Chapter 162 The method of human cultivation【Three more automatic】

More than 50 billion human races are caught in the cultivation. Of course, most of them have only learned the basic cultivation method. There are only three thousand Nuwa human races, and 129,600 people made it through the good fortune Calabash vine. The human race is constantly fast cultivation.

Suddenly, Ling Bao was awakened by a flurry of flicks. Everyone of the three thousand human races inherited a great law.

Youchao inherited the law of space, Suiren inherited the law of fire, and Diyi inherited the law of life.

Others have inherited various laws, and 129,600 people have inherited various laws.

Three thousand human races took the lead in breaking through the Golden Fairy Realm and condensed into the law Gold Core.

These three thousand people made breakthroughs one after another, which shocked Daddy in the preaching, but Daddy soon reacted.

Then began to continue preaching, as the old “Zero 20” son kept preaching.

The remaining 129,600 people also cultivated the law Gold Core and entered the Realm of the Golden Immortal.

All three thousand human races entered Taiyi Realm.

Because of Ling Bao’s interference, these human races have very high aptitudes, including the blood of the first Heavenly Demon god Nuwa, the chaotic demon god Pangu Blood Essence, the Ancestral Witch Hou Tu Blood Essence, and the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Ling Bao Blood Essence.

Moreover, Ling Bao returned these Blood Essences to the original source and merged them into one. Although their qualifications are not as good as the top Heavenly Demon gods, they are not much worse.

In addition, the natural Dao body does not need to be transformed, and Honghuang now has no calamity except for the Heavenly Tribulation, and the so-called Heavenly Tribulation is also called good fortune Heavenly Tribulation in many demon races with good qualifications.

Because the better the Heavenly Tribulation spent, the more complete the transformation of the Dao body. You must know that many people of the monster race, the humanoid first Heavenly Dao body exerts 120% of the combat power of the body, or even more, this It is the benefit of Heavenly Tribulation.

Human races are born with Dao body and have sound spiritual intelligence. Many monster races may not be able to develop spiritual wisdom for tens of thousands of years, and they may not be sound when they have developed spiritual wisdom.

The human race occupies the air fortune of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and the spiritual wisdom has fully matured in just 20 years. As time goes by, the spiritual wisdom will continue to increase.

With the passage of daddy’s preaching, all eight thousand and one hundred years have passed.

Except for the Chao family, the Suiren family, and the Shuyi family, the others are Realm, Gold Core 6th rank powers.

The Chao, Suiren, and Jinyi are all at the pinnacle of the 7th Rank of Gold Core. As for the remaining 129,600 people, most of them are Gold Core 5th Rank, Taiyi Golden Immortal’s Cultivation Base.

When Daddy finished his preaching, he looked at these people in shock, knowing that although there are only three quasi-sages, there are too many Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian.

You must know that among the two families of Lich, Daluo Jinxian is also a high-level power, and Taiyi Jinxian is also a backbone force. Although there are not as many masters as the two families of Lich, this is a human race.

Human races who have not been born for 20,000 years, if they are among the monster races, for 20,000 years, many monster races have not developed spiritual wisdom. Although these human races are the first batch of Innate human races and the second batch of Innate human races, this qualification , This comprehension is too good!

At the same time, Daddy also knows that if he is bound to the human race, the future will not be bad.

Daddy said to Ling Bao:

“It’s time for a fellow daoist to preach!”

Ling Bao began to preach:

“Human is the spirit of all things, first Heavenly Dao body

What Ling Bao uses is the way of the physical body, combining the ancestral witch’s law of body refining, “Nine Cycles” and the own treasure refining method.

A physical avenue specially opened for the human race. This physical avenue Ling Bao created the “Nine Cycles Golden Body Decision” for the human race. This “Nine Cycles Golden Body Decision” cultivation is also all-encompassing, mainly in conjunction with the “Nine Cycles Gold Core Decision” A flesh body Cultivation Technique, this flesh body Cultivation Technique cultivation to Nine Cycles Realm, is the flesh body of the quasi-sage Dzogchen.

With the power of the physical body, the power of the quasi-sage Dzogchen can be exerted. If you break through the Nine Cycles, it will also form the infinite golden body.

Corresponding to the Wuji Gold Core, the physical body proves the Dao, this proof is not Sage, but the physical body becomes the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Ling Bao’s preaching lasted three thousand years. After three thousand years, Ling Bao finished explaining the way of the flesh, and he didn’t talk about it any more, because many things later need to be developed by the human race.

After Ling Bao’s preaching, daddy is about to stand up and become holy. Ling Bao interrupted daddy and said to daddy:

“Fellow daoist, please wait!”

Daddy asked curiously:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, is there anything else?”

Daddy is very worried now, afraid of what will happen to Ling Bao!

Ling Bao said:

“No, I want to hide the elite of the human race. If the fellow daoist is proving now, all the predominant eyes will be on the fellow daoist side. If the Lich clans know the strength of the Daoist family, the human race will also become the target of everyone!”

Daddy asked curiously:

“How to hide?”

Ling Bao said to the present corpse:

“Ling Bao, leave it to you!”

Ling Bao said in pain:

“My deity, the treasure you promised to me has not yet been given to me!”

Ling Bao waved his hand and took out nine Innate treasures. The nine treasures were attack, defense, cultivation, driving, stealth, pill refining, refining, storage and recording.

Every kind of treasure function is very single, but each function is brought into full play.

Ling Bao was also very happy when he saw the deity Ling Bao gave Own Innate the treasure, and said:

“It’s all you, I wouldn’t be so embarrassed if you gave it to me early!”

Ling Bao naturally knows how spoof he is, but for the sake of his own majesty, Ling Bao always endures it. Although Ling Bao is also a realm, but Ling Bao doesn’t care about the majesty, and still does his own way.

Ling Bao took out thirty-six Dinghai God Orbs and Qiankun Ruler, easily opened up the thirty-six heavens, and said to everyone:

0.0 “The first generation, the second generation of the Innate human race. Except for the Chao family, the Suiren family, and the Jianyi family, all the rest will enter the thirty-six heavens!”

Spiritual Qi in these thirty-six heavens is also very sufficient, even better than the current prehistoric Qi.

Daddy saw that all races had entered the thirty-six heavens, and asked Ling Bao:

“Are these people going to be here in the future?”

Ling Bao shook his head and said:

“No, of course it will come out, but not now!”

Daddy nodded, knowing that Ling Bao had his own calculation, and then said to Ling Bao:

“Fellow daoist, then I will start!”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Okay! It’s time to start!”

Daddy is floating in the air, using big magic power, communicating with Heavenly Dao, shouting loudly

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