Chapter 201 Step 【Subscribe】

Zhao Gongming stood behind Ling Bao, taking all of this for granted. He held Haizhu with his finger and was about to get it back. Although it was only tentative, what Ling Bao did to him gave him a cold sweat in his heart. .

The old face of Primordial Tianzun was drawn very long, and then he asked the own apprentice to confirm again, “Is he really hurt by him?”

Majestic Taiyi was already speechless at this time, and he nodded his head lightly. At this time, his face was as gray as death, with no vitality.

“Well, it’s okay~ I will help you kill him.”

After a simple cutscene, Yuanshi Tianzun lightly grasped, and the gathered Dinghaizhu fragments turned into powder, the original artifact that assisted cultivation, with a wisp of breeze drifting in the nine heavens.

Zhao Gongming was even more angry when he saw him. The old guy in front of him did not give him a domineering posture, but instead let him see that he was leaning on the old and selling the old, playing a rascal with his own identity.

His apprentice Taiyi real person is even more confusing. He obviously started it, but he couldn’t beat it and fell on Zhao Gongming. All the twelve Dinghai Pearls were destroyed, and this account had to be settled.

“Yuanshi Tianzun, I will respect you and call you uncle. It is really not wanting face. If you take my baby, don’t say it, but also destroy it. It’s really like we stop teaching no one.

Zhao Gongming’s voice was disrespectful. In any case, this sentence cannot come from his mouth.

“It’s too unreasonable. If you talk like this, doesn’t this put all the blame on him?” Ling Bao spoke out to discourage, but in fact explained that Zhao Gongming was fighting injustice.

Primitive Tianzun’s face was even more ugly, and he understood the cause of the matter in his heart. Even if Ling Bao accidentally killed his apprentice, there is no way to mention this.

“This matter has nothing to do with you, so why bother to intervene? My student is rude first, I am here to apologize for you for him.”

After the original Tianzun finished speaking, he wanted to take people away, but Ling Bao acquiesced in it, but Zhao Gongming refused to forgive him. Seeing that the original Tianzun had taken it by mouth, it was even more impeccable.” Just left, Master Ling Bao can’t say anything, but how can I explain to my master? You ruined my baby, what should I do? Calculate?”

Zhao Gongming’s repeated questioning was in line with his temperament. It’s just that there is no Primitive Tianzun under the steps, and now his old face is longer.

However, if the Daoist on the side can be rescued, Yuanshi Tianzun doesn’t care. After all, being able to take him away is considered as a favor to him. .

There is only this he can do. After all, Ling Bao Tianzun’s face still cannot be turned, at least not yet. It happens that you are coming to Japan for a long time. Although Ling Bao deliberately indulged Zhao Gongming, he only deliberately did not act.

“From the Master Tongtian, I will naturally explain to him, as for you, you are not qualified to tell me something right and wrong here.”

At the same time as the voice fell, Primordial Tianzun raised his hand. Then a golden beam of light fell on Zhao Gongming’s body.

I saw the beam of light and lifted him high. However, Zhao Gongming is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although his strength and Cultivation Base are not better than the Golden Spirit, his methods are more diverse.

Faced with a sudden blow from the original Tianzun, Heihu suddenly rushed to save his master. However, this black tiger is a mount once given to him by the Master Tongtian. Except for the fact that Lingzhi has not been fully developed, its sturdy minions are not generally manageable.

.0 Seeking flowers……0

The original Tianzun did not recognize the beast, but just cursed the beast in his mouth, and he flicked it and made a few sword fingers, preparing to kill the beast that knows the height and thickness of the beast, and by the way, gave the Lord Tongtian a disarm.

“This time it’s just killing a beast. Next time I make another shot, it won’t be that simple.”


The original Tianzun hadn’t finished speaking, but the black tiger who had just been beaten up suddenly stood up and disappeared instantly.

However, when he reappeared, a beast the size of a wild beast suddenly appeared behind Yuanshi Tianzun.

I saw that the black tiger was about to swallow it in one bite, and its roar was even more deafening. For this change, the original Tianzun was shocked, and then he saw the origin of this guy in the process.


The Lord Tongtian sitting down on the sacred cow was bestowed by Master Hongjun. However, the black tiger in front of him is obviously not of adulthood. But as long as you recognize a good master, I believe you will be able to achieve a righteous result.

Primitive Tianzun moved his hidden heart, and on another thought, the black tiger was already possessed. Even if it was taken by force, it might not be able to tame it, let alone a bad reputation. It can be said that he cares very much about the honorary primitive Tianzun. Otherwise, according to the temper and style of the Tongtian leader, it is very likely that Zhao Gongming will be killed in front of Ling Bao.


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