Chapter 166 Kunpeng Blocking the Red Cloud 【Subscribe】

North Sea

Kunpeng said to himself:

“It seems that you can only succeed in proving the Dao by getting the Hongmeng Purple Qi!”

Sun Palace:

“Brother! It seems that you can’t become Sage if you don’t have a grandiose spirit!”

Di Jun nodded:

“Yes, indeed, it seems that we have to find a way to get a cosmic and purple qi!”

And Ling Bao said:

“It seems that a bloody murder caused by a great purple qi is about to begin!”

As soon as Ling Bao finished speaking, a voice passed-here:

“What murder?”

Ling Bao looked back, and it turned out that Nuwa had come to Da Luotian. Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“You don’t know if you don’t!’

Although Nuwa has become Sage, the obsessions of good and evil have merged back into the body, so unlike the previous life, Nuwa is not so ruthless, even very affectionate.

Nuwa dissatisfied with Ling Bao and said:

“You make fun of people, knowing that Daoist’s deduction is not strong!”

Ling Bao did not reveal the secret, but said to Nuwa:

“Let’s take a look at it slowly, but it’s just a waste of water from the bamboo basket!”

Others don’t know, but Ling Bao knows very well that Hong Yun’s grand and purple energy can only be a medium, a medium that entrusts the soul on Heavenly Dao.

But if you want to place the primordial spirit on Heavenly Dao, you must comprehend a complete law. If you can comprehend a complete law, then it is the Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The Dao in this Hongmeng Purple Qi had long been absorbed by Hongjun and used to prove Dao sanctification, and Hongjun relied on the great Magic power to pin the soul on Heavenly Dao.

Others put the soul on Heavenly Dao through Hongmeng Ziqi. One is direct contact and the other is indirect contact. Naturally, the speed of understanding Heavenly Dao is totally different.

And Hongyun is not Ascension own Realm, simply comprehending the Hongmeng Purple Qi has no effect at all, and now Hongyun is really simply comprehending the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Fire Cloud Palace.

Hongyun’s primordial spirit withdrew from the grandiose purple aura and sighed:

“It really is the foundation of the avenue, and I haven’t realized anything for so many years! Counting days, the ginseng fruit of fellow daoist Zhen Yuanzi has matured many times now, enough to eat one at a time!

Forget it, first taste the taste of ginseng fruit, and then comprehend it!

After talking about Hongyun, apart from the Huoyun Palace, he drove a cloud towards the direction of the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain.

Kunpeng felt it when Hongyun just removed from the Huoyun Palace, because Kunpeng set up an early warning Restrictions outside the Huoyun Palace.

Hong Yun was busy eating ginseng fruit and didn’t pay attention to the Restrictions, but Kunpeng knew that Kunpeng turned into a big Peng and quickly chased Hong Yun.

Kunpeng’s flight speed is second only to Dijiang, which means that neither Donghuang Taiyi nor Dijun can catch up with Kunpeng.

Soon Kunpeng caught up with Hongyun, and Hongyun saw the sting Kunpeng, smiled and said to Kunpeng:

“Isn’t this Kunpeng fellow daoist? Where is Kunpeng fellow daoist?”

Kunpeng’s spooky answer:

“Hongyun fellow daoist, I am here to find you!”

Hong Yun said excitedly:

“Does fellow daoist have anything to do with me? Or is the fellow daoist encountering any difficulties? Fellow daoist told me that if you can’t help you, you will definitely help you. The predecessor is so big, it is really difficult if you don’t have a few friends!”

Kunpeng looked at the red cloud and secretly said:

Isn’t this a fool?

Kunpeng said to Hongyun:

“Fellow daoist is right. I have been cultivating for so long, and I always don’t know where the preaching is. To find fellow daoist today, I just want to borrow something from fellow daoist!”

Hong Yun had thought that Hai Peng was very interested in own Hongmeng Purple Qi, so Hong Yun said to Kunpeng:

“I don’t know what the fellow daoist wants to borrow? I have the best Innate Ling Bao, and the others are gone, but this Innate Ling Bao has already allowed me to make my life Magic Treasures. Fellow daoist tell me what you lack, I’ll find it for you.

After all, a lot of people are powerful, and it can save a lot of time, isn’t it!”

Kunpeng explained to Hongyun:

“Hongyun fellow daoist, you don’t need to look for it, you have this thing, I don’t want your Innate Ling Bao, I only want the foundation of fellow daoist’s great avenue, Hong Meng Ziqi!”

After Hong Yun heard it, he laughed a few times. Although Hong Yun was “helpful, but not a fool, he said bitterly at Kunpeng:

“The fellow daoist laughed. If the fellow daoist lacks Innate Ling Bao, I can give it to the fellow daoist, but the foundation of this avenue is the foundation of proving Dao. Without the foundation of the great spirit, it cannot be sanctified at all.

-0 Seeking flowers 00

There is only one way of impoverishment, so I can’t lend this to fellow daoist, because I haven’t realized anything yet, so let’s wait for me to realize it, and I’m telling fellow daoist, what do you think?”

Kunpeng said to Hongyun:

“It seems that fellow daoist can’t bear it?”

Hongyun answered naturally:

“Of course, this is the foundation of the avenue, I am not a fool, I can’t give this to you!”

Won Peng didn’t want to talk nonsense with Hong Yun either. Hearing Hong Yun’s answer, he said to Hong Yun:

“Since fellow daoist is reluctant, then I can only take it from fellow daoist!”

Hong Yun said loudly:

“What are you going to do?”

The colleague who spoke, Hong Yun released his own nine-nine-san poo red sand, and countless red sand swept away at Kunpeng. Kunpeng, as the great power of the North Sea, has no Innate Ling Bao, but there is also an acquired Ling Bao.

After Kunpeng’s ritual training, Ling Bao is no less than the treasure of the acquired day. It is the Beiming Palace. Kunpeng released the Beiming Palace to resist the red sand of the red cloud. Then, he used his own magical power, Beiming Swallow!

Kunpeng turned into a black hole, constantly devouring the magic power, primordial spirit, and vitality of the red cloud!

Hong Yun sternly said:

“Well, Kunpeng, you attacked me for the sake of Hongmeng Ziqi, then don’t blame me for being rude!”

After talking about it, Hong Yun condensed and fought at Kunpeng, knowing that Kunpeng was also a master of killing two corpses, and Hong Yun was just a quasi-sage who killed one corpse.

The two were constantly fighting, Kunpeng relied on speed, Hong Yun had no way at all.

Just as the two were fighting, in the sea of ​​blood, a blood-red light was omitted from the battlefield of the two!

In the Sun Palace, two golden figures rushed towards the battlefield of the two.

There are different rays of light coming from everywhere in Honghuang!

Kunlun Mountain:

“Should we Sanqing take action?”

Daddy shook his head:

“No need, although there is a great opportunity for Hongmeng Ziqi, but few people have such a great opportunity!”

Ling Bao also felt it, and said in amazement

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