Chapter 154 Way of Proof [Fifth Update Seeking Subscription]

“Taiyi, I finally perfected the Universe Star Dou Array. This is the image of the Universe Star Dou Array. Have a good impression!”

Donghuang Taiyi took over the new Universe Star Dou formation, and said excitedly:

“There will be a duel with the Wu Clan in another 20,000 years. With this formation, I will definitely let Ling Bao kill the Wu Clan before he comes!”

Di Jun also nodded, while Dong Huang Taiyi asked worriedly:

“Dage, then Nuwa has become a holy proclaimer, will she intervene in our battle with the Witch Clan!”

The words of Emperor Taiyi, who stopped silently, said to Donghuang Tai:

“It’s okay, I believe she didn’t join the Demon Race at the beginning, and now she doesn’t join the Wu Clan, just don’t want to get Karma! By the way, how is Yihe’s side?”

East Emperor Tai:

“The three stinky women are now hiding in the Kunlun secret realm in West Kunlun, and they have not come out. Do you want me to take someone to attack West Kunlun, so that the woman from Queen Mother Xi will hand over the three stinky women?

Di Jun thought for a while, then Yaoyao said:

“No, this one will be released in advance. Recently, we will practice the Universe Star Dou formation first. Ling Bao has promised that we will not participate in this battle. Since he has such a strength, he will definitely not say nothing. Let’s destroy the Wu Clan first. , And then prove by virtue of luck.

When the time comes, Nuwa will not be afraid to intervene, we have all preached, and we will not be afraid of Ling Bao anymore, and then we will go to Chang Xi and the others!”

Mrs. Dong nodded a little and went down to find someone to practice the new formation.

After Houtu returned, Dijiang saw Ling Bao and Houtu, and Dijiang said to Ling Bao:

“Brother Ling Bao, I’m sorry, we are about to go to war with the monster clan, so we must practice the formation!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“It’s okay, you practice, I’m okay here, by the way, do you want to watch Nuwa Kaitian preaching?”

Di Jiang shook his head and said:

“I won’t go. By the way, I know that you promised not to participate in this battle. Don’t I know what will happen to this battle?

So I leave this to you. After all, this is the most precious thing of God the Father, and I don’t want the things of God the Father to be lost / |! ”

After talking about putting a mark into Dao Ling Bao’s body, Ling Bao did not dodge, but carefully comprehended the mark. When Ling Bao finished comprehending, he faced Dijiang Dao in shock:

“Brother Dijiang, this is too expensive!”

Di Jiang shook his head and said:

“No, it’s not expensive at all. I haven’t given it to my brother for so long. It’s not that we don’t believe in brothers, but that this thing is too tasteless. We don’t take this matter seriously.

We don’t know what the outcome of this battle will be. We only thought of the wealth of God the Father, so we left it to you!”

Ling Bao said very gratefully:

“Thank you brother, this is so useful for my future!”

Di Jiang smiled and said:

“That’s good, you have a good understanding, let’s go to practice formation!”

Ling Bao nodded, and then talked to Dijiang and the others, and then returned to Daluotian to feel it.

When Ling Bao Tao Da Luo Tian, ​​Nuwa also knew, just opened his eyes, and then continued to comprehend Heavenly Dao and went.

Ling Bao was very excited because Dijiang’s imprint on Ling Bao turned out to be the Kaitian brand, which is Pangu’s Kaitian experience.

Although attacking Wushuang, the most important thing is to open the sky, because Ling Bao also plans to open the sky. Yes, Ling Bao planned four ways of preaching.

But now Ling Bao is not ready, so he has been dragging it all the time, but Ling Bao now has another good thing, that is, the Kaitian brand.

With Ling Bao’s Insight, three hundred years have passed very quickly!

Nuwa also understood the way of own Sage almost.

“A hundred years from now, I will be in the chaos again, open the sky, and everyone who is predestined can come!”

Ling Bao opened his eyes, came to Nuwa, and asked Nuwa:

“are you ready?”

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao, he stopped talking, and then said:


Ling Bao saw Nuwa’s abnormality very carefully, and asked Nuwa:

“Wawa, what’s wrong with you, tell me something about it!”

Nuwa sighed and said:

“Ling Bao, I just became holy and I am very happy. I finally completed my goal, but after I became holy, I wanted to help Little Sister of Hou Tu to deal with the monsters, but I was warned by Heavenly Dao not to let me interfere with the Lich War.

When I was about to resist, I felt that in front of Heavenly Dao, Sage was all ants, so ”

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao very worriedly, for fear of Ling Bao’s misunderstanding. After all, Nuwa has a very good relationship with Houtu. After hearing Nuwa’s words, Ling Bao also knows Nuwa’s feelings, so Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“Wa Wa, I knew this a long time ago. I didn’t blame you. You can’t compete with Heavenly Dao now, but I believe you will not be an ant in the future. Give me some time.

Also, I can’t fight Heavenly Dao right now, so you can come according to Heavenly Dao’s wishes. Don’t worry, Houtu will be fine!”

After hearing Ling Bao’s words, Nuwa was relieved and was shocked at the same time, because Nuwa was not a fool. From Ling Bao’s words, Nuwa actually knew that own men had such great ambitions. Nuwa asked very curiously:

“Ling Bao, what is your Cultivation Base?”

Ling Bao explained to Nuwa:

“You have become Sage now, and do you know the way of preaching?”

After Nuwa became Sage, he was able to integrate into Heavenly Dao, and I also knew a lot of Xin Mi, but it was over. If I leave Heavenly Dao now, I (Nono’s) is not Sage.

Ling Bao explained to Nuwa:

“Prove the Dao, prove the Dao, and attain the Heavenly Dao. From then on, I have survived under the Heavenly Dao. The ancestor of the Hongji Jun Dao has now breakthrough Sage Realm, which can be regarded as a realm.

You also know that, behind Sage, there are Realm, Sage ten Second Stage days, and then Hedao Realm, which can be in harmony with Heavenly Dao, and breakthrough Hedao Realm is Heavenly Dao Realm, which is equal to Heavenly Dao.

And in the chaos, Pangu god-tier did not have Heavenly Dao before opening the sky, but these Realms correspond to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Hunyuan Taiji Jinxian, and Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian.

Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian is relative to the Realm of Heavenly Dao now. However, in addition to these Realms, there is Realm behind!”

Nuwa doesn’t know these, thinking that Nuwa just knows that the highest Realm is Heavenly Dao, so Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“Then what is Realm after Heavenly Dao?”

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