Chapter 164 Lead into Hunyuan, quasi-raise desire to become holy [one more seeking automatic

A trace of pride is leaked!

Not bad, just proud!

Although Sanqing has been together for so many years, although the friendship seems to be deep! But the three of them are competing with each other.

Yuan Yuan didn’t cut off the third corpse, just cut off the second corpse and became holy.

But this is so primitive and very happy.

A two-winged White Tiger appeared from the air, and then carried a Sage Tao fruit, and threw it into the sea of ​​knowledge of the original Taoist Tianzun.

After absorbing Sage Daoguo, Primordial shouted loudly:

“I, one of the primitive Pangu Three Qings, today Lijiao is sanctified, and it is Yuqing Pangu Sage, the Primitive Tianzun! The Immeasurable Tianzun!”

After the original Tianzun finished speaking, everyone in Honghuang, like the previous daddy, paid homage to Sage. Of course, many god-tier practitioners did not visit, but they were still very envious.

Seeing that the original has become holy, Tongtian also flew into the air, running the magic power:

“Heavenly Dao is above, I, Tongtian, Pangu, one of the three Qings, the disciples of Hongjun, the generation of Tianjiao to transform the living beings, today Lijiejiao, Dao 50, Tianyan forty-nine, there should be a ray of vitality, Wujiejiao is to intercept A silver lining.

Use Zhuxian’s Four Swords to Suppress Tiaojiao Qi Luck!

Stop teaching! Stand up!”

After talking about Tongtian, it is the same as Daddy and Primordial, gaining merits and eliciting the merits of opening the sky, but Tongtian has long been slashed and united.

After Tongtian’s three corpses became one with himself, Tongtian was able to prove his merits, but Tongtian knew that the original was to cut two corpses into the Tao, so Tongtian hid the matter of his own three corpses.

After Tongtian got the fruit, he shouted loudly:

“I, one of the three Qing Dynasties of Pangu leads to the sky, and today Lijiao is sanctified, and is Pangu Sage of the Shang Qing, the spirit?”

Tongtian was about to name himself Ling Bao Tianzun, but he thought that he owed Ling Bao’s Karma to the Three Corpses. After all, the Dao name of Ling Bao gave Tongtian a lot of luck.

But thinking of Ling Bao helping himself, Tongtian paused, and then said:

“Master Tongtian…!”

Since the establishment of the Three Qings, Taiqing Moral Tianzun, daddy, Yuqing primitive Tianzun, primitive, Shangqing Tongtian leader, Tongtian!

Everyone didn’t expect that within a day, all the Sanqing were sanctified. The seven people who had the foundation of the avenue, except for Hou Tu, the four of Jioyin and Hongyun all became Sages.

The western guide took the Hongmeng Ziqi out and said to Zhun:

“Junior Brother Zhunti, you refine this grand and purple energy, and then establish a Western religion. I am also one of the leaders of the Western religion. With this luck, I should be able to prove Dao sanctification!”

Zhunti resolutely refused to take the lead:

“Brother, I can’t ask for it, but you should come to be holy!”

The lead said to Zhun:

“Junior Brother, don’t refuse first, I can also become a holy, but it is not Sage, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I have the inheritance of the Sleeping Dream God, and this inheritance can only be passed on by one person.

I haven’t fully comprehended it yet. I will pass it to you when I fully comprehend it. I am now a quasi-sage Dzogchen. Originally, I could also break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Today, Sanqing Lijiao, I also know our chances. .

That is to teach, to prove Dao sanctification through the merits of teaching! Now I got the “Big Dream Heart Sutra” of the Sleeping Dream Demon God. Although it is not a completed inheritance, it is no problem to cultivate to the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

I don’t fight with people either. As long as there is enough time, I will be able to surpass Sanqing sooner or later, but you are different from Junior Brother. Did not comprehend much.

But I am different. Not only have I heard and understood a lot, but also I have inadvertently obtained the inheritance of the Chaos Demon God, and I have cultivated the “Big Dream Heart Sutra” to the second level, and it is easy to break through.

What I worry about is the younger brother. If I make a double breakthrough, I will not be able to match the Western Sage, and our two lives will be even more difficult in the future.

I made a breakthrough in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and my junior is Sage. By then, we will be equivalent to two Sages, and we will not suffer too much on the road in the future!”

Hearing the quoted words, I can ask suspiciously:

“Brother, are you true?”

Zhunti also wants to be holy, after all, under Sage, all are ants, and the entire prey, who doesn’t want to be holy!

Access road:

“Or I will give you the purple gas, I will break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm, and then my younger brother will establish a Western religion, how about preaching and sanctifying?”

Be sure to mention that this is a good method, and then nodded:

“Okay, just do what the brother said!”

I was very happy to see Zhunti agreeing to myself. After all, the two of them have supported each other for so many years. It is really not easy to walk now, although the western spiritual veins have not been destroyed.

However, Spiritual Qi is still not as good as the East. With Ling Bao’s search and Luohu carpet search, the West has no Ling Bao, Lingcai and Spiritual Roots at all.

This caused the two to be very barren, and when Zhunti played against Ling Bao last time, he was damaged by Ling Bao. It is impossible to break through the Realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

That’s why Xie Yin thought of this method!

He took the Hongmeng Purple Qi from his own soul, and then gave it to Zhun Ti. Zhun Ti merged the Hong Meng Zi Qi into his own soul, and Zhun Ti also knew how to prove his Dao.

Zhunti was not in a hurry to prove the truth, but looked at the lead.

Recitation naturally knows what Zhunti means. Seeing that Zhunti treats himself like this, Recitation is also very moved. You must know that in Honghuang, there is nothing better than Zhunti to yourself.

Take the lead, let go of own Realm’s suppression, and run the “Dream Heart Sutra” with all its strength.

Realm did not have the suppression of the introduction, and soon achieved breakthrough, the introduction of breakthrough Daluo Jinxian early stage, the previously saved potential has also been exhausted.

But the combat power of the entrainment is equivalent to Sage Second Stage.

(Of the)

Zhun Ti felt that he was just like Lou Ant in front of Zhun Ti. Zhun Ti let Zhun Ti feel his own Realm, so he put his own aura away, and then urged Zhun Ti:

“. Junior brother! Let’s start!”

Quasi nodded and nodded:

“Then wronged brother!”

After speaking, Zhun mentions using the big Magic power and shouted:

“Heavenly Dao is on the top, I, quasi mention, and transform the predominantly from the heavens. Today, the Western churches, the Western churches respect Daoist, and I am the vice-master.

With the ten second rank red lotus, lead the treasure building, and the Qibao wonderful tree suppresses the Western teachings of Qi Luck!

Western religion! Stand up!”

After Zhunti finished, the boundless merits descended from the sky and fell into the body of the reception and Zhunti!

The lead was afraid that Zhunzi’s merits were not enough, and did not absorb the merits, but put the merits away, and quietly watched Zhunzi!

[PS: Recommend “The God-level Male Anchor of Extreme Challenge”],

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