Chapter 151 The tenth fine flower of creating a man and becoming a holy third rank [Second more automatic]

“It’s okay now, let’s start!”

Nuwa said excitedly:

“Can it still be like this?”

Ling Bao said:

“Of course~, now you try!”

Nuwa eagerly began to pinch, first squeezed one to herself, and then felt quite satisfied, began to squeeze one more,-after a while, nine squeezed.

Ling Bao didn’t care. When he saw that the nine women looked like snake-tails, Ling Bao stopped Nuwa. This thing is very precious. You don’t make people?

Ling Bao asked Nuwa:

“Why don’t you pinch your legs?”

Nuwa’s naughty way:

“Are you in a hurry?”

Ling Bao doesn’t know how to answer? You can’t say that you can’t be sanctified if you don’t create human beings!

Nuwa Road:

“Okay, okay, don’t be angry anymore, I will pinch you and me like you now!”

Looking at Nuwa’s appearance, she looked more and more like a child. Ling Bao knew that this was because of Nuwa’s perfect mentality and was about to preach the Dao.

This kind of innocence is closest to Dao.

Nuwa used dry rotation good fortune to enrich all of these people. Soon these people grew up in the wind. When they grew to the size of normal people, there were a total of four men and five women. These nine people saluted Nuwa:

“I have seen my mother!

Then he said to Ling Bao:

“I have seen my father!

Said to Houtu again:

“I have seen my mother!”

Nuwa grinned and said:

“Get up! You will be the Nuwa clan from now on!”

Hearing what Nuwa said, Ling Bao was stunned. This is how the Nuwa clan came out, a test product before the creation of human beings?

Just when Ling Bao was lost, Nuwa began to squeeze against Ling Bao, then squeezed against own, then squeezed against Houtu, and squeezed against Fuyi again. one.

Soon 3,000 people were pinched. When it reached the 3,000th person, Nuwa said to Ling Bao:

“It’s so tired, but it’s so fun!

Ling Bao looked at Nuwa’s overconsumption, and then took out the good fortune Calabash vine, and there were seven Calabash on the vine.

These Calabash are mature, but Ling Bao did not pick them.

Nuwa blessed the soul to take the Calabash vine, and will be mixed with the Three Lights Divine Water, Pangu Blood Essence, Ling Bao Blood Essence, Hou Tu Blood Essence, Nuwa Blood Essence’s Nine Heavens, and then use the good fortune mediation.

I started to throw it out, and a large piece of it was quickly used up. There were exactly 3,000 people who pinched it out, and 129,600 people who were thrown out, a total of 130,000. Two thousand six hundred people.

The black and heavy people woke up. First, they were confused, and then their eyes became clear. They knelt down to Ling Bao, Houtu and Nuwa:

“We have seen the Father, the two Madonnas! Thank you, the Madonna for giving me life!”

Nuwa looked at the people below very happy, and said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, what are these people called?”

Ling Bao directed to Nuwa:

“What’s your name!”

Nuwa thought for a while and said:

“Sage, fairy, witch, heaven, earth and human three talents, in that case, you call it human, you are human! Wuhe Houtu is the virgin of the human race, Ling Bao is the winner of the human race, and you have Pangu Blood Essence.

Then Pangu loudly waits for the saint ancestor!

The 132,000 people below shouted loudly:




With the cry of the human race, the sky thundered! Responding to the oath of the human race to be born.

Nuwa was suddenly blessed to the soul, holding good fortune cute reed, and shouting loudly:

“Heavenly Dao is on top, my Nuwa created human race today, human race is born with wisdom, as a kind of race, human race! Stand!”

Heavenly Dao responded to Nuwa’s announcement. There was a large cloud of merit gold in the sky. The golden cloud of merit was divided into four. Seventy percent landed on Nuwa, ten percent fell on the good fortune Calabash vine, and ten percent flew towards Ling Bao. Yicheng flew towards Houtu.

Ling Bao pointed at the golden cloud of merit. A successful De Jinyun belonging to Ling Bao turned and landed on Nuwa’s head. Seeing Ling Bao’s movements, Houtu also pointed at the golden cloud of merit.

The golden cloud of merit that belongs to Houtu also fell on the female snail’s head.

Nuwa originally had seven successful virtues enough to be sanctified. The nine successful virtues fell into Nuwa’s body, and Nuwa felt that his own grand purple energy was refined in an instant.

Nuwa’s momentum soared, and immediately overwhelmed the predecessor. All the creatures in the prehistoric state knew that Nuwa was sanctified by virtue of great merit.

Nuwa, with the help of merit, countless Heavenly Dao principles flashed in Nuwa’s mind, and they were all absorbed by Nuwa.

Hongmeng Ziqi is about to merge with Nuwa’s primordial spirit. Ling Bao sees that Nuwa is going to use merit to become holy. Ling Bao hurriedly used the great magical powers to confuse the magic and shouted:

-0 Seeking flowers…

“Nuwa, the three corpses testify!”

Ling Bao’s voice said that Nuwa was interrupted in the process of enlightenment, and Nuwa also broke free from Heavenly Dao with great perseverance, and then merged his own body with the body of the three corpses.

With the help of merit, Nuwa quickly integrated the three corpses together, and all the obsessions of good and evil returned to Nuwa’s body.

When the three corpses were completely combined with Nuwa, more Heavenly Dao principles flowed through Nuwa’s heart.

Ling Bao shouted with the power of his heart:

“All-out Insight Heavenly Dao!”

Nuwa’s momentum began to rise again, and Nuwa’s Cultivation Base continued to grow


Sage First Stage!

Sage Second Stage!

Sage Third Stage!

Sage Seventh Stage!

Sage Seventh Stage peak!

Finally stopped at the peak of Sage Seventh Stage, Nuwa shouted loudly:

“I am Nuwa, I am made man sanctified today, I am the Mother of the Human Race, and the Mother of the Most Good Nuwa Empress!”

After Nuwa shouted, Heavenly Dao indeed agreed with Nuwa’s announcement. A golden Phoenix carrying a golden fruit fell on top of Nuwa’s head and plunged Sage Dao Guo into Dao Nuwa’s body.

Nuwa only knew that although she had the strength of Sage just now, she did not have the reality of Sage. Now the female snail is the real Sage, the Sage of the Sage Tao fruit.

Nuwa Road:

“Today I am holy. Three hundred years later, I will open up the world again in the chaos. Anyone who is predestined can come. Then I will explain my way of Sage!”

Nuwa’s voice spread throughout the entire wilderness with the help of Heavenly Dao.

After finishing all this, Nuwa put away his aura and said to everyone:

“Ling Bao Grand Master, wait for the Holy Father for you!”

Human Race shouted loudly:

“Holy Father!”

“Holy Father!”

“Holy Father!”

The essence of Ling Bao, that is, the human flower suddenly merged with a special force. Ling Bao hurriedly sat down in the Lotus Position. The chaotic black lotus that had bloomed in the tenth rank before also cleared the tenth rank and became the treasure of Innate.

So far, Ling Bao’s three flowers are all ten third rank, surpassing the ten second rank, and three lotus seeds have officially become Innate treasures!

Suddenly at this moment, the corpse.

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