Chapter 116

Thirty thousand years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the blue world, Heavenly Dao Academy is full of lights and festivities, but it is not far away that Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining will be married.

Chen Xuan had already brought his disciples here, and he was now helping with the operation.

The wedding day came quietly.

Heavenly Dao College opens its doors, and its interior furnishings are graceful and luxurious.

Ji Zhen took his disciple Cao Wen to guard outside the gate, and acted as a guest singing ceremony.

“Canglan Chamber of Commerce, Chairman Cangxiong and his son Cangyu are here!”

“City Lord Tang Lian of Yuanhuang City, Blue Realm is here!”

“Miaohua Fairy, the host of the Blue Realm Duobao Building, is here!”

“Zhang Ming, the master of Yuanxiu world!”


For a while, there was a loud voice in Heavenly Dao Academy, and all forces came to Heavenly Dao Academy with precious gifts to offer blessings to the two newcomers.

In the inner courtyard, Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining were cross-dressed in red, very proud.

Tantaiyun smiled and looked very excited. Qiu Shining blushed, but his mouth was filled with a happy smile.

“Shining, today is a day of great joy for you and me. After today, you and I will be the companions of heaven and earth witnesses. I am so excited!”

Qiu Shining blushed even more by Tan Taiyun’s little love story, feeling a little at a loss.

At this moment, Chen Xuan’s resentful voice came from outside: “I said that after the two seniors, poor Dao and a group of disciples ran for money in front, you two hid in the inner courtyard. It’s really inhuman! “Chen Xuan walked in slowly, looked at Tantaiyun, and curled his lips.

Rao is Tantaiyun’s face is thick enough, and Chen Xuan’s words make a big red face, Qiu Shining is even more ashamed. However, Tan Taiyun is a cheeky after all, and hurriedly said: “Hey, Brother Chen Xuan, Brother Wing, I love you so much, but I didn’t expect that your kid would arrange a poor way on the day of my wedding. It seems like the love of the past. The points are about to end here.”

Chen Xuan is not a good stubborn, he only saw him spread his hand, and said, “Hey, a good young man, why does he have a mouth! Brother, I came here to tell you that the auspicious hour is coming, and the guests are coming. It’s almost done. It’s time for you to go out to meet people. But since the brother is busy with me and me, then I have never been here. I will go out and talk to the guests outside, saying that Tantai Yun Da Sage is busy flirting. , I have no time to take care of you, the wedding was cancelled. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you are poor or lonely. As for whether you lose your face, the poor Dao can’t control it.”

Qiu Shining was embarrassed at first, and was even more at a loss when he was troubled by Chen Xuan. He angrily squeezed the little meat on Tantaiyun’s waist and reprimanded Tantaiyun: “I’m calling you nonsense! I’m calling you nonsense! This marriage, you should marry it yourself!”

Tan Taiyun wanted to cry without tears, so he had to speak: “Senior Brother Chen Xuan, he was wrong for his brother, and he will punish himself for a while. Please also ask you to come to the front to greet the guests on behalf of your brother, and you will be there later.”

Upon seeing this, Chen Xuan stopped teasing the newcomer, and walked out of the inner courtyard with cupped hands.

As soon as Chen Xuan left, Tan Taiyun chuckled and hugged Qiu Shining in his arms. “Little cute, I dared to pinch Pang Dao in front of my junior brother. Pang Dao reinvigorated her husband today!” Tan Taiyun said while blowing heat toward Qiu Shining’s ears and necks.

“Hmm…” Qiu Shining’s eyes were blurred by Tan Taiyun’s move, and she couldn’t help but snorted, completely forgetting that he was a good fortune cultivator, and fell soft into Tan Taiyun’s arms. “Xiaoyun, don’t… there are guests outside… we… let’s go out as well…” Qiu Shining sounded like a mosquito in Tantaiyun. Said in his arms.

“Hahahaha, well, let’s go out!” Tan Taiyun laughed and hugged Qiu Shining out of the inner courtyard.

The outer courtyard is full of lights and colorful, and it is very lively. Numerous rare and precious treasures are hung in the hall to serve as embellishments, that is, the carpets are woven with fine silkworm silk, and they are luxurious.

“Yeah, the two bridegroom officials are here!” The sharp-eyed man saw the two walking out of the inner courtyard and laughed.

Tantaiyun hugged Qiu Shining and nodded to the guests. The joy on his face could not be blocked.

“Don’t hurry up and let me down!” Qiu Shining glared at Tan Taiyun, Jiao Jiao. Reluctantly, Tan Taiyun put down Qiu Shining, his face was full of meaning and still not finished.

Upon seeing this, Chen Xuan laughed and said, “Brother, if you want to hug, after the ceremony, how long do you want to hug? Now, let me put down Brother Qiu!”

All the guests burst into laughter.

Just as everyone was laughing and waiting for the auspicious time to arrive, an old man in torn clothes appeared at the door.

When the guests saw this person, they all showed their dissatisfaction, but they couldn’t say anything. After all, people are the masters, and it is the easiest to attract people to hate them.

Tan Taiyun, Qiu Shining, and Chen Xuan saw the old man, but their eyes lit up, and their faces were filled with joy. The three hurried to kneel in front of the old man: “Master!”

The guests were shocked that this dirty old beggar turned out to be the master of the three good fortune Sages of Tan Taiyun and they couldn’t help but feel a little grateful. Fortunately, he didn’t say anything vulgar.

“Hehehe, get up. Xiaoyun, Shining, you two are the protagonists today. You don’t need to be so polite. Old man, I’m just here to be a witness.”

The three got up and invited Hongzun to the main seat.

“It’s time for auspicious time, please take your seats, and the newcomers will worship heaven and earth!” Chen Xuan, as their junior and good fortune cultivator, is most suitable to be the master of ceremonies for this wedding.

When everyone heard the words, they took their seats, and Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining also stepped onto the altar hand in hand in accordance with their words.

“One tribute to the main road!” Chen Xuan saw that they stood up separately, and did not gossiping much, and went directly to the subject.

Tantaiyun and Qiu Shining knelt on the ground when they heard this, and bowed to the invisible and intangible avenue three times.

“Second worship of Master!” Chen Xuan once again sang peace after crossing the avenue.

The two turned their heads and bowed to Hongzun three more times.

“Worship husband and wife!” Tan Taiyun and Qiu Shining stood facing each other when they heard the words, with tender eyes in their eyes, and immediately worshipped deeply three times.

“Deva makes Thailand, the sun and the moon shine together, dragons and tigers roar, Luan and phoenix sound together. Witness to the avenue, ceremony! Please present gifts!” As Chen Xuan shouted, the world changed color, and the sound of the Taoism sounded, as if proclaiming This marriage is established.

After hearing the words, everyone did not neglect, and offered their own congratulations one after another.

After the other guests gave their own gifts, Yang Mei stepped forward and took out a brocade box. “Dantai fellow daoist, Qiu fellow daoist, this is a wedding gift prepared by the poor Taoist for the two of you. Please also fellow daoist not to despise the gift.” Yang Mei said with a smile.

“Where is Yangmei fellow daoist, if you can come, this burrow of Poor Dao is so splendid, how can you dislike the gift of fellow daoist?” Tan Taiyun said with a smile.

He opened the brocade box casually, and the six-color light came out from it. Suddenly, the entire Great Hall was filled with six-color light, and there was a strange fragrance permeating it.

Everyone exclaimed: “This…this is…”

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