Chapter 113

In the predicament, in Zixiao Palace, Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes. He sent a message to Sanqing: “Hurry up to the predominant fetal membrane, Master is back!” He turned into a streamer and appeared in the predominantly fetal membrane.

Sanqing was pursuing repairs in their respective dojos. Suddenly received a call from Hongjun, he was overjoyed and quickly got up and headed towards the border of the wild. Not long after, Sanqing and Hongjun met Chen Xuan at Honghuang’s fetal membrane.

“Disciple Hongjun respectfully welcomes the master’s dharma!”

“Disciples Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing respectfully welcome Master Fajia!”

When Chen Xuan saw the four disciples of own, the tough Dao heart also rippled. I don’t have much time to teach them, but I still respect myself so much that I have to rush here to greet me even when I come back.

“Okay, good disciple, get up quickly!” Chen Xuan waved his hand to help the four kneeling on the ground. “Yes, you have not slackened since you left Honghuang as a teacher, and I am very pleased to be a teacher.”

Chen Xuan saw the four Cultivation Base Realm at a glance.

Hongjun was helped by Heavenly Dao. When he came back last time, he was already Realm in the late stage of Avenue Sage, and now it is only a short distance from the peak of Avenue Sage.

Sanqing inherited from Pangu, and its background is quite good. After these years of exploration, it has now stepped into the main road Sage Realm.

Hongjun and Sanqing surrounded Chen Xuan, just like no grown-up children, completely fading the appearance of a majestic power.

“Master, will you leave this time?”

“Master, what Realm are you now?”


They were not chatting with Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan was very happy, looking at them as if he had seen his own blood heirs. However, Chen Xuan still had a stern face: “Okay, what’s it like to be twittering. Didn’t you see that there is a senior next to Master.”

Suddenly, Hongjun and Sanqing calmed down and turned to look at Yang Mei.

“Hongjun fellow daoist, farewell from chaos, endless years have passed.” Yang Mei sighed.

Hongjun looked at Yang Mei with mixed feelings in his heart. At the beginning, when the world had not opened, Yang Mei was in charge of the Great Avenue of Space. He was the head teacher, and his strength was different. Yang Mei was a elusive existence for him, but he could still be regarded as a person of his generation. Now that the Chaos Gods and Magic Clubs are no longer there, goodbye to the old people, naturally there are various feelings in my heart.

“Hongjun has met Yang Mei senior.” Hongjun is now Chen Xuan’s disciple, but Yang Mei is commensurate with Chen Xuan fellow daoist, Hongjun naturally also has the Junior gift.

“You and I were both born in the chaos, each mastering the same avenue, which is considered to be the same generation. Although you have joined the fellow daoist of Chen Xuan, you and I should be treated as equals.” Yang Mei smiled lightly.

A look of astonishment flashed across Hongjun’s face, and said, “The senior has proved Xiaoyao, Hongjun dare not be worthy of the senior fellow daoist.” Hongjun did not expect that Yang Mei would intersect with himself. Although Hongjun is only the late stage Cultivation Base of Dao Sage, his vision is extraordinary because of his fit Heavenly Dao. It can be seen that both Chen Xuan and Yang Mei have achieved Realm on Dao Sage.

Chen Xuan smiled faintly: “Disciple, since fellow daoist Yang Mei has spoken, you should accept it.”

When Hongjun heard the words, he respectfully saluted, and said: “Yes, Hongjun obeyed.” Turning his head and hitting Yang Mei as an inspector: “Hongjun has seen Yang Mei fellow daoist.”

Sanqing also stepped forward to meet Yang Mei: “Junior Taiqing, Yuqing and Shangqing pay respects to Yang Mei senior.”

“This is the Sanqing that Pangu fellow daoist primordial spirit has transformed. Yes, it has the style of Pangu fellow daoist.” Yang Mei and Pangu are also very familiar with each other, and naturally feel the breath of Pangu in Sanqing. See their Cultivation Base It has also reached the Avenue Sage Realm, and he does not hesitate to praise.

“Senior passed the award. The three of Junior have only inherited the legacy of Father Pangu. Without the careful guidance of the master, Junior is far from reaching such a Realm.” Sanqing is humble, not because Yang Mei praised them. Sentence will be complacent.

“Okay, let’s go to Zhoushan. I haven’t preached to you for a long time, so I will take advantage of this time to come back and tell you one more time.” Chen Xuan said indifferently, and came with Yang Mei. Arrived at Buzhou Mountain.

After hearing the words, everyone did not dare to neglect, and hurried to Buzhou Mountain.

“The deity Chen Xuan will preach with Yang Mei fellow daoist in Buzhou Mountain after a thousand years. Any Sage Realm cultivator can come and listen to it.” On Buzhou Mountain, Chen Xuan’s lips moved slightly, and his voice spread throughout the wild.

The major Sages in the predicament quickly got up from their respective dojos and flew towards Buzhou Mountain.

Thousands of years have passed, and Chen Xuan’s thatched house on the top of the mountain is full of Sage in the wild. Hongjun and Sanqing sat at the forefront, followed by Hongjun’s seven disciples, and behind them were Sage, who later achieved Sage’s Tao fruit.

The crowd sat in jeopardy, waiting for Chen Xuan to speak.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan and Yang Mei appeared out of thin air, sitting high on the cloud bed.

“Meet Master! Meet Yang Mei senior!”

“Meet Master! Meet Yang Mei senior!”

“Meet Tianzun! Meet Yang Mei senior!”

“Get up all,” Chen Xuan said lightly. “Since Pangu god-tier opened up the world for countless years, Sages have emerged from the prehistoric land to jointly maintain the development of the prehistoric land. I am very relieved. However, there is a sky outside the world. Sage is only a new starting point for practice in the three thousand worlds. Some time ago. Today, everyone has seen the crisis of the great famine, that is, there are many Dao Sages. Therefore, today, the poor Dao brings Yangmei Fellow Daoist to preach for thousands of years. With the strongest heritage, you must listen carefully.”

“Respect the decree!” everyone worshiped.

Chen Xuan waved his hand so that everyone didn’t have to be polite, and started talking.

Sage’s preaching is accompanied by visions, let alone Chen Xuan, who is a good fortune preacher? For a time, visions appeared everywhere in the prehistoric places, surrounded by purple qi, and a mortal only needed one strand to earn three thousand lifespans; a natural golden lotus and one cultivator could increase the Cultivation Base for ten thousand years. Chen Xuan’s lips flicked, and the sound of the sky filled the sky, turning them into the most superficial and effective explanation, digging into the body of these Sages.

Suddenly, Sage’s Taoism is one step closer, and he can be promoted to first-level only by absorbing Spiritual Qi. Upon seeing this, Chen Xuan waved his hand to invite the endless chaos Spiritual Qi, transformed into Xiantian Spiritual Qi, and was absorbed by these Sages.

Upon seeing this, Yang Mei separated a ray of Dao intent, mixed in the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, tempering the Dao body of these Sages.

Chen Xuan preached for thousands of years. In these thousand years, Sage has made rapid progress. With this sermon, Hongjun successfully broke through the peak of Dao Sage; Sanqing also took a step forward and reached the middle stage of Dao Sage. People like Nuwa, Houtu, etc. have all reached the Realm at the peak of Heavenly Dao Sage. Only after the Magic power Cultivation Base takes one step further, they can successfully break through to the Avenue Sage Realm.

“Come here for this preaching. If you have any doubts in the future, you can ask. Let’s go.” Chen Xuan’s voice suddenly rang in the ears of Sage.

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