Chapter 159 daddy accepts apprentices [five more seeking subscription]

The fire is enlightened, and the inheritance is continuous!

And this leader, as the merits landed on him, Cultivation Base continued to Ascension, just like the Chao Clan, he broke through nine Realms and became the Da Luo Jinxian of Huakai Ninth Rank.

After the leader became the Daluo Jinxian, the leader saluted the direction of Ling Bao’s residence:

“Thank you patriarch!

Then shouted loudly:

“Heavenly Dao is on, the flame of my human race, the fire of fire was born, and the fire of our human race has never been extinguished since then! I am the Suiren clan!”

Everyone knows that in the future, ordinary people can also make flames, and they are very happy.From then on, the human race is not afraid of beasts, no need to eat raw meat, no need to be frozen, and it can be illuminated at night!

Human Race shouted loudly:





Ling Bao came out, called out the Kongtong seal, and shouted loudly:

“Well, Ling Bao, the head of the human race, in view of the great contributions made by the Suiren clan to the human race! Today, the Suiren clan is now the ancestor of the human race!”

After speaking, Kongtong printed a Daoist clan’s qi, and fell into the body of Daoyouchao.

Then Ling Bao said to You Chao:

“Starting today, you have to teach the human race how to make a fire!”

There is Chao’s salute:

“Yes! Patriarch, Wusui Renshi will definitely complete the mission!”

Three hundred years later, the precipitous weather suddenly changed and it became extremely cold. A female leader came to Ling Bao and said to Ling Bao:

“Patriarch, I don’t know why, it is extremely cold in the wilderness, and many people of our human race have frozen to death. May I ask how the patriarch can solve this matter?”

Ling Bao pointed to the human race who came back from hunting:

“Look, why doesn’t the white bear freeze to death?”

The woman leader’s eyes lit up, and then bowed and bowed to Ling Bao:

“Thank you patriarch!

Then quit, facing the humanity of several human races:

“Peel off the skin of this white bear, I want to use it!”

Several human races saw that it was one of the three thousand leaders, and they saluted:

“I have seen the leader/|!”

The female chief waved her hand:

“No need to be polite, get it down quickly!”


Several people were also veterans of hunting. They peeled off the bear skin intact and handed it to the female leader. Then, feeling that the bear skin was a bit damp, they kept roasting on the fire.

Then I made a leather jacket according to my own figure. When the bear leather dress was finished, the female leader said very happily:

“Hahaha, from now on my human race is not afraid of severe cold, not afraid of insect bites!”

Just finished speaking, a lot of merits appeared in the sky, countless merits were divided into three, ten percent fell into Ling Bao’s hands, ten percent fell on the leather jacket, and the leather jacket became the acquired merit Ling Bao.

Eighty percent fell on the female leader. Like You Chao and Suiren, this female leader also became the Da Luo Jinxian, with the help of Ling Bao.

Da Luo Jinxian with a ninth-grade consciousness flower!

The female leader declared loudly:

“Heavenly Dao is here. Today, under the guidance of the patriarch Ling Bao, I made the first garment of the human race. From then on, the human race bid farewell to the severe cold, and I am the Shuyi family!

In the cold weather, the human race froze a lot of people to death. Hearing the words of the Yi clan, all the human races were happy and shouted loudly:


“Chen Yishi!”


Ling Bao walked out with a smile, holding the Kongtong seal and said:

“W, Ling Bao, the head of the human race, in view of the great contribution that the Xiyi clan has made to the human race, we have specially named the Xiyi clan as the ancestor of the human race!”

Everyone is also very happy:

“Ren Zu Jian Yi Shi!”

“Ren Zu Jianyi!

The Human Race shouted, expressing own excitement, Ling Bao said to the Xi Yi family:

“Clan Yi, you have to lead the human race to make more clothes, so that all races can learn how to make clothes and resist the severe cold!”

Shuyi’s Dao:

“Yes, patriarch!”

After talking about Shuyi, go down and teach the human race to make animal skin clothes to withstand the severe cold!

Kunlun Mountain, daddy looked at the direction of the East China Sea shore and said:

“The race created by Junior Sister Nuwa is very interesting. It won’t be over a thousand years. Someone has achieved so much merit! I feel that my chance lies in this human race!”

Although there are many cultivation Cultivation Techniques in the later generations of Ling Bao, they are far different from the cultivation Cultivation Technique of the great famine. If the human race uses the inheritance of the later Ling Bao, then the human race will definitely not become the real protagonist of heaven and earth.

Then the human race in the future will still be the same as the later generations, and the gods and Buddhas of the world will be divided.

This is not in line with the deity’s plan. Ling Bao’s own inheritance is basically the cultivation Cultivation Technique of the Heavenly Demon God, but it is very difficult to modify the Cultivation Technique that the adult race can cultivate.

So Ling Bao used various methods to deduce the cultivation Cultivation Technique of the Human Race, but the initial cultivation was still good, but there was no stamina, which made Ling Bao dare not spread it.

Because of his curiosity about the Human Race, Daddy saw Yuan and Tongtian at the Closed Door Training, so he got up and walked towards the shore of the East China Sea.

Soon daddy arrived in the territory of the human race. Daddy turned into an old man and walked among the human race. After the Deva race, there are many old people. Therefore, in the human race, the old man is the representative of wisdom and experience.

No matter which tribe daddy goes to, there is warm hospitality from the human race, and the innocent nature of the human race makes daddy like the human race very much.

Terran doesn’t know the identity of Daddy, but treats it in front of an ordinary old man.

It took three hundred years to walk. Daddy saw a child kneeling in front of a mountain, not talking or shouting. Daddy was very curious and asked this person:

Boy, what are you doing?”

The young man said:

“I want to learn art from a teacher! But I don’t know if there is power in this mountain, so I bow down for a hundred years in every mountain. If there is a power who is willing to accept me, I will worship him as a teacher and open up a path of cultivation for my mission!

If you don’t have me, you will change to another mountain and continue to bow down. I believe someone will accept me!”

Daddy pinched a finger, this turned out to be a second-generation human race, born Celestial Immortals, but it didn’t understand the cultivation method and had been worshipped for thousands of years.

What a great perseverance, (Nono’s) great luck, daddy showed his real body and said to the young man:

“I am Hongjun’s personal disciple, the head of the Sanqing Dynasty by Pangu Yuanshen, daddy, would you like to worship me as a teacher!”

The young man heard what daddy said, although he didn’t know how high the identity daddy said, but he must be a god-tier communicator, so the young man said to daddy:

“Meet Master Change!”

Daddy was very happy and said:

“Good, good! From now on, you will be the Xuandu! Enter the room for me as a big disciple!”

The young man, no, it was Xuandu weeping with joy, and said to daddy:

“Thank you, Master, for your pity, Xuan Du will definitely work hard to cultivate!!

daddy said:

“Okay, disciple follow me to the human race, and I will pass you the road later!”

[PS: There are too many code words on my fingers. I waited for tenosynovitis and my fingers hurt so much. I just finished writing it. Today’s fifth update! Sorry everyone! Typing is too slow, I will try my best to write five chapters! Thank you greatly support!】

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