Chapter 137 Make a clone for Hou Tu [Five more automatic]

Zhu Jiuyin smiled slightly, and then said:

“Well, yes, we are brothers!”

Ling Bao said:

“You don’t have to look at the future anymore. If you see the future, maybe the future will change!’

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, Zhu Jiuyin nodded and said:

“Yes, the future is not constant!

Everyone looked at Zhu Jiuyin and Ling Bao in confusion, and Zhu Rong said to Zhu Jiuyin:

“Jiu Yin, what are you two talking about, why don’t I understand!”

Ling Bao said:

“You will understand in the future, and now it’s a good cultivation!”

Zhu Jiuyin nodded, Ling Bao said:

“Okay, I’m going to refine Magic Treasures, Hou Tu has a good injury and tell me, I’m going in!”

After speaking, Ling Bao entered the secret room and began to refine Magic Treasures, Ling Bao moved towards the future Six Paths of Reincarnation, saying:

“Huh, since it is Six Paths of Reincarnation, the “Nine Seven Three” are six Innate treasures. First refine these six Innate treasures. I don’t believe that the six Innate treasures can’t be changed into the body of the earth.

Refining the Heavenly Dao Samsara plate first, it just so happens that I can also insight into the Samsara technique!”

After talking about Ling Bao, why did you use the shape of a plate? Because this Six Paths of Reincarnation is used to perfect Heavenly Dao according to Pangu’s will.

That’s why Ling Bao practiced all the six Dao plates into the Heavenly Dao Samsara plate, Shura Dao Samsara plate, Humane Samsara plate, Brutal Dao Samsara plate, Evil Dao Samsara plate and The Underworld Dao Samsara plate.

Ling Bao burned the Heavenly Dao Samsara disk onto the Samsara law he had understood.

A thousand years later, Ling Bao successfully refined the Heavenly Dao Samsara plate from Innate, and asked Houtu again for a copy.

With the passage of time, Ling Bao finally refined all the six Innate treasures. Looking at the pale Houtu, Ling Bao felt very sorry for the Houtu. Originally wanted to use the Blood Essence of Houtu, Yuan Refining the origin of Gods and Laws.

But seeing what Houtu looked like, Ling Bao didn’t want to ask Houtu again. When the time came, he would help Houtu build Samsara, and Ling Bao would come by himself for the other things inside.

In this case, he would give the merits to Houtu. Thinking of this, Ling Bao said to Houtu:

“Okay, no more, go and heal your injuries!”

After Houtu’s six Samsara pans, he felt that the thought of making his heart palpitations disappeared. No one told this matter, just because everyone was worried.

But now Ling Bao has eliminated this feeling. It must be Ling Bao who knew about his own future and changed the future for himself.

This moved Hou Tu very much, and Hou Tu hugged Ling Bao and said:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, thank you!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Okay, silly girl, I have to say thank you, She Xie, hurry up to repair the injury!”

Houtu nodded heavily, and then went to cultivation.The other ancestor witches saw Houtu to repair their injuries.All the ancestral witches surrounded Ling Bao, and Di Jiang asked heavily:

“Brother Ling Bao, is it possible for the younger sister to fall!”

Ling Bao is not as anxious as before. Now that he has solved the problem of Houtu, he feels very relaxed, so Ling Bao faces Dijiang Dao:

“It’s okay now, there used to be this situation, but now it’s gone!

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Dijiang and the others were also relieved! But Zhu Rong still complained:

“I said Brother Ling Bao, why don’t you tell us about such a big thing? Are you still a brother?

Ling Bao smiled and asked:

“I just told you, can you solve it?”

Zhu Rong thought for a while, then Yaoyao head:

“I’m not as smart as the Ling Bao brothers, but I can be anxious!”

Zhu Jiuyin was very angry when he saw Zhu Rong playing treasures, knocked on Zhu Rong, and said:

“Don’t tremble, will it work?”

Ling Bao asked Zhu Jiu Yin:

“Brother Zhujiuyin, are your injuries healed?”

Zhu Jiu Yin said:

“Basically good!”

Ling Bao said:

“That’s good, there are still three to four thousand years, everyone should quickly cultivate and adjust their own state to the peak state of Dao. This is the last time Hongjun Daozu preached. We have to go over and see!”

Everyone nodded, Ling Bao was planning to close the door training cultivation in Pangu Hall, but Ling Bao’s communication jade talisman fluctuated.

Ling Bao opened the communication jade talisman, which was sent by Nuwa, and Nuwa said excitedly:

“Ling Bao, my three corpses are in one, where are you?”

Ling Bao said:

“I’m in Pangu Hall, you are waiting for me in Daluotian, I will go back now!”

Nuwa nodded, Ling Bao said:

“Brothers, please cultivate well, when I am about to preach, I will come and look for you!”

The eleven ancestors nodded and said:

“we know!”

Since the ancestral witches had a soul, they naturally knew the importance of Tao. All the twelve ancestral witches went to Closed Door Training and cultivation. Except for the Pangu Temple, Ling Bao entered Da Luotian with a thought and found Nuwa. Nuwa was very unhappy. Look at Ling Bao.0

Ling Bao held Nuwa in the past and talked about the Pangu Temple. The girl’s mother listened to the story of Houtu and asked Ling Bao anxiously:

“Houtu Little Sister is okay, right?”

Ling Bao shook his head and said:

“It’s nothing, it’s just an injury, just recover under His Royal Highness Pangu!”

Nuwa was relieved:

“That’s good, right, Ling Bao, I want to go for a walk!”

Ling Bao said:

“I want to see Xiyao Little Sister!”

Ling Bao thought for a while, then asked Nuwa:

“Go west to Kunlun?”

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao expectantly, then nodded, and asked Ling Bao:

“is it okay!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Well, yes, no problem!”

Nuwa was as excited as a child, rushing and saying:

“Go, let’s go now!”

Ling Bao can’t help it, but Ling Bao has been refining for so long, and the Cultivation Base has also grown a lot. It is estimated that in the remaining tens of thousands of years, “Soul Gold” will not break through the soul. Gold Core Realm will enter the soul Nascent Soul Realm.

So Ling Bao promised to go out and walk with Nuwa. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, he has been in cultivation, and he will really become an otaku without going out for 5.9.

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Let’s go!”

After speaking, Ling Bao and Nuwa left Da Luotian and walked towards West Kunlun.

The two men said to Kunlun, Lu Wu saw Nuwa and Ling Bao, and said to the two men:

“It turned out to be Empress Nuwa and Grand Master Ling Bao. Lu Wu met Empress Nuwa and Grand Master Ling Bao!”

Nuwa Road:

“Lu Wu, is your mother at home?”

Lu Wu replied:

“Yes, I’m going to report to the empress, and please two of you to wait for a while!”

Nuwa said:


After saying that Lu Wu disappeared, I went to inform Xi Yao to go

Just passed for a while

[PS: My good friend’s “Game of Special Forces: Becoming a God” is released. Those who like special forces can check it out!).

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