Chapter 119 Destroy the Loose Immortals alliance [eight more automatic]

“Brother Ling Bao, it’s over so soon, you know this is three million communication jade talisman?”

Di Jiang did not expect Ling Bao to be so fast, Ling Bao said:

“It’s all inferior Innate Ling Bao, it doesn’t take much time. This is 10 million communication jade charms, and the method of use is the same as before! Save you next time and ask me!”

Di Jiang laughed and said:

“Unexpectedly, Brother Ling Bao, your speed is really fast. Now our communication will be much more convenient. Don’t worry, I will definitely ask Erlang to help you collect various Innate refineries. That thing is of no use to us!”

Ling Bao nodded. While Di Jiang and Ling Bao were talking, Zhu Rong ran in and shouted at Di Jiang:

“Dage, it’s not good!”

Di Jiang asked Zhu Rong:

“Except for what?”

Zhu Rongdao:

“The two crows took the Yaozu to attack Sanyang Island!”

Dijiang asked:

“Brother Ling Bao, do you want me to take the brothers to help?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No, the Eastern Prince on Sanyang Island is the head of the male immortal of Hongjun Dao’s ancestors. This time we want to see what Hongjun’s attitude is this time. Besides, they are not good things. Just see what they do?”

Di Jiang waved his hand and said:

“Just hit it, as long as we don’t move our Erlang, but, Brother Ling Bao, don’t you go check it out?”

Ling Bao said:

“Of course I went to see it, how can I not see it in such a big scene?”

Dijiang Road:

“Go, let’s go and see! Ask my brothers, do you want to go?”

Zhu Rong went to find other people. These ancestral witches had been cultivated for such a long time. When they heard the excitement, they all wanted to follow. Dijiang took the ancestral witches, and Ling Bao also used to shrink the ground, and he was on the battlefield in an instant.

When Ling Bao arrived, he saw Nuwa and Fuyi, Sanqing, Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi and others all arrived.

Ling Bao looked at Dong Huang Tai coldly, Dong Huang Tai Yi looked at Ling Bao vigilantly, Ling Bao ignored Dong Huang Tai Yi, but asked Nuwa:

“Wa Wa, did that dead crow target you again/1?”

Nuwa shook his head. Ling Bao saw Nuwa shook his head and stopped saying anything. Instead, he turned to daddy and asked:

“Daddy fellow daoist, is your injury better?”

Daddy hangs the Panlong Golden Turn:

“The injury is healed, but my leg is scarred!”

The sky full of words:

“If it weren’t for the big brother, I would have to let the two crows taste my Zhuxian sword array at a disadvantage!”

The original snorted coldly and expressed his own dissatisfaction.The Eastern Emperor Tai was very frustrated.These people actually screamed crows and crows.If they were not their opponents, they would have been carrying the Eastern Emperor’s bell to annihilate them. NS.

As soon as Donghuang Tai saw that these people hadn’t come out to dissuade him, he pretended not to hear Ling Bao’s comments, but said:

“Duke Dong, I will give you another chance to submit to me and become a monster race. I will spare your life. Otherwise, you will fall here today!”

Dong Wang Duke held the dragon head crutches and yelled:

“Hmph, Donghuang Taiyi, don’t deceive people too much, I am the head of the male immortals proclaimed by Dao Ancestor Hongjun, are you not afraid of Dao Ancestor’s blame?”

Donghuang Taiyi thought about what he was outside of Zixiao Palace:

“Taozu, my emperor Taiyi feels that the great creatures are scattered in the sand, and want to form a demon clan, teach it, and ask Daozu to complete it!”

“Don’t bother me with such trivial things, wait for yourself!”

Donghuang Taiyi worships Daozu in the chaos:

“Xie Daozu!”

So Donghuang Taiyi has no fear:

“Hmph, you are just an unsanctified butterfly ant, Hongjun Daozu named you the head of the male immortal, but what you have done for this prehistoric man is just gathering tens of thousands of stragglers to swim bravely, occupy Sanyang Island, and show off your power.

It’s just short-sighted. If your Eastern Prince doesn’t take refuge in our monster clan today, then go and die! Give you ten breaths of time to consider!”

Dong Wang Duke didn’t believe Dong Huang Taiyi’s nonsense, and said proudly:

“Don’t think about it, you, the dead crow, can’t even handle one of Ling Bao Daoist’s tricks, and you still want to rule the prehistoric land, so think about it too much!”

When the Eastern Emperor Taiyi heard the words of the Eastern Prince, the Eastern Prince unexpectedly exposed his scars, and the Eastern Emperor said to the densely packed monsters behind him:

“Kill me, butcher these bastards!”

The demon clan behind Donghuang Tai rushed towards the public of Dongwang. These people have millions of demon clan. Ling Bao knows that this is not the strongest time of the demon clan, but the strongest time of the demon clan. It has a population of hundreds of billions.

It was just the beginning. The Eastern Prince looked at the monster race who was rushing over, and knew that if he tried hard, he would definitely not be the opponent, and the Eastern Prince shouted:

“Everyone listens to the orders, Bu Wanxian Great Array!”

When everyone heard the words of the Eastern Prince, they were doing well one by one in an orderly manner, and the arrangement of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array was completed. As the main formation, the Eastern Prince was attacked by the power of the controlled formation.

The power of these ten thousand people combined, each attack is equivalent to a blow of the quasi-sage power. Although there are many monsters, this quasi-sage blow is not something that these monsters can resist.

Tongtian’s eyes gleamed at the Ten Thousand Immortal Array below. Most of the people in it were Jinxian and Taiyi Realm people, and only a few were from Daluo Realm.

And the Eastern Prince is only the power of Da Luo Jinxian’s pinnacle, just using this big formation, it can exert the power of the quasi-sage Realm.

Through Heavenly Dao:

This formation is good!”


Ling Bao heard Tongtian’s words and realized that it turned out that Tongtian’s Ten Thousand Immortal Array came from this way, no wonder that later generations of Tongtian are confident that his own Wanxian Array can compete with Sage.

It turns out that confidence is here, but unfortunately, this formation really can’t compete with Sage, but Ling Bao hasn’t said for the time being, if Tongtian has a good relationship with him in the future, maybe he will mention him!

But Ling Bao still said:

“It depends on who uses it!”

Ling Bao means that the words I use are definitely better than this. Ling Bao’s perfect golden eyes can see the loopholes in the formation.

Tongtian thought that Ling Bao thought that the Eastern Prince buried the formation. As one of the three clears with the inheritance of the Pangu formation, if he used it himself, it would be the most powerful, so he nodded and said:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist is absolutely right!”

Ling Bao didn’t know what Tongtian thought, but changes had taken place on the battlefield. Eastern Emperor Taiyi saw that he had brought in troops, and the Eastern Prince had killed so many.

The Eastern Emperor shouted to the others:

“Get down and let me come!”

After talking about the Donghuangtai, he held the Donghuang bell in one hand:

“Duke Dong, I will try your Ten Thousand Immortal Array!”.

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