here and does not wave away. After a long time, it has formed this Jedi.

When Shen Gongbao was puzzled, the two brothers shot again, and a crack appeared on the surface of the crystal bottle.


It may be that the two brothers are eager to escape here, and their creaking sound did not cover up. Immediately, Shen Gongbao felt a chill, seeing that the situation of the two must have been planned for a long time, but he didn’t know it at all.


Shen Gongbao said in surprise. Immediately, the mark printed on the crystal bottle reappeared. Two forces, one pros and the other, oppose each other. The crystal bottle, as thin as white paper, was overwhelmed under the blessing of these two forces.

The fragmentation situation became more violent, only heard the sound of an explosion, the bottle was blown to pieces, this contest also ended in the failure of Shen Gongbao.


“Haha, I told you a long time ago, but if you don’t listen to persuasion, it’s all right now, hehe, it’s really funny.”

The soul platform was torn apart, a steady stream of soul power, countless wandering souls gathered together, this power should not be underestimated. As the yin wind blows, a turbid air rushes into the sky.

Ling Bao saw this scene, but the Restrictions under his feet were not completely eliminated.

Civil turmoil has occurred, but the transaction between the two has not ended. This time the two brothers have sufficient negotiation weights, but Shen Gongbao’s face is full of surprise, and the fear in his heart spontaneously arises.

Most of the power of formation backlash hit him.

“What on earth are you two going to do? If you continue to struggle, neither you nor I can run away.”

Shen Gongbao was relieved at this time. Now he has no room to negotiate terms. The power of life and death is all in the hands of the two brothers.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. You and I are in the same boat. It’s no good for me to kill you.”

All this is in their plan, but he originally wanted to ask for help from Jiang Ziya, relying on his influence is a better choice. But now it seems that saving one’s own life is the best policy.

“What do you want from me?” Shen Gongbao asked.

“You know exactly what I want. Give my soul bead back to me. As long as you follow my arrangements, I can help you complete the things he promised you.”

Two masses of black gas gradually turned into entities, and the two brothers walked out of the mass of mist in tandem.

“I’m afraid I can’t help you. The beads have already been cast, and I can’t move them.

Zhun mention Daoist spell Restrictions, not to mention that Shen Gongbao can’t solve it, even Ling Bao Tianzun can’t remove it for a while. It was a joke that the two brothers said this.

“I’m not talking about now.” The two brothers’ voices turned, and then a drop of Blood Essence was dripped from the 977 fingertips, and said, “Save it, find the bones of both of me, drop the blood, and leave the rest to the matter. We are.

The two brothers had another purpose, and Shen Gongbao was taken aback, already guessing what the two of them were going to do.

“It’s that simple.” Shen Gongbao put away the drop of Blood Essence, and then continued, “It’s too risky to resurrect it, if things are revealed.”

Find the place where the two brothers fell, dig out their bones, and drip this drop of blood into it to resurrect and return to the flesh. This method may seem simple, but in reality it is extremely dangerous. The bones of two great monsters have been weathered for a long time. Their flesh and blood have already been exhausted, and they need a lot of Spirit Power and Medicine Pill to nourish them. In the process, not allowed

It is possible to be disturbed by the outside world, as long as there is a slight deviation, all previous efforts will be abandoned.

However, the two brothers were willing to take risks because of this. It’s better to let go of such a living, this idea has been buried in my heart for many years.

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